Source:NetHack 3.6.0/include/amiconf.h

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/* NetHack 3.6 amiconf.h $NHDT-Date: 1432512775 2015/05/25 00:12:55 $ $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.12 $ */ /* Copyright (c) Kenneth Lorber, Bethesda, Maryland, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993.


/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */

  1. ifndef AMICONF_H
  2. define AMICONF_H
  1. undef abs /* avoid using macro form of abs */
  2. ifndef __SASC_60
  3. undef min /* this gets redefined */
  4. undef max /* this gets redefined */
  5. endif
  1. include <time.h> /* get time_t defined before use! */
  1. ifdef __SASC_60 /* since SAS can prevent re-inclusion */
  2. include <stdlib.h> /* general things, including builtins */
  3. include <string.h>
  4. endif
  1. ifdef AZTEC_50
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. define AZTEC_C_WORKAROUND /* Bug which turns up in sounds.c. Bummer... */
  4. define NO_SIGNAL /* 5.0 signal handling doesn't like SIGINT... */
  5. endif
  1. ifdef _DCC
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. define _SIZE_T
  4. define DCC30_BUG /* A bitfield bug (from dog.c, others) in DICE 3.0. */
  5. endif
  1. ifndef __GNUC__

typedef long off_t;

  1. endif
  1. define MICRO /* must be defined to allow some inclusions */
  1. define NOCWD_ASSUMPTIONS /* Allow paths to be specified for HACKDIR, \
                            LEVELDIR, SAVEDIR, BONESDIR, DATADIR,    \
                            SCOREDIR, LOCKDIR, CONFIGDIR, and TROUBLEDIR */

/* data librarian defs */

  2. define DLBFILE "NetHack:nhdat" /* main library */
  3. define DLBFILE2 "NetHack:nhsdat" /* sound library */
  4. else
  5. define DLBFILE "nhdat" /* main library */
  6. define DLBFILE2 "nhsdat" /* sound library */
  7. endif
  1. define FILENAME_CMP stricmp /* case insensitive */
  1. ifndef __SASC_60
  2. define O_BINARY 0
  3. endif

/* Compile in New Intuition look for 2.0 */

  2. ifndef INTUI_NEW_LOOK
  3. define INTUI_NEW_LOOK 1
  4. endif
  5. endif
  1. define MFLOPPY /* You'll probably want this; provides assistance \
                * for typical personal computer configurations   \
  1. define RANDOM

/* ### amidos.c ### */

extern void FDECL(nethack_exit, (int));

/* ### amiwbench.c ### */

extern void NDECL(ami_wbench_init); extern void NDECL(ami_wbench_args); extern int FDECL(ami_wbench_getsave, (int)); extern void FDECL(ami_wbench_unlink, (char *)); extern int FDECL(ami_wbench_iconsize, (char *)); extern void FDECL(ami_wbench_iconwrite, (char *)); extern int FDECL(ami_wbench_badopt, (const char *)); extern void NDECL(ami_wbench_cleanup); extern void FDECL(getlind, (const char *, char *, const char *));

/* ### winreq.c ### */

extern void amii_setpens(int);

extern void FDECL(exit, (int)); extern void NDECL(CleanUp); extern void FDECL(Abort, (long)); extern int NDECL(getpid); extern char *FDECL(CopyFile, (const char *, const char *)); extern int NDECL(kbhit); extern int NDECL(WindowGetchar); extern void FDECL(ami_argset, (int *, char *[])); extern void FDECL(ami_mkargline, (int *, char **[])); extern void FDECL(ami_wininit_data, (int));

  1. define FromWBench 0 /* A hint for compiler ... */

/* extern boolean FromWBench; /* how were we run? */ extern int ami_argc; extern char **ami_argv;

  1. ifndef MICRO_H
  2. include "micro.h"
  3. endif
  1. ifndef PCCONF_H
  2. include "pcconf.h" /* remainder of stuff is almost same as the PC */
  3. endif
  1. define remove(x) unlink(x)

/* DICE wants rewind() to return void. We want it to return int. */

  1. if defined(_DCC) || defined(__GNUC__)
  2. define rewind(f) fseek(f, 0, 0)
  3. endif
  1. ifdef AZTEC_C

extern FILE *FDECL(freopen, (const char *, const char *, FILE *)); extern char *FDECL(gets, (char *));

  1. endif
  1. define msmsg printf


* If AZTEC_C  we can't use the long cpath in vision.c....
  1. ifdef AZTEC_C
  2. undef MACRO_CPATH
  3. endif


*  (Possibly) configurable Amiga options:
  1. define TEXTCOLOR /* Use colored monsters and objects */
  2. define HACKFONT /* Use special hack.font */
  3. define SHELL /* Have a shell escape command (!) */
  4. define MAIL /* Get mail at unexpected occasions */
  5. define DEFAULT_ICON "NetHack:default.icon" /* private icon */
  6. define AMIFLUSH /* toss typeahead (select flush in .cnf) */

/* #define OPT_DISPMAP /* enable fast_map option */

/* new window system options */ /* WRONG - AMIGA_INTUITION should go away */

  1. ifdef AMII_GRAPHICS
  2. define AMIGA_INTUITION /* high power graphics interface (amii) */
  3. endif
  1. define CHANGE_COLOR 1
  1. ifdef TEXTCOLOR
  2. define DEPTH 6 /* Maximum depth of the screen allowed */
  3. else
  4. define DEPTH 2 /* Four colors...sigh... */
  5. endif
  1. define AMII_MAXCOLORS (1L << DEPTH)

typedef unsigned short AMII_COLOR_TYPE;

  1. define PORT_HELP "nethack:amii.hlp"
  1. undef TERMLIB
  1. define AMII_MUFFLED_VOLUME 40
  2. define AMII_SOFT_VOLUME 50
  3. define AMII_OKAY_VOLUME 60
  4. define AMII_LOUDER_VOLUME 80
  1. ifdef TTY_GRAPHICS
  2. define ANSI_DEFAULT
  3. endif

extern int amibbs; /* BBS mode? */

  1. ifdef AMII_GRAPHICS

extern int amii_numcolors; void FDECL(amii_setpens, (int));

  1. endif

/* for cmd.c: override version in micro.h */

  1. ifdef __SASC_60
  2. undef M
  3. define M(c) ((c) -128)
  4. endif
  1. endif /* AMICONF_H */