Moloch's Sanctum

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Revision as of 12:47, 6 July 2006 by ZeroOne (talk | contribs) (The Sanctum done quick: non-teleport level link, Category:Dungeon levels)
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Moloch's Sanctum is a special dungeon level. It is always the lowest dungeon level; to enter it you must perform the invocation. This is the level that contains the real Amulet of Yendor. The map looks like:

               |............|             -------
         -------............-----         |.....|
         |......................|         --.....|            ---------
      ----....^^^^^^^^^^^.......---------|......----         |.......|
      |.......^---------^.........|......+.........|     ------+---..|
    ---.......^|.......|^.........--+----|....A....|     |........|..|
    |.........^|..._...|^............|   |.........------|..----------
    |.........^|...B...|^.........----   |..........|....|..|......|
    |.........^|.......|^.........|      --.......----+-------+--..|
    |.........^---------^.........|       |.......|.............|..|
    ---.......^^^^^^^^^^^.........|       -----+-------+---------+---
      |...........................|          |...| |......|   |....---
      ----.....................----          |...---....---  ---......|
         |.....................|             |..........|    |..<..----
         -------...........-----             --...-------    |.....|
               |...........|                  |...|          |.....|
               -------------                  -----          -------

The room marked with an A is a graveyard. The room marked with a B is the temple housing the high priest of Moloch carrying the Amulet of Yendor. The entrance to the temple is a secret door randomly placed on one of the four walls (but never a corner). Zap a wand of secret door of detection or apply The Bell of Opening on each wall to find the door. In a pinch you could also use a stethoscope, or worse, search with the s command. The traps surrounding the temple are fire traps.

The Sanctum done quick

The Sanctum is a non-teleport level, but that doesn't prevent you from levelporting (either in or out). As soon as you finish the invocation you can levelport into the Sanctum (you do not even need to have entered it previously); you'll land somewhere randomly in the level (perhaps even in the temple!). Once you grab the Amulet of Yendor you will not be able to levelport. However, if you quaff a cursed potion of gain level you can leave the level as quickly as you came into it.

If you must traverse any part of the Sanctum, you should consider jumping. Using a light source of some kind is nearly mandatory because most of the level is unlit.