File talk:Shoulder rank insignia of the Romanian Police Agent.png

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How the hell is this page here, and why and how is it interfering with my attempt to give the agent article a proper tile for the template? --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 05:26, 28 October 2023 (UTC)

Apparently, commons:File:Agent.png is a redirect to this image on wikicommons, because the person who uploaded it in 2008 decided "Agent.png" was a good name for this. It was renamed in 2022, leaving a redirect. See the page history. Cathartes (talk) 05:33, 28 October 2023 (UTC)
So I guess the redirect would have to be deleted or overwritten? And why is the monster template defaulting to Commons files, anyhow? --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 05:36, 28 October 2023 (UTC)
Well, it's a Commons thing, and it's not their responsibility to deal with any effects it has on our wiki. Apparently this wiki by default deals with files are non-existent locally by looking them up on Commons as a backup (same thing happens on Wikipedia if the image is not hosted locally on Wikipedia). This feature would be more useful on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia wikis where sharing files between wikis is useful (only need one copy in one place, instead of having to upload a separate copy for each wiki). It probably isn't too useful here since we don't intentionally use images from Commons very much, if at all. Cathartes (talk) 05:45, 28 October 2023 (UTC)
Yeah, pestering the Commons folks about it is very "last resort" for me with this - if we can somehow solve it from our end I'd prefer that. I'd hoped uploading an actual tile would've done the job though... at least it gives me a jumpstart on the rest of the EvilHack tiles (hi K2!) if nothing else. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 05:48, 28 October 2023 (UTC)
Agent is showing the correct image now. If you saw the wrong image for a bit after you uploaded the replacement, that's because the wiki software has a bit of a delay in regenerating pages when pages they depend on change. Cathartes (talk) 05:53, 28 October 2023 (UTC)
Oh. Ballin'. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 05:55, 28 October 2023 (UTC)