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Aphrodite is a unique monster that appears in many variants, including SLASH'EM, UnNetHack, DynaHack, SlashTHEM and EvilHack.

She is part of the nymph monster class, and is effectively a tougher-to-kill nymph with the same theft attacks as other nymphs. However, she has much better AC and more hit dice, and is also slightly faster than an unhasted player.


Aphrodite only ever appears on her own special level - this is usually the nymph level, which occurs on different floors in each variant and has a 45% chance of appearing.


In SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM, Aphrodite will appear within the nymph level on dungeon level 23 or 24.


In UnNetHack and EvilHack, her level appears anywhere from DL 5 to 19.


In DynaHack, Aphrodite and the nymph level can be found as the second floor of the Town branch.


Aphrodite's difficulty is somewhat dependent on the variant, due to the variance of floors on which she and her level can appear.


In SLASH'EM, her level will have a number of random n, potentially including brownies, pixies and quicklings. Be careful if you lack see invisible or telepathy, as running into a pixie while making your way to her will cause you no end of trouble - if you have telepathy, use it to identify where they are beforehand.

Aphrodite herself is not that difficult to defeat in spite of her AC and speed. By the time you meet her, you should have even better AC and several means of dealing with her before she can close in on you, including some attack wands to use. Even if she does steal an item(s), she will flee afterward like all nymphs - use telepathy to find her and kill her quickly before she regains her courage.


Aphrodite's level can potentially generate much earlier, making her an unwelcome surprised for an unprepared player - conversely, the nymphs present in UnNetHack aren't nearly as threatening in comparison to SLASH'EM's.


EvilHack's changes to various items makes the prospect of Aphrodite stealing anything from you markedly more dangerous, so you will want to deal with her as quickly as possible.

Encyclopedia entry

I will sing of stately Aphrodite, gold-crowned and beautiful,
whose dominion is the walled cities of all sea-set Cyprus.
There the moist breath of the western wind wafted her over
the waves of the loud moaning sea in soft foam, and there
the gold-filleted Hours welcomed her joyously. They clothed
her with heavenly garments: on her head they put a fine,
well-wrought crown of gold, and in her pierced ears they
hung ornaments of orichalc and precious gold, and adorned
her with golden necklaces over her soft neck and snow-white
breasts, jewels which the gold-filleted Hours wear themselves
whenever they go to their father's house to join the lovely
dances of the gods. And when they had fully decked her, they
brought her to the gods, who welcomed her when they saw her,
giving her their hands. Each one of them prayed that he might
lead her home to be his wedded wife, so greatly were they
amazed at the beauty of violet-crowned Cytherea.

[ Homeric Hymn VI, to Aphrodite,
translated by Hugh G. Evelyn-White ]