Mini Me

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Mini Me is one of the new possible maps for Sokoban Level 4 in Hack'EM. It has 10 boulders and 8 pits, leaving 2 spare boulders.

        ---  0 boulder
----   -->-- ^ pit
|??-----...| > starting position/downstairs
|..^^^..00.| < upstairs
|^----.-.0.| ? scroll of earth


Start by "pairing off" the boulders on the right side before clearing the first pit:

        ---  F d
----   -->-- C l
|??-----...| D d
|..^^^..AB.| B d
|^----.-.C.| A lll*

Push in the next two boulders, then pick up the scrolls of earth before resuming:

        ---  C ulll l*
----   -->-- B ulll lll*

Finish off the next two boulders:

        ---  E uuul llll lld*
----   -->-- D uuul llll llld d*

Fill in the last three pits - be sure to double-check for items under J and H:

        ---  G uuuu ulll llll ddd*
----   -->-- F uuuu ulll llll lddd d*
|..-----...| I uuuu llll lddd dd*

Next level

The next level is chosen from one of the following: