Source:NetHack 3.6.0/include/mextra.h

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Below is the full text to mextra.h from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/include/mextra.h#line123]], for example.

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/* NetHack 3.6	mextra.h	$NHDT-Date: 1432512781 2015/05/25 00:13:01 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.16 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */

#ifndef MEXTRA_H
#define MEXTRA_H

#ifndef ALIGN_H
#include "align.h"

*  Adding new mextra structures:
*	 1. Add the structure definition and any required macros in this file
*	    above the mextra struct.
*	 2. Add a pointer to your new struct to the mextra struct in this
*	 3. Add a referencing macro at the bottom of this file after the
*	    struct (see MNAME, EGD, EPRI, ESHK, EMIN, or EDOG for examples).
*	 4. Create a newXX(mtmp) function and possibly a free_XX(mtmp)
*	    in an appropriate new or existing source file and add a prototype
*	    for it to include/extern.h.
*		void FDECL(newXX, (struct monst *));
*	        void FDECL(free_XX, (struct monst *));
*	          void
*	          newXX(mtmp)
*	          struct monst *mtmp;
*	          {
*	              if (!mtmp->mextra) mtmp->mextra = newmextra();
*	              if (!XX(mtmp)) {
*	                  XX(mtmp) = (struct XX *)alloc(sizeof(struct XX));
*	                  (void) memset((genericptr_t) XX(mtmp),
*	                             0, sizeof(struct XX));
*	              }
*	          }
*	 5. Consider adding a new makemon flag MM_XX flag to include/hack.h
*	    a corresponding change to makemon() if you require your structure
*	    to be added at monster creation time. Initialize your struct
*	    after a successful return from makemon().
*	     src/makemon.c:  if (mmflags & MM_XX) newXX(mtmp);
*	     your new code:  mon = makemon(&mons[mnum], x, y, MM_XX);
*	 6. Adjust size_monst() in src/cmd.c appropriately.
*	 7. Adjust dealloc_mextra() in src/mon.c to clean up
*	    properly during monst deallocation.
*	 8. Adjust copy_mextra() in src/mon.c to make duplicate
*	    copies of your struct or data on another monst struct.
*	 9. Adjust restmon() in src/restore.c to deal with your
*	    struct or data during a restore.
*	10. Adjust savemon() in src/save.c to deal with your
*	    struct or data during a save.

**	formerly vault.h -- vault guard extension
#define GD_EATGOLD 0x01
#define GD_DESTROYGOLD 0x02

struct fakecorridor {
xchar fx, fy, ftyp;

struct egd {
int fcbeg, fcend;     /* fcend: first unused pos */
int vroom;            /* room number of the vault */
xchar gdx, gdy;       /* goal of guard's walk */
xchar ogx, ogy;       /* guard's last position */
d_level gdlevel;      /* level (& dungeon) guard was created in */
xchar warncnt;        /* number of warnings to follow */
Bitfield(gddone, 1);  /* true iff guard has released player */
Bitfield(witness, 2); /* the guard saw you do something */
Bitfield(unused, 5);
struct fakecorridor fakecorr[FCSIZ];

**	formerly epri.h -- temple priest extension
struct epri {
aligntyp shralign; /* alignment of priest's shrine */
schar shroom;      /* index in rooms */
coord shrpos;      /* position of shrine */
d_level shrlevel;  /* level (& dungeon) of shrine */
long intone_time,  /* used to limit verbosity  +*/
enter_time,    /*+ of temple entry messages */
hostile_time,  /* forbidding feeling */
peaceful_time; /* sense of peace */
/* note: roaming priests (no shrine) switch from ispriest to isminion
(and emin extension) */

**	formerly eshk.h -- shopkeeper extension
#define REPAIR_DELAY 5 /* minimum delay between shop damage & repair */
#define BILLSZ 200

struct bill_x {
unsigned bo_id;
boolean useup;
long price; /* price per unit */
long bquan; /* amount used up */

struct eshk {
long robbed;          /* amount stolen by most recent customer */
long credit;          /* amount credited to customer */
long debit;           /* amount of debt for using unpaid items */
long loan;            /* shop-gold picked (part of debit) */
int shoptype;         /* the value of rooms[shoproom].rtype */
schar shoproom;       /* index in rooms; set by inshop() */
schar unused;         /* to force alignment for stupid compilers */
boolean following;    /* following customer since he owes us sth */
boolean surcharge;    /* angry shk inflates prices */
boolean dismiss_kops; /* pacified shk sends kops away */
coord shk;            /* usual position shopkeeper */
coord shd;            /* position shop door */
d_level shoplevel;    /* level (& dungeon) of his shop */
int billct;           /* no. of entries of bill[] in use */
struct bill_x bill[BILLSZ];
struct bill_x *bill_p;
int visitct;            /* nr of visits by most recent customer */
char customer[PL_NSIZ]; /* most recent customer */
char shknam[PL_NSIZ];

**	formerly emin.h -- minion extension
struct emin {
aligntyp min_align; /* alignment of minion */
boolean renegade;   /* hostile co-aligned priest or Angel */

**	formerly edog.h -- pet extension
/*	various types of pet food, the lower, the better liked */
#define DOGFOOD 0
#define CADAVER 1
#define ACCFOOD 2
#define MANFOOD 3
#define APPORT 4
#define POISON 5
#define UNDEF 6
#define TABU 7

struct edog {
long droptime;            /* moment dog dropped object */
unsigned dropdist;        /* dist of dropped obj from @ */
int apport;               /* amount of training */
long whistletime;         /* last time he whistled */
long hungrytime;          /* will get hungry at this time */
coord ogoal;              /* previous goal location */
int abuse;                /* track abuses to this pet */
int revivals;             /* count pet deaths */
int mhpmax_penalty;       /* while starving, points reduced */
Bitfield(killed_by_u, 1); /* you attempted to kill him */

**	mextra.h -- collection of all monster extensions
struct mextra {
char *mname;
struct egd *egd;
struct epri *epri;
struct eshk *eshk;
struct emin *emin;
struct edog *edog;
int mcorpsenm; /* obj->corpsenm for mimic posing as statue or corpse */

#define MNAME(mon) ((mon)->mextra->mname)
#define EGD(mon) ((mon)->mextra->egd)
#define EPRI(mon) ((mon)->mextra->epri)
#define ESHK(mon) ((mon)->mextra->eshk)
#define EMIN(mon) ((mon)->mextra->emin)
#define EDOG(mon) ((mon)->mextra->edog)
#define MCORPSENM(mon) ((mon)->mextra->mcorpsenm)

#define has_mname(mon) ((mon)->mextra && MNAME(mon))
#define has_mcorpsenm(mon) ((mon)->mextra && MCORPSENM(mon) != NON_PM)

#endif /* MEXTRA_H */