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Revision as of 01:38, 3 September 2008 by Glisignoli (talk | contribs) (My games)
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Welcome to my page

Hi there, I'm not new to nethack but I have never assended. This is usaly due to silly mistakes (like zapping a random monster with a wand of death, and then finding out the hard way that yes, his amulet was a amulet of reflection).

My games

--Ha! Showed you! 01:38, 3 September 2008 (UTC)G: Managed to get into the gnomish mines with all sorts of goodies on my lvl 8(or 9?) valkyre. Then I steped into a random polymorph trap. So now i'm a vampire bat crushed under the weight of what i was carrying. I remove my goodies. I'm stunned so I amble around till I come face to face with a cockatrice. "Uh oh". I try to run away, forgetting I am stunned and try to bite a cockatrice. I turn to stone and silently cry. I also tried to pray to my god as soon as I was polymorphed. But he was still angry at my for sacrificing the wrong type of unicorn at his altar.

Shout here!