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A corpse is the body of a dead monster. It is a very common comestible. Some monsters never drop corpses, while others may sometimes do so. trolls are an exception and always drop corpses.

Some monsters drop poisonous corpses. These should be avoided unless one has poison resistance. Examples of poisonous corpses include kobolds, killer bees, etc. Dogs and cats will instinctively avoid poisonous species. As a rule, if your pet will eat it so can you. Pets however eat tripe rations, dog, and cat corpses. These aren't for human consumption.

Corpses must be eaten when fresh because they rot within a few moves of kill. fungus and lizard corpses are an exception and don't rot. A cooler or Tinning kit can be used to prevent rotting and preserve corpses for later use. Eating a rotten corpse results in food poisoning. A eucalyptus leaf is the antidote to this fatal condition.

The corpses of yellow and purple fungi are hallucinogenic. Some claim that shriekers are hallucinogenic; this is incorrect.

You are what you eat.

Eat these corpses

  • wraith (level up)
  • giant (strength up)
  • mind flayer (intelligence up or gain the telepathy intrinsic)
  • floating eye (you get the telepathy intrinsic)
  • quantum mechanic (you get the speed intrinsic if you don't already have it, but lose it if you do)
  • blobs, jellies, fungi (F), gelatinous cubes and puddings (often hurts you a little, but a good way to gain intrinsics if you are observing vegan/vegetarian conduct. black puddings are not vegetarian. don't eat yellow fungi unless you can unhallucinate yourself.)
  • lizard (if needed; cures stoning, lowers stun + confusion to two rounds, will not rot)
  • unicorn (only eat unicorns that are not of your alignment, you can gain poison resistance, and help your alignment. these are also very good for sacrificing as well.)
  • dragon (gain intrinsics that that dragon has, so red dragons give fire resistance, black dragons give disintegration resistance, green dragons give poison resistance, etc)

Don't eat these corpses

  • kobolds (poisons you, okay for poison resistant characters like orcs, barbarians)
  • bats and stalkers (stuns you for a while)
  • mimics (you can't move for a while)
  • cockatrice, chickatrice, Death, Famine, Pestilence (you die)
  • green slimes (slimes you)
  • your own race (cannibalism gives you the aggravate monster intrinsic unless you're a caveman or orc)
  • cats and dogs (gods don't like it, okay if you're a caveman or orc)
  • werecreatures (you become one, considered cannibalism for humans)
  • leprecauns, nymphs and tengus (you gain teleportitis, which unless you have teleport control, is very annoying because it makes you teleport to random places at random times. tengus can also grant teleport control.)