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Revision as of 13:09, 7 September 2007 by Addps4cat (talk | contribs) (oops that was me)
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Is "House" an official NetHack term (a phrase from the game or source code)? If not, where did this term originate? How does a house assist a player? -- Dez 19:01, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

I've certainly never heard of it. Perhaps this should be removed. --Eidolos
Let's examine our good friend the source code:
845 detect.c		    case 5 : You("see tiny snowflakes spinning around a miniature farmhouse.");
Hallucination message from crystal ball.
174 files.c	 *	callerbuf	buffer to house result
231 files.c	 *	callerbuf	buffer to house result
house as a verb
2374 mhitu.c			if (!cost) verbalize("It's on the house!");
2395 mhitu.c			if (!cost) verbalize("It's on the house!");
house as an expression
483 eat.c		    case PM_HOUSECAT:
807 mkobj.c			wt += mons[PM_HOUSECAT].cwt;
370 monst.c	    MON("housecat", S_FELINE,
2044 pickup.c	    livecat = rn2(2) ? makemon(&mons[PM_HOUSECAT],
2055 pickup.c		deadcat = mk_named_object(CORPSE, &mons[PM_HOUSECAT],
2062 pickup.c		    Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : "housecat");
References to the housecat monster
63 read.c	    "Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi Lifetime Customer",
64 read.c	    "Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi Employee of the Month",
Messages on the t-shirt for a tourist

I say delete unless this is some term that people in r.g.r.n use Addps4cat 13:09, 7 September 2007 (UTC)