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Latest revision as of 09:37, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to steal.c from the source code of NetHack 3.2.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.2.0/steal.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)steal.c	3.2	96/04/08	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    STATIC_PTR int NDECL(stealarm);
9.    #ifdef OVLB
10.   static const char * FDECL(equipname, (struct obj *));
11.   static void FDECL(lose_worn_item, (struct obj *));
13.   static const char *
14.   equipname(otmp)
15.   register struct obj *otmp;
16.   {
17.   	return (
18.   #ifdef TOURIST
19.   		(otmp == uarmu) ? "shirt" :
20.   #endif
21.   		(otmp == uarmf) ? "boots" :
22.   		(otmp == uarms) ? "shield" :
23.   		(otmp == uarmg) ? "gloves" :
24.   		(otmp == uarmc) ? "cloak" :
25.   		(otmp == uarmh) ? "helmet" : "armor");
26.   }
28.   long		/* actually returns something that fits in an int */
29.   somegold()
30.   {
31.   #ifdef LINT	/* long conv. ok */
32.   	return(0L);
33.   #else
34.   	return (long)( (u.ugold < 100) ? u.ugold :
35.   		(u.ugold > 10000) ? rnd(10000) : rnd((int) u.ugold) );
36.   #endif
37.   }
39.   void
40.   stealgold(mtmp)
41.   register struct monst *mtmp;
42.   {
43.   	register struct obj *gold = g_at(u.ux, u.uy);
44.   	register long tmp;
46.   	if (gold && ( !u.ugold || gold->quan > u.ugold || !rn2(5))) {
47.   	    mtmp->mgold += gold->quan;
48.   	    delobj(gold);
49.   	    newsym(u.ux, u.uy);
50.   	    pline("%s quickly snatches some gold from between your %s!",
51.   		    Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(body_part(FOOT)));
52.   	    if(!u.ugold || !rn2(5)) {
53.   		if (!tele_restrict(mtmp)) rloc(mtmp);
54.   		mtmp->mflee = 1;
55.   	    }
56.   	} else if(u.ugold) {
57.   	    u.ugold -= (tmp = somegold());
58.   	    Your("purse feels lighter.");
59.   	    mtmp->mgold += tmp;
60.   	    if (!tele_restrict(mtmp)) rloc(mtmp);
61.   	    mtmp->mflee = 1;
62.   	    flags.botl = 1;
63.   	}
64.   }
66.   /* steal armor after you finish taking it off */
67.   unsigned int stealoid;		/* object to be stolen */
68.   unsigned int stealmid;		/* monster doing the stealing */
70.   STATIC_PTR int
71.   stealarm()
72.   {
73.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
74.   	register struct obj *otmp;
76.   	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
77.   	    if(otmp->o_id == stealoid) {
78.   		for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
79.   		    if(mtmp->m_id == stealmid) {
80.   			if(!dmgtype(mtmp->data, AD_SITM)) /* polymorphed */
81.   			    goto botm;
82.   			if(otmp->unpaid)
83.   			    subfrombill(otmp, shop_keeper(*u.ushops));
84.   			freeinv(otmp);
85.   			pline("%s steals %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp));
86.   			mpickobj(mtmp,otmp);
87.   			mtmp->mflee = 1;
88.   			if (!tele_restrict(mtmp)) rloc(mtmp);
89.   		        break;
90.   		    }
91.   		}
92.   		break;
93.   	    }
94.   	}
95.   botm:   stealoid = 0;
96.   	return 0;
97.   }
99.   /* an object you're wearing has been stolen */
100.  static void
101.  lose_worn_item(obj)
102.  struct obj *obj;
103.  {
104.  	if (donning(obj))
105.  	    cancel_don();
106.  	if (!obj->owornmask)
107.  	    return;
109.  	switch (obj->oclass) {
110.  	 case TOOL_CLASS:
111.  	    Blindf_off(obj);
112.  	    break;
113.  	 case AMULET_CLASS:
114.  	    Amulet_off();
115.  	    break;
116.  	 case RING_CLASS:
117.  	    Ring_gone(obj);
118.  	    break;
119.  	 case ARMOR_CLASS:
120.  	    if (obj == uarm) (void) Armor_off();
121.  	    else if (obj == uarmc) (void) Cloak_off();
122.  	    else if (obj == uarmf) (void) Boots_off();
123.  	    else if (obj == uarmg) (void) Gloves_off();
124.  	    else if (obj == uarmh) (void) Helmet_off();
125.  	    else if (obj == uarms) (void) Shield_off();
126.  	    else setworn((struct obj *)0, obj->owornmask & W_ARMOR);
127.  	    break;
128.  	 default:
129.  	    /* shouldn't reach here, but just in case... */
130.  	    setnotworn(obj);
131.  	    break;
132.  	}
133.  }
135.  /* Returns 1 when something was stolen (or at least, when N should flee now)
136.   * Returns -1 if the monster died in the attempt
137.   * Avoid stealing the object stealoid
138.   */
139.  int
140.  steal(mtmp)
141.  struct monst *mtmp;
142.  {
143.  	register struct obj *otmp;
144.  	register int tmp;
145.  	register int named = 0;
147.  	/* the following is true if successful on first of two attacks. */
148.  	if(!monnear(mtmp, u.ux, u.uy)) return(0);
150.  	if (!invent || (inv_cnt() == 1 && uskin)) {
151.  	    /* Not even a thousand men in armor can strip a naked man. */
152.  	    if(Blind)
153.  	      pline("Somebody tries to rob you, but finds nothing to steal.");
154.  	    else
155.  	      pline("%s tries to rob you, but she finds nothing to steal!",
156.  		Monnam(mtmp));
157.  	    return(1);	/* let her flee */
158.  	}
160.  	if(Adornment & LEFT_RING) {
161.  	    otmp = uleft;
162.  	    goto gotobj;
163.  	} else if(Adornment & RIGHT_RING) {
164.  	    otmp = uright;
165.  	    goto gotobj;
166.  	}
168.  	tmp = 0;
169.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
170.  	    if ((!uarm || otmp != uarmc) && otmp != uskin)
171.  		tmp += ((otmp->owornmask &
172.  			(W_ARMOR | W_RING | W_AMUL | W_TOOL)) ? 5 : 1);
173.  	tmp = rn2(tmp);
174.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
175.  	    if ((!uarm || otmp != uarmc) && otmp != uskin)
176.  		if((tmp -= ((otmp->owornmask &
177.  			(W_ARMOR | W_RING | W_AMUL | W_TOOL)) ? 5 : 1)) < 0)
178.  			break;
179.  	if(!otmp) {
180.  		impossible("Steal fails!");
181.  		return(0);
182.  	}
183.  	/* can't steal gloves while wielding - so steal the wielded item. */
184.  	if (otmp == uarmg && uwep)
185.  	    otmp = uwep;
186.  	/* can't steal armor while wearing cloak - so steal the cloak. */
187.  	else if(otmp == uarm && uarmc) otmp = uarmc;
188.  #ifdef TOURIST
189.  	else if(otmp == uarmu && uarmc) otmp = uarmc;
190.  	else if(otmp == uarmu && uarm) otmp = uarm;
191.  #endif
192.  gotobj:
193.  	if(otmp->o_id == stealoid) return(0);
195.  	if(otmp->otyp == LEASH && otmp->leashmon) o_unleash(otmp);
197.  	if((otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_RING | W_AMUL | W_TOOL))){
198.  		switch(otmp->oclass) {
199.  		case TOOL_CLASS:
200.  		case AMULET_CLASS:
201.  		case RING_CLASS:
202.  			lose_worn_item(otmp);
203.  			break;
204.  		case ARMOR_CLASS:
205.  			/* Stop putting on armor which has been stolen. */
206.  			if (donning(otmp)) {
207.  			    lose_worn_item(otmp);
208.  			    break;
209.  			}
210.  		    {	int curssv = otmp->cursed;
211.  			otmp->cursed = 0;
212.  			stop_occupation();
213.  			if(flags.female)
214.  			    pline("%s charms you.  You gladly %s your %s.",
215.  				  Blind ? "She" : Monnam(mtmp),
216.  				  curssv ? "let her take" : "hand over",
217.  				  equipname(otmp));
218.  			else
219.  			    pline("%s seduces you and %s off your %s.",
220.  				  Blind ? "It" : Adjmonnam(mtmp, "beautiful"),
221.  				  curssv ? "helps you to take" :
222.  	(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay > 1) ? "you start taking" : "you take",
223.  				  equipname(otmp));
224.  			named++;
225.  			/* the following is to set multi for later on */
226.  			nomul(-objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay);
227.  			lose_worn_item(otmp);
228.  			otmp->cursed = curssv;
229.  			if(multi < 0){
230.  				/*
231.  				multi = 0;
232.  				nomovemsg = 0;
233.  				afternmv = 0;
234.  				*/
235.  				stealoid = otmp->o_id;
236.  				stealmid = mtmp->m_id;
237.  				afternmv = stealarm;
238.  				return(0);
239.  			}
240.  			break;
241.  		    }
242.  		default:
243.  			impossible("Tried to steal a strange worn thing.");
244.  		}
245.  	}
246.  	else if(otmp == uwep) uwepgone();
248.  	if(otmp == uball) unpunish();
250.  	freeinv(otmp);
251.  	pline("%s stole %s.", named ? "She" : Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp));
252.  	mpickobj(mtmp,otmp);
253.  	if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE && otmp->corpsenm == PM_COCKATRICE &&
254.  		!(mtmp->misc_worn_check & W_ARMG)) {
255.  	    minstapetrify(mtmp, TRUE);
256.  	    return -1;
257.  	}
258.  	return((multi < 0) ? 0 : 1);
259.  }
261.  #endif /* OVLB */
262.  #ifdef OVL1
264.  void
265.  mpickobj(mtmp,otmp)
266.  register struct monst *mtmp;
267.  register struct obj *otmp;
268.  {
269.      if (otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) {
270.  	mtmp->mgold += otmp->quan;
271.  	obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
272.      } else {
273.  	boolean snuff_otmp = FALSE;
274.  	/* don't want hidden light source inside the monster; assumes that
275.  	   engulfers won't have external inventories; whirly monsters cause
276.  	   the light to be extinguished rather than letting it shine thru */
277.  	if (otmp->lamplit &&  /* hack to avoid function calls for most objs */
278.  		obj_sheds_light(otmp) &&
279.  		attacktype(mtmp->data, AT_ENGL)) {
280.  	    /* this is probably a burning object that you dropped or threw */
281.  	    if (u.uswallow && mtmp == u.ustuck && !Blind)
282.  		pline("%s go%s out.", The(xname(otmp)),
283.  		      otmp->quan == 1L ? "es" : "");
284.  	    snuff_otmp = TRUE;
285.  	}
286.  	/* add_to_minv() might free otmp [if merged with something else],
287.  	   so we have to call it after doing the object checks */
288.  	add_to_minv(mtmp, otmp);
289.  	/* and we had to defer this until object is in mtmp's inventory */
290.  	if (snuff_otmp) snuff_light_source(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
291.      }
292.  }
294.  #endif /* OVL1 */
295.  #ifdef OVLB
297.  void
298.  stealamulet(mtmp)
299.  register struct monst *mtmp;
300.  {
301.  	register struct obj *otmp;
302.  	register int	real, fake;
304.  	/* select the artifact to steal */
305.  	if(u.uhave.amulet) {
306.  		real = AMULET_OF_YENDOR ;
307.  		fake = FAKE_AMULET_OF_YENDOR ;
308.  	} else if(u.uhave.questart) {
309.  	    real = fake = 0;		/* gcc -Wall lint */
310.  	    for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
311.  	        if(is_quest_artifact(otmp)) goto snatch_it;
312.  	} else if(u.uhave.bell) {
313.  		real = BELL_OF_OPENING;
314.  		fake = BELL;
315.  	} else if(u.uhave.book) {
316.  		real = SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD;
317.  		fake = 0;
318.  	} else if(u.uhave.menorah) {
320.  		fake = 0;
321.  	} else return;	/* you have nothing of special interest */
323.  /*	If we get here, real and fake have been set up. */
324.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
325.  	    if(otmp->otyp == real || (otmp->otyp == fake && !mtmp->iswiz)) {
326.  		/* might be an imitation one */
327.  snatch_it:
328.  		if (otmp->owornmask)
329.  		    lose_worn_item(otmp);
330.  		freeinv(otmp);
331.  		mpickobj(mtmp,otmp);
332.  		pline("%s stole %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp));
333.  		if (can_teleport(mtmp->data) && !tele_restrict(mtmp))
334.  			rloc(mtmp);
335.  		return;
336.  	    }
337.  	}
338.  }
340.  #endif /* OVLB */
341.  #ifdef OVL0
343.  /* release the objects the creature is carrying */
344.  void
345.  relobj(mtmp,show,is_pet)
346.  register struct monst *mtmp;
347.  register int show;
348.  boolean is_pet;		/* If true, pet should keep wielded/worn items */
349.  {
350.  	register struct obj *otmp;
351.  	register int omx = mtmp->mx, omy = mtmp->my;
352.  	struct obj *keepobj = 0;
353.  	struct obj *wep = MON_WEP(mtmp);
355.  	while ((otmp = mtmp->minvent) != 0) {
356.  		obj_extract_self(otmp);
357.  		if (otmp->owornmask || otmp == wep) {
358.  			if (is_pet) { /* dont drop worn/wielded item */
359.  				otmp->nobj = keepobj;
360.  				keepobj = otmp;
361.  				continue;
362.  			}
363.  			mtmp->misc_worn_check &= ~(otmp->owornmask);
364.  			otmp->owornmask = 0L;
365.  		}
366.  		if (is_pet && cansee(omx, omy) && flags.verbose)
367.  			pline("%s drops %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
368.  					distant_name(otmp, doname));
369.  		if (flooreffects(otmp, omx, omy, "fall")) continue;
370.  		place_object(otmp, omx, omy);
371.  		stackobj(otmp);
372.  	}
373.  	/* put kept objects back */
374.  	while ((otmp = keepobj) != (struct obj *)0) {
375.  	    keepobj = otmp->nobj;
376.  	    add_to_minv(mtmp, otmp);
377.  	}
379.  	if (mtmp->mgold) {
380.  		register long g = mtmp->mgold;
381.  		mkgold(g, omx, omy);
382.  		if (is_pet && cansee(omx, omy) && flags.verbose)
383.  			pline("%s drops %ld gold piece%s.", Monnam(mtmp),
384.  				g, plur(g));
385.  		mtmp->mgold = 0L;
386.  	}
387.  	if (show & cansee(omx, omy))
388.  		newsym(omx, omy);
389.  }
391.  #endif /* OVL0 */
393.  /*steal.c*/