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Revision as of 09:55, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to winX.h from the source code of NetHack 3.2.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.2.0/winX.h#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)winX.h	3.2	96/02/18	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Dean Luick, 1992				  */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /*
6.     * Definitions for the X11 window-port.  See doc/window.doc for details on
7.     * the window interface.
8.     */
9.    #ifndef WINX_H
10.   #define WINX_H
12.   #ifndef E
13.   #define E extern
14.   #endif
16.   #if defined(BOS) || defined(NHSTDC)
17.   #define DIMENSION_P int
18.   #else
20.   #define DIMENSION_P unsigned int
21.   # else
22.   #define DIMENSION_P Dimension
23.   # endif
24.   #endif
26.   /*
27.    * Generic text buffer.
28.    */
29.   #define START_SIZE 512	/* starting text buffer size */
30.   struct text_buffer {
31.       char *text;
32.       int  text_size;
33.       int  text_last;
34.       int  num_lines;
35.   };
38.   /*
39.    * Information specific to a map window.
40.    */
41.   struct text_map_info_t {
42.       unsigned char   text[ROWNO][COLNO];	/* Actual displayed screen. */
43.   #ifdef TEXTCOLOR
44.       unsigned char   colors[ROWNO][COLNO];	/* Color of each character. */
45.       GC		    color_gcs[CLR_MAX],		/* GC for each color */
46.   		    inv_color_gcs[CLR_MAX];	/* GC for each inverse color */
47.   #define copy_gc	    color_gcs[NO_COLOR]
48.   #define inv_copy_gc inv_color_gcs[NO_COLOR]
49.   #else
50.       GC		    copy_gc,			/* Drawing GC */
51.   		    inv_copy_gc;		/* Inverse drawing GC */
52.   #endif
53.   };
55.   struct tile_map_info_t {
56.       unsigned short glyphs[ROWNO][COLNO];	/* Saved glyph numbers. */
57.       GC	white_gc;
58.       GC	black_gc;
59.   };
61.   struct map_info_t {
62.       Dimension	    viewport_width,	/* Saved viewport size, so we can */
63.   		    viewport_height;	/*   clip to cursor on a resize.  */
64.       unsigned char   t_start[ROWNO],	/* Starting column for new info. */
65.   		    t_stop[ROWNO];	/* Ending column for new info. */
66.       int		    square_width,	/* Saved font/tile information so */
67.   		    square_height,	/*   we can calculate the correct */
68.   		    square_ascent,	/*   placement of changes.	  */
69.   		    square_lbearing;
70.       boolean	    is_tile;
71.       union {
72.   	struct text_map_info_t *text_map;
73.   	struct tile_map_info_t *tile_map;
74.       } mtype;
75.   };
78.   /*
79.    * Information specific to a message window.
80.    */
81.   struct line_element {
82.       struct line_element *next;
83.       char *line;			/* char buffer */
84.       int  buf_length;		/* length of buffer */
85.       int  str_length;		/* length of string in buffer */
86.   };
88.   struct mesg_info_t {
89.       XFontStruct *fs;		/* Font for the window. */
90.       int		num_lines;	/* line count */
91.       struct line_element *head;	/* head of circular line queue */
92.       struct line_element *line_here;/* current drawn line position */
93.       struct line_element *last_pause;/* point to the line after the prev */
94.   				/*     bottom of screen			*/
95.       struct line_element *last_pause_head;/* pointer to head of previous */
96.   				/* turn					*/
97.       GC		gc;		/* GC for text drawing */
98.       int         char_width,     /* Saved font information so we can  */
99.   		char_height,    /*   calculate the correct placement */
100.  		char_ascent,    /*   of changes.                     */
101.  		char_lbearing;
102.      Dimension	viewport_width,	/* Saved viewport size, so we can adjust */
103.  		viewport_height;/*   the slider on a resize.		 */
104.      Boolean	dirty;		/* Lines have been added to the window. */
105.  };
107.  /*
108.   * Information specific to a "text" status window.
109.   */
110.  struct status_info_t {
111.      struct text_buffer text;	/* Just a text buffer. */
112.  };
114.  /*
115.   * Information specific to a menu window.  First a structure for each
116.   * menu entry, then the structure for each menu window.
117.   */
118.  typedef struct x11_mi {
119.      struct x11_mi *next;
120.      anything identifier;	/* Opaque type to identify this selection */
121.      boolean selected;		/* Been selected? */
122.      char selector;		/* Char used to select this entry. */
123.      int  attr;			/* Attribute for the line. */
124.      char *str;			/* The text of the item. */
125.  } x11_menu_item;
127.  struct menu {
128.      x11_menu_item *base;	/* Starting pointer for item list. */
129.      x11_menu_item *last;	/* End pointer for item list. */
130.      const char    *query;	/* Query string */
131.      int		  count;	/* Number of strings. */
132.      String	  *list_pointer;/* String list. */
133.      Boolean	  *sensitive;	/* Active list. */
134.      char	  curr_selector;/* Next keyboard accelerator to assign, */
135.  				/*   if 0, then we're out.		*/
136.  };
138.  struct menu_info_t {
139.      struct menu curr_menu;	/* Menu being displayed. */
140.      struct menu new_menu;	/* New menu being built. */
142.      XFontStruct *fs;		/* Font for the window. */
143.      Dimension line_height;	/* Total height of a line of text. */
144.      Dimension internal_height;	/* Internal height between widget & border */
145.      Dimension internal_width;	/* Internal width between widget & border */
146.      short how;			/* Menu mode PICK_NONE, PICK_ONE, PICK_N */
147.      boolean valid_widgets;	/* TRUE if widgets have been created. */
148.      boolean is_menu;		/* Has been confirmed to being a menu window. */
149.      boolean is_active;		/* TRUE when waiting for user input. */
150.      boolean is_up;		/* TRUE when window is popped-up. */
151.  };
153.  /*
154.   * Information specific to a text window.
155.   */
156.  struct text_info_t {
157.      struct text_buffer text;
158.      XFontStruct *fs;		/* Font for the text window. */
159.      int		max_width;	/* Width of widest line so far. */
160.      int		extra_width,	/* Sum of left and right border widths. */
161.  		extra_height;	/* Sum of top and bottom border widths. */
162.      boolean	blocked;	/*  */
163.      boolean	destroy_on_ack;	/* Destroy this window when acknowleged. */
165.      boolean	is_rip;		/* This window needs a tombstone. */
166.  #endif
167.  };
170.  /*
171.   * Basic window structure.
172.   */
173.  struct xwindow {
174.      int	      type;		/* type of nethack window */
175.      Widget    popup;		/* direct parent of widget w or viewport */
176.      Widget    w;		/* the widget that does things */
177.      Dimension pixel_width;	/* window size, in pixels */
178.      Dimension pixel_height;
179.      int	      prevx, cursx;	/* Cursor position, only used by    */
180.      int       prevy, cursy;	/*   map and "plain" status windows.*/
182.      union {
183.  	struct map_info_t    *Map_info;	    /* map window info */
184.  	struct mesg_info_t   *Mesg_info;    /* message window info */
185.  	struct status_info_t *Status_info;  /* status window info */
186.  	struct menu_info_t   *Menu_info;    /* menu window info */
187.  	struct text_info_t   *Text_info;    /* menu window info */
188.      } Win_info;
189.  };
191.  /* Defines to use for the window information union. */
192.  #define map_information    Win_info.Map_info
193.  #define mesg_information   Win_info.Mesg_info
194.  #define status_information Win_info.Status_info
195.  #define menu_information   Win_info.Menu_info
196.  #define text_information   Win_info.Text_info
199.  #define MAX_WINDOWS 20		/* max number of open windows */
201.  #define NHW_NONE 0		/* Unallocated window type.  Must be	*/
202.  				/* different from any other NHW_* type. */
204.  #define NO_CLICK 0		/* No click occured on the map window. Must */
205.  				/* be different than CLICK_1 and CLICK_2.   */
207.  #define DEFAULT_MESSAGE_WIDTH 60/* width in chars of the message window */
209.  #define DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE 35	/* Max number of lines in the default	*/
210.  				/* file display window.			*/
212.  #define MAX_KEY_STRING 64	/* String size for converting a keypress */
213.  				/* event into a character(s)		 */
215.  #define DEFAULT_LINES_DISPLAYED 12 /* # of lines displayed message window */
216.  #define MAX_HISTORY 60		/* max history saved on message window */
219.  /* Window variables (winX.c). */
220.  E struct xwindow window_list[MAX_WINDOWS];
221.  E XtAppContext   app_context;		/* context of application */
222.  E Widget	 toplevel;		/* toplevel widget */
223.  E Atom		 wm_delete_window;	/* delete window protocol */
224.  E boolean	 exit_x_event;		/* exit condition for event loop */
225.  #define EXIT_ON_KEY_PRESS	    0	/* valid values for exit_x_event */
227.  #define EXIT_ON_EXIT		    2
228.  #define EXIT_ON_SENT_EVENT	    3
229.  E int click_x, click_y, click_button, updated_inventory;
231.  typedef struct {
232.      Boolean slow;
233.      Boolean autofocus;
234.      Boolean message_line;
235.      Boolean double_tile_size;	/* double tile size */
236.      String  tile_file;		/* name of file to open for tiles */
237.      String  icon;		/* name of desired icon */
238.      int     message_lines;	/* number of lines to attempt to show */
239.      String  pet_mark_bitmap;	/* X11 bitmap file used to mark pets */
240.      Pixel   pet_mark_color;	/* color of pet mark */
242.      String  tombstone;		/* name of XPM file for tombstone */
243.      int     tombtext_x;		/* x-coord of center of first tombstone text */
244.      int     tombtext_y;		/* y-coord of center of first tombstone text */
245.      int     tombtext_dx;	/* x-displacement between tombstone line */
246.      int     tombtext_dy;	/* y-displacement between tombstone line */
247.  #endif
248.  } AppResources;
250.  E AppResources appResources;
251.  E void (*input_func)();
253.  extern struct window_procs X11_procs;
255.  /* Check for an invalid window id. */
256.  #define check_winid(window)					\
257.  	if ((window) < 0 || (window) >= MAX_WINDOWS) {		\
258.  	    panic("illegal windid [%d] in %s at line %d",	\
259.  		window, __FILE__, __LINE__);			\
260.  	}
263.  /* ### dialogs.c ### */
264.  E Widget FDECL(CreateDialog, (Widget, String, XtCallbackProc, XtCallbackProc));
265.  E void FDECL(SetDialogPrompt,(Widget, String));
266.  E String FDECL(GetDialogResponse,(Widget));
267.  E void FDECL(SetDialogResponse,(Widget, String));
268.  E void FDECL(positionpopup,(Widget,BOOLEAN_P));
270.  /* ### winX.c ### */
271.  E struct xwindow *FDECL(find_widget,(Widget));
272.  E Boolean FDECL(nhApproxColor,(Screen*, Colormap, char*, XColor*));
273.  E char FDECL(key_event_to_char,(XKeyEvent*));
274.  E void FDECL(msgkey, (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent*));
275.  E void FDECL(nh_XtPopup, (Widget, int, Widget));
276.  E void FDECL(nh_XtPopdown, (Widget));
277.  E void NDECL(win_X11_init);
278.  E void FDECL(nh_keyscroll, (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
280.  /* ### winmesg.c ### */
281.  E void FDECL(set_message_slider, (struct xwindow*));
282.  E void FDECL(create_message_window,(struct xwindow*, BOOLEAN_P, Widget));
283.  E void FDECL(destroy_message_window,(struct xwindow*));
284.  E void FDECL(display_message_window, (struct xwindow*));
285.  E void FDECL(append_message,(struct xwindow*, const char*));
286.  E void FDECL(set_last_pause, (struct xwindow*));
288.  /* ### winmap.c ### */
289.  E void NDECL(post_process_tiles);
290.  E void FDECL(check_cursor_visibility,(struct xwindow*));
291.  E void FDECL(display_map_window,(struct xwindow*));
292.  E void FDECL(clear_map_window,(struct xwindow*));
293.  E void FDECL(map_input, (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
294.  E void FDECL(set_map_size,(struct xwindow*, DIMENSION_P, DIMENSION_P));
295.  E void FDECL(create_map_window,(struct xwindow*, BOOLEAN_P, Widget));
296.  E void FDECL(destroy_map_window,(struct xwindow*));
297.  E int  FDECL(x_event,(int));
299.  /* ### winmenu.c ### */
300.  E void FDECL(menu_delete, (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
301.  E void FDECL(menu_key,(Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
302.  E void FDECL(create_menu_window,(struct xwindow*));
303.  E void FDECL(destroy_menu_window,(struct xwindow*));
305.  /* ### winmisc.c ### */
306.  E void FDECL(ps_key,(Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*)); /* player selection action */
307.  E void FDECL(ec_delete, (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
308.  E void FDECL(ec_key,(Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*)); /* extended command action */
310.  /* ### winstatus.c ### */
311.  E void FDECL(create_status_window,(struct xwindow*, BOOLEAN_P, Widget));
312.  E void FDECL(destroy_status_window,(struct xwindow*));
313.  E void FDECL(adjust_status,(struct xwindow*, const char*));
314.  E void NDECL(null_out_status);
315.  E void NDECL(check_turn_events);
317.  /* ### wintext.c ### */
318.  E void FDECL(delete_text, (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
319.  E void FDECL(dismiss_text,(Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
320.  E void FDECL(key_dismiss_text,(Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
322.  E void FDECL(rip_dismiss_text,(Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*));
323.  #endif
324.  E void FDECL(add_to_text_window,(struct xwindow*, int, const char*));
325.  E void FDECL(display_text_window,(struct xwindow*, BOOLEAN_P));
326.  E void FDECL(create_text_window,(struct xwindow*));
327.  E void FDECL(destroy_text_window,(struct xwindow*));
328.  E void FDECL(clear_text_window,(struct xwindow*));
329.  E void FDECL(append_text_buffer,(struct text_buffer*, const char*, BOOLEAN_P));	/* text buffer routines */
330.  E void FDECL(init_text_buffer,(struct text_buffer*));
331.  E void FDECL(clear_text_buffer,(struct text_buffer*));
332.  E void FDECL(free_text_buffer,(struct text_buffer*));
334.  E void FDECL(calculate_rip_text, (int));
335.  #endif
338.  /* ### winval.c ### */
339.  E Widget FDECL(create_value,(Widget, const char*));
340.  E void   FDECL(set_name,(Widget, char*));
341.  E void   FDECL(set_name_width,(Widget, int));
342.  E int    FDECL(get_name_width,(Widget));
343.  E void   FDECL(set_value,(Widget, const char*));
344.  E void   FDECL(set_value_width,(Widget, int));
345.  E int    FDECL(get_value_width,(Widget));
346.  E void   FDECL(hilight_value,(Widget));
347.  E void   FDECL(swap_fg_bg,(Widget));
349.  /* external declarations */
350.  E void FDECL(X11_init_nhwindows, (int *, char **));
351.  E void NDECL(X11_player_selection);
352.  E void NDECL(X11_askname);
353.  E void NDECL(X11_get_nh_event) ;
354.  E void FDECL(X11_exit_nhwindows, (const char *));
355.  E void FDECL(X11_suspend_nhwindows, (const char *));
356.  E void NDECL(X11_resume_nhwindows);
357.  E winid FDECL(X11_create_nhwindow, (int));
358.  E void FDECL(X11_clear_nhwindow, (winid));
359.  E void FDECL(X11_display_nhwindow, (winid, BOOLEAN_P));
360.  E void FDECL(X11_destroy_nhwindow, (winid));
361.  E void FDECL(X11_curs, (winid,int,int));
362.  E void FDECL(X11_putstr, (winid, int, const char *));
363.  E void FDECL(X11_display_file, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
364.  E void FDECL(X11_start_menu, (winid));
365.  E void FDECL(X11_add_menu, (winid,int,const ANY_P *,
366.  			CHAR_P,int,const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
367.  E void FDECL(X11_end_menu, (winid, const char *));
368.  E int FDECL(X11_select_menu, (winid, int, MENU_ITEM_P **));
369.  E void NDECL(X11_update_inventory);
370.  E void NDECL(X11_mark_synch);
371.  E void NDECL(X11_wait_synch);
372.  #ifdef CLIPPING
373.  E void FDECL(X11_cliparound, (int, int));
374.  #endif
375.  E void FDECL(X11_print_glyph, (winid,XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,int));
376.  E void FDECL(X11_raw_print, (const char *));
377.  E void FDECL(X11_raw_print_bold, (const char *));
378.  E int NDECL(X11_nhgetch);
379.  E int FDECL(X11_nh_poskey, (int *, int *, int *));
380.  E void NDECL(X11_nhbell);
381.  E int NDECL(X11_doprev_message);
382.  E char FDECL(X11_yn_function, (const char *, const char *, CHAR_P));
383.  E void FDECL(X11_getlin, (const char *,char *));
384.  E int NDECL(X11_get_ext_cmd);
385.  E void FDECL(X11_number_pad, (int));
386.  E void NDECL(X11_delay_output);
388.  /* other defs that really should go away (they're tty specific) */
389.  E void NDECL(X11_start_screen);
390.  E void NDECL(X11_end_screen);
393.  E void FDECL(X11_outrip, (winid,int));
394.  #else
395.  E void FDECL(genl_outrip, (winid,int));
396.  #endif
398.  #endif /* WINX_H */