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Revision as of 18:52, 22 November 2007 by Kahran042 (talk | contribs) (New randomized appearances)
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Item Symbol Base type Notes
Bat from Hell ) Baseball bat Chaotic. First sacrifice gift for Rogues. +3 to hit and +20 to damage.
Deathsword ) Two-handed sword Second sacrifice gift for Barbarians. +5 to hit and +14 to damage against humans.
Deep Freeze ) Athame First sacrifice gift for Ice Mages. +5 to hit and +5 to damage unless enemy is cold-resistant. Confers cold resistance.
Deluder ] Cloak of displacement Neutral. Second sacrifice gift for Wizards. Acts as a luckstone when carried. Confers stealth when worn.
Disrupter ) Mace First sacrifice gift for Priests. +5 to hit and +30 to damage against undead.
Doomblade ) Orcish short sword Chaotic. Deals 10 additional damage, with a 25% chance of adding 5*d4.
Elfrist ) Orcish spear Chaotic. +5 to hit and +15 to damage against elves and drow, with a 15% chance of cancelling said creatures.
Gauntlets of Defense ] Gauntlets of dexterity First sacrifice gift for Monks. When worn, halve damage from physical attacks and increase dexterity. When invoked, toggle invisibility.
Hellfire ) Crossbow Chaotic. Confers fire resistance. +5 to hit and +7 to damage per bolt. When crossbow bolts fired from Hellfire hit a monster, they explode for 2d6 fire damage.
Holy Spear of Light ) Silver spear Lawful. Illuminates area when carried. Can be invoked to create light and damage undead and demons. +5 to hit and +10 to damage against undead.
Houchou ) Spoon Chaotic. Instantly kills any monster it hits, but is destroyed in the process.
Luckblade ) Short sword Neutral. Acts as a luckstone. +5 to hit and +5 to damage.
Mirrorbright ] Shield of reflection Neutral. Confers hallucination resistance.
Plague ) Dark elven bow Chaotic. Confers poison resistance. +5 to hit and +7 to damage per arrow. Arrows fired from Plague are automatically poisoned.
Quick Blade ) Elven short sword Lawful. +9 to hit and +2 to damage.
Reaper ) Halberd Lawful. +5 to hit and +20 to damage while mounted. Second sacrifice gift for Yeomen.
Serpent's Tongue ) Dagger Chaotic. First sacrifice gift for Necromancers. +2 to hit and 2x damage. Does extra damage to monsters without poison resistance, including a 10% chance of instakill.
Skullcrusher ) Club Lawful. +3 to hit and +10 to damage. First sacrifice gift for Cavemen.
Sword of Balance ) Silver short sword Neutral. +2 to hit and +5 to damage against lawful and chaotic monsters.
Sword of Justice ) Long sword Lawful. +5 to hit and +2 to damage against neutral and chaotic monsters.
Thiefbane ) Long sword Chaotic. Wielded by One-Eyed Sam, owner of the Black Market. +5 to hit and +1 to damage against @s, with a 10% chance of beheading the monster and a 15% chance of cancelling it.
Wallet of Perseus ( Bag of holding Has a greater capacity than a normal bag of holding.
Werebane ) Silver saber +5 to hit and +2 to damage against werecreatures, with a 15% chance of cancelling them.
Whisperfeet ] Speed boots Neutral. First sacrifice gift for Tourists. Acts as a luckstone. Confers stealth when worn.
Candle of Eternal Flame ( Magic candle Flame Mage quest artifact. Confers warning, teleport control, and cold resistance when carried. Summons a tame fire elemental when invoked.
Storm Whistle ( Magic whistle Ice Mage quest artifact. Confers warning, teleport control, and cold resistance when carried. Summons a tame water elemental when invoked.
Great Dagger of Glaurgnaa ) Great dagger Necromancer quest artifact. Chaotic. +8 to hit and +4 to damage against lawful and neutral monsters. Drains levels. When invoked, boosts spell energy.
Stake of Van Helsing ) Wooden stake Undead Slayer quest artifact. Confers magic resistance when carried. +5 to hit and +12 damage. 10% chance of instantly killing vampires and vampire bats.
Crown of Saint Edward ] Helm of telepathy Yeoman quest artifact. Lawful. Confers magic resistance and halves damage from spells when carried.
Nighthorn ( Unicorn horn Lawful. Confers reflection when carried. Acquired by killing Nightmare on the Lawful Quest. Generated cursed and +0.
Eye of the Beholder % Eyeball Neutral. Does 150-199 damage when eaten. When invoked, instant death if the player's luck is less than -9, and otherwise reduces all non-undead monsters in the Eye's line of sight to 1/3 of their remaining HP. Invoking the Eye reduces the player's alignment and luck by 3 each.
Hand of Vecna % Severed hand Chaotic. Does 150-199 damage when eaten. When invoked, does 5-24 damage if the player's luck is less than -9, and otherwise summons 4-7 tame graveyard creatures. Invoking the Hand reduces the player's alignment and luck by 3 each.
Key of Law ( Skeleton key Lawful. Can open the indestructible doors in Vlad's tower.
Key of Neutrality ( Skeleton key Neutral. Can open the indestructible doors in Vlad's tower.
Key of Chaos ( Skeleton key Chaotic. Can open the indestructible doors in Vlad's tower.


Item Symbol Unidentified appearance Notes
Dark elven dagger ) Black runed dagger
Wooden stake ) N/A Does extra damage to vampires, with a chance of instakilling them.
Silver short sword ) N/A
Dark elven short sword ) Black runed short sword
Silver long sword ) N/A
Rapier ) N/A
Fly swatter ) N/A Only weapon in the "paddle" category
Silver mace ) N/A
Heavy hammer ) N/A New base item for Mjollnir.
Dark elven bow ) Black runed bow
Dark elven arrow ) Black runed arrow
Pistol ) N/A
Submachine gun ) N/A
Heavy machine gun ) N/A
Rifle ) N/A
Assault rifle ) N/A
Sniper rifle ) N/A
Shotgun ) N/A
Auto shotgun ) N/A
Rocket launcher ) N/A
Grenade launcher ) N/A
Bullet ) N/A For use with pistols, submachine guns, heavy machine guns, rifles, assault rifles, and sniper rifles.
Silver bullet ) N/A For use with pistols, submachine guns, heavy machine guns, rifles, assault rifles, and sniper rifles.
Shotgun shell ) N/A For use with shotguns and auto shotguns.
Rocket ) N/A For use with rocket launchers.
Frag grenade ) N/A Can be armed and thrown normally, or fired from a grenade launcher. Does fire damage.
Gas grenade ) N/A Can be armed and thrown normally, or fired from a grenade launcher. Does poison gas damage.
Stick of dynamite ) Red stick


Item Symbol Unidentified appearance Notes
Dark elven mithril-coat [ N/A
Robe of protection [[[[ Random
Robe of power [[[[ Random Increases spellcasting ability.
Robe of weakness [[[[ Random Sets strength to 3.
Shimmering dragon scales [ Grants displacement.
Deep dragon scales [ Grants level drain resistance.
Shimmering dragon scale mail [ Grants displacement.
Deep dragon scale mail [ Grants level drain resistance.
Lab coat [ White coat Grants poison and acid resistance.
Poisonous cloak [[[[ Randomized Poisons wearer, unless poison-resistant.
Gauntlets of swimming [ Randomized Grants wearer swimming ability.

New randomized appearances

Due to the many new items in SLASH'EM, new randomized appearances were added. These are:

  • Robe:
    • Red robe [
    • Blue robe [
    • Green robe [
    • Orange robe [
  • Cloak:
    • Dirty rag [
  • Gauntlets:
    • Black gloves [
  • Rings:
    • Ridged (can be eaten by metallivores) {{{1}}}
    • Obsidian {{{1}}}
    • Plain {{{1}}}
    • Glass {{{1}}}
  • Amulets:
    • Warped "
    • Convex "
    • Lunate "
  • Potions:
    • Luminescent !
    • Muddy !
    • Icy !
  • Spellbooks:
    • Dark +
    • Black +
    • Wide +
    • Big +
    • Fuzzy +
    • Deep +
    • Spotted +
    • Long +
    • Torn +
    • Ochre +
    • Canvas +
    • Hardcover +
    • Rainbow +
    • Tattered +
    • Colorful +
    • Tartan +
    • Stylish +
    • Psychedelic +
    • Spiral-bound +
    • Left-handed +
    • Stapled +
    • Plain +
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