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Nutrition is essential for keeping your character alive. Too little and you starve; too much and you choke.

Sources of nutrition

Comestibles are the main source of nutrition. Eating one ([e]) increases your nutrition (equivalently, decreases your hunger) by a set amount. For example, a food ration grants 800 units of nutrition.

Wraith corpses can be eaten, but provide zero nutrition. It is nevertheless possible to choke on them. (Wraith corpses cause the player to gain a level).

Hunger status

On the status line, your hunger is displayed if you are anything other than "Not hungry". The following table lists the hunger states and the corresponding amount of nutrition remaining.

Nutrition Hunger
2000 or more Oversatiated
1000 or more Satiated
150 to 999 Not hungry
50 to 149 Hungry
0 to 49 Weak
Below zero Fainting
Below minimum Starved to death

The minimum in the table above is -200-(20*Con). For a Con:18 character, that's -560.

If your nutrition is 1500 or more[1], you may get a warning that you're having a hard time getting the food down. If you continue to eat, you risk choking to death. You cannot choke to death unless you are already satiated, but if you are, you won't always get a warning. You cannot choke to death if wearing an amulet of magical breathing - instead you will "stuff yourself, then vomit voluminously", losing 1000 points of nutrition.

If you consume any food (even a zero-nutrition wraith corpse) while oversatiated, you immediately choke to death.

While weak, your strength is decreased. While fainted, you are vulnerable to attack as if paralysed. Being satiated abuses dexterity for all classes, and wisdom for Monks only.

Losing nutrition

Every turn[2], you lose one point of nutrition, unless you are wearing a ring of slow digestion. Every twenty turns, you lose one point of nutrition for each ring you wear (the turn that this is calculated is different for your left and right hands). Some rings (namely conflict, hunger, and regeneration) grant intrinsics that have a far harsher hunger penalty, which is one point of nutrition every second turn. Every twenty turns, you lose one point of nutrition if you're wearing an amulet. Also, every twenty turns, you lose one point of nutrition if you're carrying the Amulet of Yendor.

Jumping incurs a 1d25 hunger penalty, regardless of its source.[3]

Spellcasting without hungerless casting or reduced-hunger casting (both of which are granted only to high-intelligence wizards) incurs a hunger penalty. The base penalty is ten times the level of the spell you're casting.[4] Spellcasting with the Amulet of Yendor incurs an additional d(spell level * 4) hunger penalty (which is also affected by wizard hunger reduction).[5]

Being Stressed or worse incurs a point of nutrition every odd-numbered turn.[6]

Source code references

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A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"There is much more info in food-343.txt which needs incorporating here and elsewhere."