Source:NetHack 3.2.0/rumors.c

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Below is the full text to rumors.c from the source code of NetHack 3.2.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.2.0/rumors.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)rumors.c	3.2	95/08/04	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "dlb.h"
8.    /*	[note: this comment is fairly old, but still accurate for 3.1]
9.     * Rumors have been entirely rewritten to speed up the access.  This is
10.    * essential when working from floppies.  Using fseek() the way that's done
11.    * here means rumors following longer rumors are output more often than those
12.    * following shorter rumors.  Also, you may see the same rumor more than once
13.    * in a particular game (although the odds are highly against it), but
14.    * this also happens with real fortune cookies.  -dgk
15.    */
17.   /*	3.1
18.    * The rumors file consists of a "do not edit" line, a hexadecimal number
19.    * giving the number of bytes of useful/true rumors, followed by those
20.    * true rumors (one per line), followed by the useless/false/misleading/cute
21.    * rumors (also one per line).  Number of bytes of untrue rumors is derived
22.    * via fseek(EOF)+ftell().
23.    *
24.    * The oracles file consists of a "do not edit" comment, a decimal count N
25.    * and set of N+1 hexadecimal fseek offsets, followed by N multiple-line
26.    * records, separated by "---" lines.  The first oracle is a special case,
27.    * and placed there by 'makedefs'.
28.    */
30.   static void FDECL(init_rumors, (dlb *));
31.   static void FDECL(init_oracles, (dlb *));
32.   static void FDECL(outoracle, (BOOLEAN_P));
34.   static long true_rumor_start,  true_rumor_size,  true_rumor_end,
35.   	    false_rumor_start, false_rumor_size, false_rumor_end;
36.   static int oracle_flg = 0;  /* -1=>don't use, 0=>need init, 1=>init done */
37.   static unsigned oracle_cnt = 0;
38.   static long *oracle_loc = 0;
40.   static void
41.   init_rumors(fp)
42.   dlb *fp;
43.   {
44.   	char line[BUFSZ];
46.   	(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, fp); /* skip "don't edit" comment */
47.   	(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, fp);
48.   	if (sscanf(line, "%6lx\n", &true_rumor_size) == 1 &&
49.   	    true_rumor_size > 0L) {
50.   	    (void) dlb_fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
51.   	    true_rumor_start  = dlb_ftell(fp);
52.   	    true_rumor_end    = true_rumor_start + true_rumor_size;
53.   	    (void) dlb_fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
54.   	    false_rumor_end   = dlb_ftell(fp);
55.   	    false_rumor_start = true_rumor_end;	/* ok, so it's redundant... */
56.   	    false_rumor_size  = false_rumor_end - false_rumor_start;
57.   	} else
58.   	    true_rumor_size = -1L;	/* init failed */
59.   }
61.   char *
62.   getrumor(truth, rumor_buf)
63.   int truth; /* 1=true, -1=false, 0=either */
64.   char *rumor_buf;
65.   {
66.   	dlb	*rumors;
67.   	long tidbit, beginning;
68.   	char	*endp, line[BUFSZ], xbuf[BUFSZ];
70.   	rumor_buf[0] = '\0';
71.   	if (true_rumor_size < 0L)	/* we couldn't open RUMORFILE */
72.   		return rumor_buf;
74.   	rumors = dlb_fopen(RUMORFILE, "r");
76.   	if (rumors) {
77.   		if (true_rumor_size == 0L) {	/* if this is 1st outrumor() */
78.   		    init_rumors(rumors);
79.   		    if (true_rumor_size < 0L) {	/* init failed */
80.   			Sprintf(rumor_buf, "Error reading \"%.80s\".",
81.   				RUMORFILE);
82.   			return rumor_buf;
83.   		    }
84.   		}
85.   		/*
86.   		 *	input:      1    0   -1
87.   		 *	 rn2 \ +1  2=T  1=T  0=F
88.   		 *	 adj./ +0  1=T  0=F -1=F
89.   		 */
90.   		switch (truth += rn2(2)) {
91.   		  case  2:	/*(might let a bogus input arg sneak thru)*/
92.   		  case  1:  beginning = true_rumor_start;
93.   			    tidbit = Rand() % true_rumor_size;
94.   			break;
95.   		  case  0:	/* once here, 0 => false rather than "either"*/
96.   		  case -1:  beginning = false_rumor_start;
97.   			    tidbit = Rand() % false_rumor_size;
98.   			break;
99.   		  default:
100.  			    impossible("strange truth value for rumor");
101.  			return strcpy(rumor_buf, "Oops...");
102.  		}
103.  		(void) dlb_fseek(rumors, beginning + tidbit, SEEK_SET);
104.  		(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, rumors);
105.  		if (!dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, rumors) ||
106.  		    (truth > 0 && dlb_ftell(rumors) > true_rumor_end)) {
107.  			/* reached end of rumors -- go back to beginning */
108.  			(void) dlb_fseek(rumors, beginning, SEEK_SET);
109.  			(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, rumors);
110.  		}
111.  		if ((endp = index(line, '\n')) != 0) *endp = 0;
112.  		Strcat(rumor_buf, xcrypt(line, xbuf));
113.  		(void) dlb_fclose(rumors);
114.  		exercise(A_WIS, (truth > 0));
115.  	} else {
116.  		pline("Can't open rumors file!");
117.  		true_rumor_size = -1;	/* don't try to open it again */
118.  	}
119.  	return rumor_buf;
120.  }
122.  void
123.  outrumor(truth, cookie)
124.  int truth; /* 1=true, -1=false, 0=either */
125.  boolean cookie;
126.  {
127.  	static const char fortune_msg[] =
128.  		"This cookie has a scrap of paper inside.";
129.  	const char *line;
130.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
132.  	if (cookie && Blind) {
133.  		pline(fortune_msg);
134.  		pline("What a pity that you cannot read it!");
135.  		return;
136.  	}
137.  	line = getrumor(truth, buf);
138.  	if (!*line)
139.  		line = "NetHack rumors file closed for renovation.";
140.  	if (cookie) {
141.  		pline(fortune_msg);
142.  		pline("It reads:");
143.  		pline("%s", line);
144.  	} else {	/* if the Oracle is the only alternative */
145.  		pline("True to her word, the Oracle %ssays: ",
146.  		(!rn2(4) ? "offhandedly " : (!rn2(3) ? "casually " :
147.  		(rn2(2) ? "nonchalantly " : ""))));
148.  		verbalize("%s", line);
149.  		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
150.  	}
151.  }
153.  static void
154.  init_oracles(fp)
155.  dlb *fp;
156.  {
157.  	register int i;
158.  	char line[BUFSZ];
159.  	int cnt = 0;
161.  	/* this assumes we're only called once */
162.  	(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, fp); /* skip "don't edit" comment*/
163.  	(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, fp);
164.  	if (sscanf(line, "%5d\n", &cnt) == 1 && cnt > 0) {
165.  	    oracle_cnt = (unsigned) cnt;
166.  	    oracle_loc = (long *) alloc((unsigned)cnt * sizeof (long));
167.  	    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
168.  		(void) dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, fp);
169.  		(void) sscanf(line, "%5lx\n", &oracle_loc[i]);
170.  	    }
171.  	}
172.  	return;
173.  }
175.  void
176.  save_oracles(fd)
177.  int fd;
178.  {
179.  	bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &oracle_cnt, sizeof oracle_cnt);
180.  	if (oracle_cnt)
181.  	    bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) oracle_loc, oracle_cnt * sizeof (long));
182.  }
184.  void
185.  restore_oracles(fd)
186.  int fd;
187.  {
188.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &oracle_cnt, sizeof oracle_cnt);
189.  	if (oracle_cnt) {
190.  	    oracle_loc = (long *) alloc(oracle_cnt * sizeof (long));
191.  	    mread(fd, (genericptr_t) oracle_loc, oracle_cnt * sizeof (long));
192.  	    oracle_flg = 1;	/* no need to call init_oracles() */
193.  	}
194.  }
196.  static void
197.  outoracle(special)
198.  boolean special;
199.  {
200.  	char	line[COLNO];
201.  	char	*endp;
202.  	dlb	*oracles;
203.  	int oracle_idx;
204.  	char xbuf[BUFSZ];
206.  	if(oracle_flg < 0 ||			/* couldn't open ORACLEFILE */
207.  	   (oracle_flg > 0 && oracle_cnt == 0))	/* oracles already exhausted */
208.  		return;
210.  	oracles = dlb_fopen(ORACLEFILE, "r");
212.  	if (oracles) {
213.  		winid tmpwin;
214.  		if (oracle_flg == 0) {	/* if this is the first outoracle() */
215.  			init_oracles(oracles);
216.  			oracle_flg = 1;
217.  			if (oracle_cnt == 0) return;
218.  		}
219.  		/* oracle_loc[0] is the special oracle;		*/
220.  		/* oracle_loc[1..oracle_cnt-1] are normal ones	*/
221.  		if (oracle_cnt <= 1 && !special) return;  /*(shouldn't happen)*/
222.  		oracle_idx = special ? 0 : rnd((int) oracle_cnt - 1);
223.  		(void) dlb_fseek(oracles, oracle_loc[oracle_idx], SEEK_SET);
224.  		if (!special) oracle_loc[oracle_idx] = oracle_loc[--oracle_cnt];
226.  		tmpwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_TEXT);
227.  		putstr(tmpwin, 0, special ?
228.  		      "The Oracle scornfully takes all your money and says:" :
229.  		      "The Oracle meditates for a moment and then intones:");
230.  		putstr(tmpwin, 0, "");
232.  		while(dlb_fgets(line, COLNO, oracles) && strcmp(line,"---\n")) {
233.  			if ((endp = index(line, '\n')) != 0) *endp = 0;
234.  			putstr(tmpwin, 0, xcrypt(line, xbuf));
235.  		}
236.  		display_nhwindow(tmpwin, TRUE);
237.  		destroy_nhwindow(tmpwin);
238.  		(void) dlb_fclose(oracles);
239.  	} else {
240.  		pline("Can't open oracles file!");
241.  		oracle_flg = -1;	/* don't try to open it again */
242.  	}
243.  }
245.  int
246.  doconsult(oracl)
247.  register struct monst *oracl;
248.  {
249.  	int u_pay, minor_cost = 50, major_cost = 500 + 50 * u.ulevel;
250.  	int add_xpts;
251.  	char qbuf[QBUFSZ];
253.  	multi = 0;
255.  	if (!oracl) {
256.  		pline("There is no one here to consult.");
257.  		return 0;
258.  	} else if (!oracl->mpeaceful) {
259.  		pline("%s is in no mood for consultations.", Monnam(oracl));
260.  		return 0;
261.  	} else if (!u.ugold) {
262.  		You("have no money.");
263.  		return 0;
264.  	}
266.  	Sprintf(qbuf,
267.  		"\"Wilt thou settle for a minor consultation?\" (%d zorkmids)",
268.  		minor_cost);
269.  	switch (ynq(qbuf)) {
270.  	    default:
271.  	    case 'q':
272.  		return 0;
273.  	    case 'y':
274.  		if (u.ugold < (long)minor_cost) {
275.  		    You("don't even have enough money for that!");
276.  		    return 0;
277.  		}
278.  		u_pay = minor_cost;
279.  		break;
280.  	    case 'n':
281.  		if (u.ugold <= (long)minor_cost ||	/* don't even ask */
282.  		    (oracle_cnt == 1 || oracle_flg < 0)) return 0;
283.  		Sprintf(qbuf,
284.  			"\"Then dost thou desire a major one?\" (%d zorkmids)",
285.  			major_cost);
286.  		if (yn(qbuf) != 'y') return 0;
287.  		u_pay = (u.ugold < (long)major_cost ? (int)u.ugold
288.  						    : major_cost);
289.  		break;
290.  	}
291.  	u.ugold -= (long)u_pay;
292.  	oracl->mgold += (long)u_pay;
293.  	flags.botl = 1;
294.  	add_xpts = 0;	/* first oracle of each type gives experience points */
295.  	if (u_pay == minor_cost) {
296.  		outrumor(1, FALSE);
297.  		if (!u.uevent.minor_oracle)
298.  		    add_xpts = u_pay / (u.uevent.major_oracle ? 25 : 10);
299.  		    /* 5 pts if very 1st, or 2 pts if major already done */
300.  		u.uevent.minor_oracle = TRUE;
301.  	} else {
302.  		boolean cheapskate = u_pay < major_cost;
303.  		outoracle(cheapskate);
304.  		if (!cheapskate && !u.uevent.major_oracle)
305.  		    add_xpts = u_pay / (u.uevent.minor_oracle ? 25 : 10);
306.  		    /* ~100 pts if very 1st, ~40 pts if minor already done */
307.  		u.uevent.major_oracle = TRUE;
308.  		exercise(A_WIS, !cheapskate);
309.  	}
310.  	if (add_xpts) {
311.  		more_experienced(add_xpts, u_pay/50);
312.  		newexplevel();
313.  	}
314.  	return 1;
315.  }
317.  /*rumors.c*/