Forum:VoR's Hallucinatory Bestiary

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Revision as of 09:54, 1 August 2019 by Wikid (talk | contribs) (Lost my nerve)
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I'm quite keen to see how far I can take this

Wikid (talk) 06:45, 30 July 2019 (UTC)

You know what would be cool? If you could give stats that those monsters might have if they existed, because I'm developing a variant that will implement (almost) any monster idea no matter how silly ;) --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 06:05, 31 July 2019 (UTC)

Ha! You realise you have been part of the target audience for this project, a tiny fanfic tribute to Slash 'Em Extended :-) Anyhow, I guess with stats we're looking for something like the table here? Trouble is, it's guesswork for me with a lot of this, especially the difficulty, level, and XP value. Guidance is welcomed. Veal curries and Phone zombies on offer :-) Wikid (talk) 09:44, 31 July 2019 (UTC)

Oh great! Yeah it doesn't have to be exact stats actually, just stuff like monster glyph (unless it's obvious, e.g. in the cases of the colored unicorns I already know they'd be 'u' and the color is in their name :D), maybe their main attacks and other specialties. For example: "phone zombie: level 20 gray Z that can gate in demons (basically "call them with their phone"); veal curry: level 13 orange % that breathes fire and also conveys fire resistance when eaten". I'd then use my artistic license to fill in the rest of the monst.c entries :D Many thanks, I *really* like your idea! --Bluescreenofdeath (talk) 11:30, 31 July 2019 (UTC)

Super - what I'll do is keep this page as an index, and link to category pages for the descriptors. Thanks for encouragement! I was planning to make the veal currie more electric than fiery though (Valkyrie spin-off). Phone zombies are blind and invisible (mainly invisible because they think they are); collision with a phone zombie has a chance of summoning the Kops. :-) Wikid (talk) 09:24, 1 August 2019 (UTC)

I decided in the end to not take the content to the page VoR's Hallucinatory Bestiary. Because I am worried that the posting of hallucinatory content in the main Wiki will draw the ire of the Wiki Mods. Even though one day it will ALL be REAL. Wikid (talk) 09:54, 1 August 2019 (UTC)

Beyond The Realms of Moral Possibility

orange unicorn

blue unicorn

brown unicorn

rainbow unicorn

ultraviolet unicorn

xray unicorn

yellow unicorn

pink unicorn

spotted unicorn

lesser spotted unicorn

moral hazard

moral event horizon


1812 Overture


filth beatle


Nethack Stuff




highest priestest

purple ampersand

agony ant

funky monkey

DIElithium crystal

phone zombie


fries with that

carnivorous lentil

Happy Meal™

veal currie


Grand Moff



Random Set

atomic budgie

round tuit

winning ticket

bobbie on the beat

protest vote

registered trademark

consequence of your insouciance

perfidious Albion

hypotonic saline infusion

sinking feeling

moment of clarity

apologetic customer


polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

tropical sunset

coefficient of friction


The Thing

Das Ding

Thing 1

Thing 2

Wild Thing

Thing That Should Not Be

