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Revision as of 00:34, 6 October 2008 by Glisignoli (talk | contribs) (My games)
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Welcome to my page

Hi there, I'm not new to nethack but I have never assended. This is usaly due to silly mistakes (like zapping a random monster with a wand of death, and then finding out the hard way that yes, his amulet was a amulet of reflection).

My games

--Ha! Showed you! 00:34, 6 October 2008 (UTC) G: I just had an bad close call in nethack Have all these rings and just found a wand of polymorph, so I drop everything else I have and put on a ring of polyconrol. Then zap myself, turning into a Xorn "e" "c"..... "Your wand of polymorph tastes good". FUCK

--Ha! Showed you! 01:40, 10 September 2008 (UTC) G: Had a nice game going, Wizard had eaten 2xGiant corpses at the end of the mines. Pet dog had stepped into a polymorph trap at and was turned into a baby gray dragon, grew into a adult dragon. Didn't have much ac though, which kind of matters when you forget to take your ring of conflict off and your dragon eats you in 1 turn.

--Ha! Showed you! 02:27, 8 September 2008 (UTC) G: I started about 3 games today, ALL of them with an elven wizard who dies in the mines. Now, I could use a gnome, but I want to sacrifice corpses in minetown to get some good stuff from my god. *Sigh*. Last game I had alot of nice stuff, except I fell onto a trap door, took one step, stood on a magic trap. Was blinded and surrounded by monsters and died. POO!

--Ha! Showed you! 10:31, 5 September 2008 (UTC) G: Hmmm it turns out that a goblin with a cursed dagger can throw it at you. Then, when you assume that its safe to use it as a weapon it will weld itself to your hand. Bad, bad dagger.

--Ha! Showed you! 01:57, 3 September 2008 (UTC) G: Yay lets start a new game: good ol wizzard never fails. Level3, huh never seen Conical hat before, oh well my pet wasn't reluctant to step on it. Must be safe to put on. DUhhH WhAt HaPPeNED! ME nO sMart AnYMoar! YoU baD caT YoU DIE NoW!

--Ha! Showed you! 01:38, 3 September 2008 (UTC)G: Managed to get into the gnomish mines with all sorts of goodies on my lvl 8(or 9?) valkyre. Then I steped into a random polymorph trap. So now i'm a vampire bat crushed under the weight of what i was carrying. I remove my goodies. I'm stunned so I amble around till I come face to face with a cockatrice. "Uh oh". I try to run away, forgetting I am stunned and try to bite a cockatrice. I turn to stone and silently cry. I also tried to pray to my god as soon as I was polymorphed. But he was still angry at my for sacrificing the wrong type of unicorn at his altar.

Shout here!