Quantum mechanic

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Revision as of 23:54, 18 March 2008 by Kalon (talk | contribs) (Added note about being non-human (for cannibalism))
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A quantum mechanic is a monster that can, if it hits you, possibly teleport you to a random position on the current level. There is a 5% chance that it carries a large box[1] containing a housecat named Schrödinger's cat, which is both alive and dead at the same time. The state of the cat is not determined until the box is opened. Upon opening the box, the cat has a 50% chance of dead and a 50% chance of being alive. There is nothing special about this cat; it is just a silly physics joke.

Eating a quantum mechanic corpse will grant intrinsic speed. If you already have intrinsic speed, however, you will lose it, so be careful! Quantum mechanics are not consdered human (or any other playable race for that matter) so you won't suffer the effects of cannibalism.

Encyclopedia entry

These creatures are not native to this universe; they seem
to have strangely derived powers, and unknown motives.
