The Eye of the Beholder

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%   The Eye of the Beholder   (No tile)
Base item eyeball
Affiliation neutral
When carried (none)
When used (none)
When invoked see text
Base price 500 zm
Weight 1

The Eye of the Beholder is the reward for the Neutral Quest in SLASH'EM, along with the Key of Neutrality. It provides no effects when carried or wielded, but has some (rather nasty) effects when invoked. Eating it will cause you to 'feel a burning inside' and take 150-199 points of damage, so that is probably a bad idea. The game will ask for confirmation, though. If you should survive eating the Eye, it provides 10 nutrition.


As with the other two alignment quest artifacts, you must kill the Beholder in such a manner as to leave a corpse in order to obtain the Eye.


Invoking the Eye has two possible effects: If your luck is less than -9, then

"The Eye turns on you!"

and you die instantly.[1] Else,

"The Eye looks around with its icy gaze!"

and all non-undead monsters in lit area in line of sight are reduced to 1/3 of their remaining hitpoints[2]. This will never kill any monsters directly. Note that this affects pets, peaceful monsters, and hostile monsters equally. Surprisingly, it will not reduce tameness or anger peacefuls. Invoking the Eye has the further effect of reducing your alignment record and Luck by 3 each.


In general, this is the weakest of the alignment quest artifacts, given that it has no use other than its invocation, which is a somewhat mixed effect at best. Still, it could be useful for clearing out special rooms such as zoos and throne rooms, although one should make sure to light up the room beforehand.
