Ring of hunger
Wearing a ring of hunger conveys the hunger intrinsic, which causes you to burn nutrition very quickly; every even-numbered turn your nutrition is decremented.
Dropping a ring of hunger into a sink produces the message, "Suddenly, <item> vanishes from the sink!" but only if there's another item on the sink. Otherwise, "You hear the ring bouncing down the drain pipe."
The ring of hunger is not an entirely useless ring, but can be replaced by two much better rings when one needs it. If, for example, one wanted to eat multiple giant corpses without an Amulet of magical breathing, this would be one ring to put on, as it would make you get hungry 50% faster. However, the ring of regeneration and the ring of conflict do this as well, are not usually generated cursed, and actually do something useful, making this ring primarily used as polyfodder.