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Below is the full text to dokick.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/dokick.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)dokick.c	3.0	89/6/9
2.    /* Copyright (c) Izchak Miller, Mike Stephenson, Steve Linhart, 1989. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include	"hack.h"
6.    #include	"eshk.h"
8.    #define martial()	((pl_character[0] == 'S' || pl_character[0] == 'P'))
10.   #ifdef KICK
12.   # ifdef WORM
13.   extern boolean notonhead;
14.   # endif
16.   static void
17.   kickdmg(mon, clumsy)
18.   register struct monst *mon;
19.   register boolean clumsy;
20.   {
21.   	register int mdx, mdy;
22.   	register int dmg = (((uarmg && 
23.   				uarmg->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_POWER) ? 
24.   				25 : ACURR(A_STR) > 18 ? 18 : ACURR(A_STR))+
25.   				ACURR(A_DEX)+ACURR(A_CON))/15;
27.   	/* excessive wt affects dex, so it affects dmg */
28.   	if(clumsy) dmg = dmg/2;
30.   	/* kicking a dragon or an elephant will not harm it */
31.   	if(thick_skinned(mon->data)) dmg = 0;
34.   	/* squeeze some guilt feelings... */
35.   	if(mon->mtame) {
36.   # ifdef SOUNDS
37.   	    if (rn2(10)) yelp(mon);
38.   	    else growl(mon); /* give them a moment's worry */
39.   # endif
40.   	    mon->mtame--;
41.   	    mon->mflee = mon->mtame ? 1 : 0;
42.   # ifdef HISX
43.   	    mon->mfleetim = mon->mfleetim + (dmg ? rnd(dmg) : 1);
44.   # else
45.   	    mon->mfleetim += (dmg ? rnd(dmg) : 1);
46.   # endif
47.   	}
49.   	mon->mhp -= (!martial() ? rnd(dmg) : rnd(dmg)+rnd(ACURR(A_DEX)/2));  
50.   	if(mon->mhp < 1) {
51.   		killed(mon);
52.   		return;
53.   	}
54.   	if(martial() && !bigmonst(mon->data) && !rn2(3) && !mon->mfroz) {
55.   	    	/* see if the monster has a place to move into */
56.   	    	mdx = mon->mx + u.dx;
57.   	    	mdy = mon->my + u.dy;
58.   	    	if(goodpos(mdx, mdy)) {
59.   			pline("%s reels from the blow.", Monnam(mon));
60.   			levl[mon->mx][mon->my].mmask = 0;
61.   			levl[mdx][mdy].mmask = 1;
62.   			mon->mx = mdx;
63.   			mon->my = mdy;
64.   			pmon(mon);
65.   			set_apparxy(mon);
66.   	    	}
67.   	}
69.   /*	it is unchivalrous to attack the defenseless or from behind */
70.   	if (pl_character[0] == 'K' && u.ualigntyp == U_LAWFUL && 
71.   		u.ualign > -10 && (mon->mfroz || mon->msleep || mon->mflee))
72.   	    	adjalign(-1);
74.   }
76.   static void
77.   kick_monster(x, y)
78.   register int x, y;
79.   {
80.   	register boolean clumsy = FALSE;
81.   	register struct monst *mon = m_at(x, y);
82.   	register int i, j;
84.   	/* no need to check POLYSELF since only ghosts, which you can't turn */
85.   	/* into, are noncorporeal */
86.   	if(noncorporeal(mon->data)) {
87.   		Your("kick passes through!");
88.   		return;
89.   	}
91.   	if(special_case(mon)) return;
93.   	setmangry(mon);
95.   	if(Levitation && !rn2(3) && verysmall(mon->data) && 
96.   			!is_floater(mon->data) && !is_flyer(mon->data)) {
97.   		You("are floating in the air, and miss wildly!");
98.   		return;
99.   	}
101.  	i = abs(inv_weight());
102.  	j = weight_cap();
104.  	if(i < (j*3)/10) {
105.  		if(!rn2((i < j/10) ? 2 : (i < j/5) ? 3 : 4)) {
106.  			if(martial() && !rn2(2)) goto doit;
107.  			Your("clumsy kick does no damage.");
108.  			return;
109.  		}
110.  		if(i < j/10) clumsy = TRUE;
111.  		else if(!rn2((i < j/5) ? 2 : 3)) clumsy = TRUE;  
112.  	} 
114.  	if(Fumbling) clumsy = TRUE;
116.  	else if(uarm && objects[uarm->otyp].oc_bulky && ACURR(A_DEX) < rnd(25))
117.  		clumsy = TRUE;
118.  doit:
119.  	kludge("You kick %s.", mon_nam(mon));
120.  	if(!rn2(clumsy ? 3 : 4) && (clumsy || !bigmonst(mon->data)) && 
121.  	   mon->mcansee && !thick_skinned(mon->data) &&
122.  	   !mon->mfroz && !mon->mstun && !mon->mconf) {
123.  		mnexto(mon);
124.  		if(mon->mx != x || mon->my != y) {
125.  		    kludge("%s jumps, %s evading your %skick.", Monnam(mon),
126.  				clumsy ? "easily" : "nimbly",
127.  				clumsy ? "clumsy " : "");
128.  		    return;
129.  		} /* else fall to the next case */		
130.  	}
131.  	kickdmg(mon, clumsy);
132.  }
133.  #endif /* KICK */
135.  /* return TRUE if caught, FALSE otherwise */
136.  boolean
137.  ghitm(mtmp, amount)
138.  register struct monst *mtmp;
139.  register long amount;
140.  {
141.  	if(!likes_gold(mtmp->data) && !mtmp->isshk 
142.  #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
143.  		&& !mtmp->ispriest
144.  #endif
145.  		) 
146.  		wakeup(mtmp);
147.  	else {
148.  		mtmp->msleep = 0;
149.  		mtmp->meating = 0;
150.  		if(!rn2(4)) setmangry(mtmp); /* not always pleasing */
152.  		/* greedy monsters catch gold */
153.  		pline("%s catches the gold.", Monnam(mtmp));
154.  		mtmp->mgold += amount;
155.  		if (mtmp->isshk) {
156.  			long robbed = ESHK(mtmp)->robbed;
158.  			if (robbed) {
159.  				robbed -= amount;
160.  				if (robbed < 0) robbed = 0;
161.  				pline("The amount %scovers %s recent losses.",
162.  					!robbed ? "" : "partially ", 
163.  					ESHK(mtmp)->ismale ? "his" : "her");
164.  				ESHK(mtmp)->robbed = robbed;
165.  				if(!robbed)
166.  					make_happy_shk(mtmp);
167.  			} else {
168.  				if(mtmp->mpeaceful) {
169.  				    ESHK(mtmp)->credit += amount;
170.  				    You("have %ld zorkmids in credit.",
171.  						ESHK(mtmp)->credit);
172.  				} else verbalize("Thanks, scum!");
173.  			}
174.  		}
175.  #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
176.  		else if(mtmp->ispriest) {
177.  			if(mtmp->mpeaceful)
178.  			    verbalize("Thank you for your contribution.");
179.  			else verbalize("Thanks, scum!");
180.  		}
181.  #endif
182.  		return(1);
183.  	}
184.  	return(0);
186.  }
188.  boolean
189.  bad_kick_throw_pos(x,y)
190.  xchar x,y;
191.  {
192.  	register struct rm *lvl = &(levl[x][y]);
194.  	return(!ACCESSIBLE(lvl->typ) || lvl->typ == SDOOR ||
195.  	    (IS_DOOR(lvl->typ) && (lvl->doormask & (D_CLOSED | D_LOCKED))) );
196.  }
198.  struct monst *
199.  ghit(ddx, ddy, range)
200.  register int ddx, ddy, range; 
201.  {
202.  	register struct monst *mtmp = (struct monst *) 0;
204.  	bhitpos.x = u.ux;
205.  	bhitpos.y = u.uy;
207.  	tmp_at(-1, GOLD_SYM);	/* open call */
208.  	tmp_at(-3, (int)AT_GLD);
209.  	while(range-- > 0) {
210.  		bhitpos.x += ddx;
211.  		bhitpos.y += ddy;
212.  		if(levl[bhitpos.x][bhitpos.y].mmask) {
213.  			mtmp = m_at(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y);
214.  			tmp_at(-1, -1); /* close call */
215.  			return(mtmp);
216.  		}
217.  		/* stop on a zorkmid */
218.  		if(levl[bhitpos.x][bhitpos.y].gmask ||
219.  		     	    levl[bhitpos.x][bhitpos.y].omask) {
220.  			tmp_at(-1, -1); /* close call */
221.  			return (struct monst *)0;
222.  		}
223.  		if(bad_kick_throw_pos(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y)) {
224.  			bhitpos.x -= ddx;
225.  			bhitpos.y -= ddy;
226.  			break;
227.  		}
228.  		tmp_at(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
229.  	}
230.  	tmp_at(-1, -1);
231.  	return(struct monst *)0;
232.  }
234.  #ifdef KICK
235.  static int
236.  kick_object(x, y)
237.  register int x, y;
238.  {
239.  	register int range, odx, ody, cnt = 0;
240.  	register struct monst *mon;
241.  	register struct gold *gold;
242.  	register struct obj *otmp, *obj;
243.  	register boolean costly = FALSE;
245.  	/* if a pile, the "top" object gets kicked */
246.  	for (otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
247.  		if(otmp->ox == x && otmp->oy == y)
248.  		    if(!otmp->cobj)
249.  			if (otmp != uchain) {
250.  			    cnt++;
251.  			    if(cnt == 1) obj = otmp;
252.  			}
254.  	/* range < 2 means the object will not move.	*/
255.  	/* maybe dexterity should also figure here.     */
256.  	if(cnt) range = (int)((ACURR(A_STR) > 18 ? 20 : 
257.  				ACURR(A_STR))/2 - obj->owt/4);
258.  	else range = rnd((int)ACURR(A_STR));
260.  	if(range < 1) range = 1; /* safety... */
261.  	if(martial()) range = range + rnd(3);
263.  	/* see if the object has a place to move into */
264.  	odx = x + u.dx;
265.  	ody = y + u.dy;
266.  	if(bad_kick_throw_pos(odx,ody))
267.  	    range = 1;
269.  	if(Fumbling && !rn2(3)) {
270.  		Your("clumsy kick missed.");
271.  		return(1);
272.  	}
274.  	if(!cnt && levl[x][y].gmask) {
275.  		long zm;
276.  		gold = g_at(x, y);
277.  		zm = gold->amount;
278.  		if(range < 2 || zm > 300L) /* arbitrary */
279.  		    return(0);
280.  		else {
281.  		    freegold(gold);
282.  		    if(!levl[x][y].mmask) newsym(x, y);
283.  		    if(mon = ghit(u.dx, u.dy, range)) {
284.  			setmangry(mon); /* not a means for payment to shk */
285.  			if(ghitm(mon, zm)) /* was it caught? */
286.  			    return(1);
287.  		    }
288.  		    mkgold(zm, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
289.  		    if(cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y)) prl(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y);
290.  		}
291.  		return(1);
292.  	}
294.  	if(obj->otyp == BOULDER || obj == uball)
295.  		return(0);
297.  	/* a box gets a chance of breaking open here */
298.  	if(Is_box(obj)) {
299.  		boolean otrp = obj->otrapped;
301.  		if (!obj->olocked && (!rn2(3) ||
302.  					(martial() && !rn2(2)))) {
303.  		    pline("The lid slams open, then falls shut.");
304.  		    if(otrp) goto gotcha;
305.  		    return(1);
306.  		} else if (obj->olocked && 
307.  				(!rn2(5) || (martial() && !rn2(2)))) {
308.  		    You("break open the lock!");
309.  		    obj->olocked = 0;
310.  	            if(otrp) {
311.  gotcha:
312.  		        chest_trap(obj, LEG);
313.  		    }
314.  		    return(1);
315.  		}
316.  		/* let it fall through to the next cases... */
317.  	}
319.  	if(Levitation && !rn2(3)) {
320.  		You("miss."); /* do not identify the object */
321.  		return(1);
322.  	}
324.  	/* fragile objects should not be kicked */
325.  	if (breaks(obj, FALSE)) return(1);
327.  	costly = costly_spot(x, y);
329.  	/* potions get a chance of breaking here */
330.  	if(obj->olet == POTION_SYM) {
331.  		if(rn2(2)) {
332.  		    You("smash the %s!", xname(obj));
333.  		    if(costly) addtobill(obj, FALSE);
334.  		    potionbreathe(obj);
335.  		    delobj(obj);	/* takes care of omask */
336.  		    return(1);
337.  		}
338.  	}
340.  	/* too heavy to move. make sure not to call bhit  */
341.  	/* in this function when range < 2 (a display bug */
342.  	/* results otherwise).  			  */
343.  	if(range <= 2) {
344.  	    if(Is_box(obj)) pline("THUD!");
345.  	    else pline("Thump!");
346.  	    if(!rn2(3) || martial()) return(1);
347.  	    return(0);
348.  	}
350.  	if(cnt > 1) {
351.  		/* Needed to fool bhit's display-cleanup to show */
352.  		/* immediately the next object in the pile.  We  */
353.  		/* know here that the object will move, so there */
354.  		/* is no need to worry about omask.		 */
355.  		obj->ox = u.ux;
356.  		obj->oy = u.uy;
357.  	} else {
358.  		levl[x][y].omask = 0;
359.  		if(!levl[x][y].gmask) newsym(x, y);
360.  	}
362.  	mon = bhit(u.dx, u.dy, range, obj->olet,
363.  			(int (*)()) 0, (int (*)()) 0, obj);
364.  	if(mon) {
365.  # ifdef WORM
366.  		if (mon->mx != bhitpos.x || mon->my != bhitpos.y)
367.  			notonhead = TRUE;
368.  # endif
369.  		/* awake monster if sleeping */
370.  		wakeup(mon);
371.  		if(thitmonst(mon, obj)) return(1);
372.  	}
373.  	if(costly && !costly_spot(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y)) addtobill(obj, FALSE);
374.  	obj->ox = bhitpos.x;
375.  	obj->oy = bhitpos.y;
376.  	levl[obj->ox][obj->oy].omask = 1;
377.  	stackobj(obj);
378.  	return(1);
379.  }
380.  #endif /* KICK */
383.  int
384.  dokick() {		/* try to kick the door down - noisy! */
385.          register int x, y;
386.  	register struct rm *maploc;
387.  	register int avrg_attrib = (ACURR(A_STR)+ACURR(A_DEX)+ACURR(A_CON))/3;
389.  #ifdef POLYSELF
390.  	if(nolimbs(uasmon)) {
391.  		You("have no legs to kick with.");
392.  		return(0);
393.  	}
394.  	if(verysmall(uasmon)) {
395.  		You("are too small to do any kicking.");
396.  		return(0);
397.  	}
398.  #endif
399.  	if(Wounded_legs) {
400.  		Your("%s %s in no shape for kicking.",
401.  		      ((Wounded_legs & BOTH_SIDES)==BOTH_SIDES)
402.  			? makeplural(body_part(LEG)) : body_part(LEG),
403.  		      ((Wounded_legs & BOTH_SIDES)==BOTH_SIDES) ? "are" : "is");
404.  		return(0);
405.  	}
407.  	if(inv_weight() > 0) {
408.  		Your("load is too heavy to balance yourself for a kick.");
409.  		return(0);
410.  	}
412.          if(u.utrap) {
413.  		switch (u.utraptype) {
414.  		    case TT_PIT:
415.  			pline("There's nothing to kick down here.");
416.  		    case TT_WEB:
417.  		    case TT_BEARTRAP:
418.  			You("can't move your %s!", body_part(LEG));
419.  		}
420.  		return(0);
421.  	}
423.  	if(!getdir(1)) return(0);
424.  	if(!u.dx && !u.dy) return(0);
426.  	x = u.ux + u.dx;
427.  	y = u.uy + u.dy;
429.  	if(u.uswallow) {
430.  		switch(rn2(3)) {
431.  		case 0:  You("can't move your %s!", body_part(LEG));
432.  			 break;
433.  		case 1:  pline("%s burps loudly.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); break;
434.  		default: Your("feeble kick has no effect."); break;
435.  		}
436.  		return(1);
437.  	}
439.  	wake_nearby();
440.  	u_wipe_engr(2);
442.  	maploc = &levl[x][y];
444.  #ifdef KICK
445.  	/* The next four main loops should stay in */
446.  	/* their present order: monsters, objects, */
447.  	/* non-doors, doors.			   */ 
449.  	if(maploc->mmask) {
450.  		kick_monster(x, y);
451.  		return(1);
452.  	}
454.  	if((maploc->omask || maploc->gmask) && !Levitation) {
455.  		if(kick_object(x, y)) return(1);
456.  		else goto ouch;
457.  	}
459.  	if(!IS_DOOR(maploc->typ)) {
460.  		if(maploc->typ == SDOOR) {
461.  		    if(rn2(30) < avrg_attrib) { 
462.  			pline("Crash!  You kick open a secret door!");
463.  			maploc->typ = DOOR;
464.  			atl(x, y, (char) DOOR_SYM);
465.  			if(maploc->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
466.  			    b_trapped("door");
467.  			    maploc->doormask = D_NODOOR;
468.  			} else
469.  			    maploc->doormask = D_ISOPEN;
470.  			return(1);
471.  		    } else goto ouch;
472.  		}
473.  		if(maploc->typ == SCORR) {
474.  		    if(rn2(30) < avrg_attrib) { 
475.  			pline("Crash!  You kick open a secret passage!");
476.  			maploc->typ = CORR;
477.  			atl(x, y, (char) CORR_SYM);
478.  			return(1);
479.  		    } else goto ouch;
480.  		}
481.  # ifdef THRONES
482.  		if(IS_THRONE(maploc->typ)) {
483.  		    register int i;
484.  		    if((u.uluck < 0 || maploc->doormask) && !rn2(3)) {
485.  			pline("CRASH!  You destroy the throne.");
486.  			maploc->typ = ROOM;
487.  			maploc->doormask = 0; /* don't leave loose ends.. */
488.  			mkgold((long)rnd(200), x, y);
489.  			prl(x, y);
490.  			return(1);
491.  		    } else if(u.uluck && !rn2(3) && !maploc->doormask) {
492.  			You("kick loose some ornamental coins and gems!");
493.  			mkgold((300L+(long)rn2(201)), x, y);
494.  			i = u.uluck + 1;
495.  			if(i > 6) i = 6;
496.  			while(i--) (void) mkobj_at(GEM_SYM, x, y);
497.  			prl(x, y);
498.  			/* prevent endless milking */
499.  			maploc->doormask = T_LOOTED; 
500.  			return(1);
501.  		    } else if (!rn2(4)) {
502.  			register struct trap *ttmp = 
503.  					maketrap(u.ux,u.uy,TRAPDOOR);
504.  			dotrap(ttmp);
505.  			return(1);
506.  		    }
507.  		    goto ouch;
508.  		}
509.  # endif
510.  # ifdef ALTARS
511.  		if(IS_ALTAR(maploc->typ)) {
512.  		    You("kick the altar.");
513.  		    if(!rn2(3)) goto ouch; 
514.  #  ifdef THEOLOGY
515.  		    altar_wrath(x, y);
516.  #  endif
517.  		    return(1);
518.  		}
519.  # endif
520.  # ifdef SINKS
521.  		if(IS_SINK(maploc->typ)) {
522.  		    if(rn2(5)) {
523.  			if(flags.soundok)
524.  			    pline("Klunk!  The pipes vibrate noisily.");
525.  			else pline("Klunk!");
526.  		        return(1);
527.  		    } else if(!rn2(3) &&
528.  			      !(mons[PM_BLACK_PUDDING].geno & G_GENOD)) {
529.  			pline("A %s ooze gushes up from the drain!",
530.  			      Hallucination ? hcolor() : black);
531.  			pmon(makemon(&mons[PM_BLACK_PUDDING], x, y));
532.  			return(1);
533.  #  ifdef HARD
534.  		    } else if(!rn2(3) &&
535.  #   ifndef POLYSELF
536.  			      poly_gender() != 2 &&
537.  #   endif
538.  			      !(mons[poly_gender() == 1 ? PM_INCUBUS : PM_SUCCUBUS].geno & G_GENOD)) {
539.  			/* can't resist... */
540.  			pline("The dish washer returns!");
541.  			pmon(makemon(&mons[poly_gender() == 1 ? PM_INCUBUS : PM_SUCCUBUS], x, y));
542.  			return(1);
543.  #  endif
544.  		    } else if(!rn2(3)) {
545.  			pline("Flupp!  Muddy waste pops up from the drain.");
546.  			if(!maploc->doormask) { /* only once per sink */
547.  			    if(!Blind) 
548.  				You("see a ring shining in its midst.");
549.  			    (void) mkobj_at(RING_SYM, x, y);
550.  			    prl(x, y);
551.  			    maploc->doormask = T_LOOTED;
552.  			}
553.  			return(1);
554.  		    }
555.  		    goto ouch;
556.  		}
557.  # endif
558.  		if(maploc->typ == STAIRS 
559.  # ifdef STRONGHOLD
560.  					|| maploc->typ == LADDER
561.  # endif
562.  		  ) goto ouch;
563.  		if(IS_STWALL(maploc->typ)) {
564.  ouch:
565.  		    pline("Ouch!  That hurts!");
566.  		    if(!rn2(3)) set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, 5 + rnd(5));
567.  		    losehp(rnd(ACURR(A_CON) > 15 ? 3 : 5), "dumb move");
568.  		    return(1);
569.  		}
570.  # ifdef STRONGHOLD
571.  		if (is_drawbridge_wall(x,y) >= 0) {
572.  		    pline("The drawbridge is unaffected.");
573.  		    return(1);
574.  		}
575.  # endif
576.  		goto dumb;
577.  	}
578.  #endif /* KICK */
580.  	if(maploc->doormask == D_ISOPEN ||
581.  	   maploc->doormask == D_BROKEN ||
582.  	   maploc->doormask == D_NODOOR) {
583.  #ifdef KICK
584.  dumb:
585.  #endif
586.  		if (martial() || ACURR(A_DEX) >= 16) {
587.  			You("kick at empty space.");
588.  		} else {
589.  			pline("Dumb move!  You strain a muscle.");
590.  			set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, 5 + rnd(5));
591.  		}
592.  		return(0);
593.  	}
595.  	/* door is known to be CLOSED or LOCKED */
596.  	if(rnl(35) < avrg_attrib + (!martial() ? 0 : ACURR(A_DEX))) {
597.  		/* break the door */
598.  		if(maploc->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
599.  		    pline("As you kick the door, it explodes!");
600.  		    b_trapped("door");
601.  		    maploc->doormask = D_NODOOR;
602.  		} else if(ACURR(A_STR) > 18 && !rn2(5) && !in_shop(x, y)) {
603.  		    pline("As you kick the door, it shatters to pieces!");
604.  		    maploc->doormask = D_NODOOR;
605.  		} else {
606.  		    pline("As you kick the door, it crashes open!");
607.  		    maploc->doormask = D_BROKEN;
608.  		    if(in_shop(x, y) && !in_shop(u.ux, u.uy))
609.  			pay_for_door(x, y, "break");
610.  		}
611.  	} else	pline("WHAMMM!!!");
613.  	return(1);
614.  }