Hack'EM Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions for Hack'EM

Q: Is Dragonbane the same as Evil A: Yes.

Q: Do thrones have usual vanilla behaviour? A: No - new behavior has been inherited from EvilHack. Before (in vanilla), if the players luck was 0 or greater, they had a 7.5% chance of getting a wish from sitting on a throne - now it's closer to 1.5%. If the player doesn't get a wish, other good things can happen instead, including gaining permanent see invisible intrinsic. Once the player is granted a wish from a throne, the throne is guaranteed to disappear.

Q: How does artifact wishing work in Hack'EM? A: The same as in EvilHack. "Instead of being based off of how many artifacts exist in the game total (vanilla NetHack method), success is based off of how many artifacts the player has wished for (successful or not). Another significant difference, is that the odds are high that when an artifact is wished for, it comes with its owner, and the owner is none too happy about it." [[1]]

Q: Is Vecna the version from SLASH'EM or EvilHack? A: The EvilHack version - you will still have to defeat Vecna to annhilhilate/genocide Liches

Q: I found a really cheap scroll in a shop, but scrolls of identify are already known, what is it? A: Scroll of Knowledge!

Q: Do healing spells only damage zombies or all other undead too? A: Just zombies

Q: I started to wither but a mummy did not hit me, what's happening? A: It's likely you were carrying a cursed potion of regeneration and it broke - this will cause temporary withering.

Q: Why do I "feel guilty" when killing a shopkeeper as a chaotic? A: Shopkeepers are generated as always peaceful, you will receive an alignment penalty for killing one no matter what your alignment is.

Q: Is a dirty rag always a poisonous cloak? A: No - the dirty rag is just one of the randomized appearances a special cloak can take.

Q: Are potions of amnesia always sparkling (like in SLASH'EM)? A: No. Now the sparkling potion is just another randomized appearance. To avoid quaffing a full potion, you can either pour potions down sinks to test them by breathing their vapors.

Q: is it safe to drop potions while you are flying.. i know doing this while leviation would break them, but never tried it with flying A: Yes, flying is different from levitation in that dropping items acts the same as when you are on the ground.

Q: Can vampires drink booze for nutrition? A: Yes.

Q: Does squeezing into a bolder in sokoban produces a luck penalty? A: Yes

Q: Does picking up boulders as a giant penalize your luck? A: Yes - in fact, giants get double the luck penalty of other races because it's so easy for them to do it.

Q: Can I use bag of rats as a usual bag after it's empty? A: Yes.

Q: Can you drown in sewage? A: No. Sewage is similar to puddles (it will rust your metallic boots) but it also slows you for a few turns after leaving it.

Q: Why isn't my tonal instrument working with Grund's Stronghold drawbridge? A: the passtune only works on the castle drawbridge

Q: If i use a scroll of cloning on a very corroded ring will it clone a new one that is in free of corrosion? A: No. The item that is cloned will copy the erosion levels as well.

Q: Why are things waking up when I have stealth? A: This is normal with EvilHack style stealth, you "break" the stealth by attacking.

Q: Why do I only have 50% resistance to [fire/cold/etc] when I know I achieved 100% already? A: There might be a few causes to this. 1) You might be subject to the Vulnerability spell from a hostile spellcaster. This halves your resistance for a while. 2) You might be a vampiric race, who can only gain 50% max resistance to fire. 3) You might be a fire mage, who can only gain 50% max resistance to cold. 4) You might be an ice mage, who can only gain 50% max resistance to fire.

Q: Why are red tiles appearing after I kill something? A: That is blood. Bloody tiles don't have any effect on gameplay except to make the dungeon more colorful.

Q: What does a potion of invulnernability protect you from? A: Invulnerability protects against HP loss, beheading, bisection, explosions, digestion, disease attacks, psionic wave, sinking into lava, death rays, and disintegration rays. But currently not drain life attacks.