J.R.R. Tolkien

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John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (January 3, 1892 - September 2, 1973) was a professor and writer best known for his works of literature set in the world of Middle-Earth, with the most famous of them being The Lord of the Rings. Most games with fantasy content (if not all) draw some sort of inspiration from him. NetHack is no exception: some monsters, such as the hobbit, are drawn directly from Tolkien's works, or else from Dungeons & Dragons, which also drew heavily from him. Every player who has so much as engraved Elbereth owes him a debt of gratitude.

Below is a list of various items and monsters that are inspired in part or in whole by J.R.R. Tolkien and his works.

Tolkien-inspired beings

Tolkien-inspired items

Tolkien-inspired locations

Tolkien-inspired features by variant



