Source:NetHack 1.4f/mon.c

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Below is the full text to mon.c from the source code of NetHack 1.4f. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 1.4f/mon.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

Screenshots and source code from Hack are used under the CWI license.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mon.c	1.4	87/08/08
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* mon.c - version 1.0.3 */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "mfndpos.h"
7.    extern struct obj *mkobj_at();
8.    extern char *hcolor();
9.    #ifdef KAA
10.   extern boolean	stoned;
11.   extern char mlarge[];
12.   #endif
14.   int warnlevel;		/* used by movemon and dochugw */
15.   long lastwarntime;
16.   int lastwarnlev;
17.   char	*warnings[] = {	"white", "pink", "red", "ruby", "purple", "black"  };
19.   movemon()
20.   {
21.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
22.   	register int fr;
24.   	warnlevel = 0;
26.   	while(1) {
27.   		/* find a monster that we haven't treated yet */
28.   		/* note that mtmp or mtmp->nmon might get killed
29.   		   while mtmp moves, so we cannot just walk down the
30.   		   chain (even new monsters might get created!) */
31.   		for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
32.   			if(mtmp->mlstmv < moves) goto next_mon;
33.   		/* treated all monsters */
34.   		break;
36.   	next_mon:
37.   		mtmp->mlstmv = moves;
39.   		/* most monsters drown in pools */
40.   		{ boolean inpool, iseel;
42.   		  inpool = (levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ == POOL);
43.   		  iseel = (mtmp->data->mlet == ';');
44.   		  if(inpool && !iseel) {
45.   			if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
46.   			    pline("%s drowns.", Monnam(mtmp));
47.   			mondead(mtmp);
48.   			continue;
49.   		  }
50.   		/* but eels have a difficult time outside */
51.   		  if(iseel && !inpool) {
52.   			if(mtmp->mhp > 1) mtmp->mhp--;
53.   			mtmp->mflee = 1;
54.   			mtmp->mfleetim += 2;
55.   		  }
56.   		}
57.   		if(mtmp->mblinded && !--mtmp->mblinded)
58.   			mtmp->mcansee = 1;
59.   		if(mtmp->mfleetim && !--mtmp->mfleetim)
60.   			mtmp->mflee = 0;
61.   #ifdef HARD
62.   		/* unwatched mimics and piercers may hide again  [MRS] */
63.   		if(restrap(mtmp))	continue;
64.   #endif
65.   		if(mtmp->mimic) continue;
66.   		if(mtmp->mspeed != MSLOW || !(moves%2)){
67.   			/* continue if the monster died fighting */
68.   			fr = -1;
69.   			if(Conflict && cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)
70.   				&& (fr = fightm(mtmp)) == 2)
71.   				continue;
72.   			if(fr<0 && dochugw(mtmp))
73.   				continue;
74.   		}
75.   		if(mtmp->mspeed == MFAST && dochugw(mtmp))
76.   			continue;
77.   	}
79.   	warnlevel -= u.ulevel;
80.   	if(warnlevel >= SIZE(warnings))
81.   		warnlevel = SIZE(warnings)-1;
82.   	if(warnlevel >= 0)
83.   	if(warnlevel > lastwarnlev || moves > lastwarntime + 5){
84.   	    register char *rr;
85.   	    switch(Warning & (LEFT_RING | RIGHT_RING)){
86.   	    case LEFT_RING:
87.   		rr = "Your left ring glows";
88.   		break;
89.   	    case RIGHT_RING:
90.   		rr = "Your right ring glows";
91.   		break;
92.   	    case LEFT_RING | RIGHT_RING:
93.   		rr = "Both your rings glow";
94.   		break;
95.   	    default:
96.   		rr = "Your fingertips glow";
97.   		break;
98.   	    }
99.   	    pline("%s %s!", rr, Hallucination ? hcolor() : warnings[warnlevel]);
100.  	    lastwarntime = moves;
101.  	    lastwarnlev = warnlevel;
102.  	}
104.  	dmonsfree();	/* remove all dead monsters */
105.  }
107.  justswld(mtmp,name)
108.  register struct monst *mtmp;
109.  char *name;
110.  {
112.  	mtmp->mx = u.ux;
113.  	mtmp->my =;
114.  	u.ustuck = mtmp;
115.  	pmon(mtmp);
116.  	kludge("%s swallows you!",name);
117.  	more();
118.  	seeoff(1);
119.  	u.uswallow = 1;
120.  	u.uswldtim = 0;
121.  	swallowed();
122.  }
124.  youswld(mtmp,dam,die,name)
125.  register struct monst *mtmp;
126.  register dam,die;
127.  char *name;
128.  {
129.  	if(mtmp != u.ustuck) return;
130.  	kludge("%s digests you!",name);
131.  	u.uhp -= dam;
132.  	if(u.uswldtim++ >= die){	/* a3 */
133.  		pline("It totally digests you!");
134.  		u.uhp = -1;
135.  	}
136.  	if(u.uhp < 1) done_in_by(mtmp);
137.  	/* flags.botlx = 1;		/* should we show status line ? */
138.  }
140.  #ifdef ROCKMOLE
141.  meatgold(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
142.  register struct gold *gold;
143.  register int pile;
144.  register struct obj *otmp;
145.         /* Eats gold if it is there */
146.        while(gold = g_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)){
147.  	      freegold(gold);
148.  	       /* Left behind a pile? */
149.  	       pile = rnd(25);
150.  	       if(pile < 3)
151.  		 mksobj_at(ROCK, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
152.  	      newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
153.  	}
154.         /* Eats armor if it is there */
155.         otmp = o_at(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
156.         if((otmp) && (otmp->otyp >= PLATE_MAIL) && (otmp->otyp <= RING_MAIL)){
157.  	      freeobj(otmp);
158.  	       /* Left behind a pile? */
159.  	       pile = rnd(25);
160.  	       if(pile < 3)
161.  		  mksobj_at(ROCK, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
162.  	      newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
163.  	}
164.  }
165.  #endif /* ROCKMOLE /**/
167.  mpickgold(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
168.  register struct gold *gold;
169.  register struct obj *otmp;
170.  	while(gold = g_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)){
171.  		mtmp->mgold += gold->amount;
172.  		freegold(gold);
173.  		if(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].scrsym == GOLD_SYM)
174.  			newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
175.  	}
176.  }
178.  /* Now includes giants which pick up enormous rocks.  KAA */
179.  mpickgems(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
180.  register struct obj *otmp;
181.  	for(otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
182.  	  if(otmp->olet ==
183.  #ifdef KAA
184.  			   (mtmp->data->mlet=='9' ? ROCK_SYM : GEM_SYM))
185.  #else
186.  			   GEM_SYM)
187.  #endif
188.  	    if(otmp->ox == mtmp->mx && otmp->oy == mtmp->my)
189.  	      if(mtmp->data->mlet != 'u' || objects[otmp->otyp].g_val != 0){
190.  		freeobj(otmp);
191.  		mpickobj(mtmp, otmp);
192.  #ifndef KAA
193.  		if(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].scrsym == GEM_SYM)
194.  #endif
195.  			newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);	/* %% */
196.  		return;	/* pick only one object */
197.  	      }
198.  }
200.  /* return number of acceptable neighbour positions */
201.  mfndpos(mon,poss,info,flag)
202.  register struct monst *mon;
203.  coord poss[9];
204.  long info[9], flag;
205.  {
206.  	register int x,y,nx,ny,cnt = 0,ntyp;
207.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
208.  	int nowtyp;
209.  	boolean pool;
211.  	x = mon->mx;
212.  	y = mon->my;
213.  	nowtyp = levl[x][y].typ;
215.  	pool = (mon->data->mlet == ';');
216.  nexttry:	/* eels prefer the water, but if there is no water nearby,
217.  		   they will crawl over land */
218.  	if(mon->mconf) {
219.  		flag |= ALLOW_ALL;
220.  		flag &= ~NOTONL;
221.  	}
222.  	for(nx = x-1; nx <= x+1; nx++) for(ny = y-1; ny <= y+1; ny++)
223.  	if(nx != x || ny != y) if(isok(nx,ny))
224.  #ifdef ROCKMOLE
225.  	if(!IS_ROCK(ntyp = levl[nx][ny].typ) || (flag & ALLOW_WALL))
226.  #else
227.  	if(!IS_ROCK(ntyp = levl[nx][ny].typ))
228.  #endif
229.  	if(!(nx != x && ny != y && (nowtyp == DOOR || ntyp == DOOR)))
230.  	if((ntyp == POOL) == pool) {
231.  		info[cnt] = 0;
232.  		if(nx == u.ux && ny =={
233.  			if(!(flag & ALLOW_U)) continue;
234.  			info[cnt] = ALLOW_U;
235.  		} else if(mtmp = m_at(nx,ny)){
236.  			if(!(flag & ALLOW_M)) continue;
237.  			info[cnt] = ALLOW_M;
238.  			if(mtmp->mtame){
239.  				if(!(flag & ALLOW_TM)) continue;
240.  				info[cnt] |= ALLOW_TM;
241.  			}
242.  		}
243.  		if(sobj_at(CLOVE_OF_GARLIC, nx, ny)) {
244.  			if(flag & NOGARLIC) continue;
245.  			info[cnt] |= NOGARLIC;
246.  		}
247.  		if(sobj_at(SCR_SCARE_MONSTER, nx, ny) ||
248.  		   (!mon->mpeaceful && sengr_at("Elbereth", nx, ny))) {
249.  			if(!(flag & ALLOW_SSM)) continue;
250.  			info[cnt] |= ALLOW_SSM;
251.  		}
252.  		if(sobj_at(ENORMOUS_ROCK, nx, ny)) {
253.  			if(!(flag & ALLOW_ROCK)) continue;
254.  			info[cnt] |= ALLOW_ROCK;
255.  		}
256.  		if(!Invis && online(nx,ny)){
257.  			if(flag & NOTONL) continue;
258.  			info[cnt] |= NOTONL;
259.  		}
260.  		/* we cannot avoid traps of an unknown kind */
261.  		{ register struct trap *ttmp = t_at(nx, ny);
262.  		  register long tt;
263.  			if(ttmp) {
264.  				tt = 1L << ttmp->ttyp;

The Harlow distribution gives tt = 1L <<" ttmp->typ;" but the double quotes in that statement are an obvious corruption; it does not compile when written thus, the UUNet distribution does not have the quotes, and neither does the corresponding line in 1.3d.

265.  				/* below if added by GAN 02/06/87 to avoid
266.  				 * traps out of range
267.  				 */
268.  				if(!(tt & ALLOW_TRAPS))  {
269.  					impossible("A monster looked at a very strange trap");
270.  					continue;
271.  				}
272.  				if(mon->mtrapseen & tt){
273.  					if(!(flag & tt)) continue;
274.  					info[cnt] |= tt;
275.  				}
276.  			}
277.  		}
278.  		poss[cnt].x = nx;
279.  		poss[cnt].y = ny;
280.  		cnt++;
281.  	}
282.  	if(!cnt && pool && nowtyp != POOL) {
283.  		pool = FALSE;
284.  		goto nexttry;
285.  	}
286.  	return(cnt);
287.  }
289.  dist(x,y) int x,y; {
290.  	return((x-u.ux)*(x-u.ux) + (*(;
291.  }
293.  poisoned(string, pname)
294.  register char *string, *pname;
295.  {
296.  	register i, plural;
298.  	plural = (string[strlen(string) - 1] == 's')? 1 : 0;
299.  	if(Blind) {
300.  		if (plural)	pline("They were poisoned.");
301.  		else		pline("It was poisoned.");
302.  	} else	{
303.  		if (plural)	pline("The %s were poisoned!", string);
304.  		else		pline("The %s was poisoned!", string);
305.  	}
307.  	if(Poison_resistance) {
308.  		pline("The poison doesn't seem to affect you.");
309.  		return;
310.  	}
311.  	i = rn2(10);
312.  	if(i == 0) {
313.  		u.uhp = -1;
314.  		pline("I am afraid the poison was deadly ...");
315.  	} else if(i <= 5) {
316.  		losestr(rn1(3,3));
317.  	} else {
318.  		losehp(rn1(10,6), pname);
319.  	}
320.  	if(u.uhp < 1) {
321.  		killer = pname;
322.  		done("died");
323.  	}
324.  }
326.  mondead(mtmp)
327.  register struct monst *mtmp;
328.  {
329.  	relobj(mtmp,1);
330.  	unpmon(mtmp);
331.  	relmon(mtmp);
332.  	unstuck(mtmp);
333.  #ifdef KOPS
334.         if(mtmp->data->mlet == 'K') {
335.  	   /* When a Kop dies, he probably comes back. */
336.  	   register int fate = rnd(3);
337.  	   if(fate == 1) {
338.  	     /* returns near the stairs */
339.  	     mkmon_at('K',xdnstair,ydnstair);
340.  	   } else if(fate == 2) {
341.  	     /* randomly */
342.  	     mkmon_at('K',0,0);
343.  	   }
344.         }
345.  #endif
346.  	if(mtmp->isshk) shkdead(mtmp);
347.  	if(mtmp->isgd) gddead();
348.  #ifndef NOWORM
349.  	if(mtmp->wormno) wormdead(mtmp);
350.  #endif
351.  #ifdef HARD
352.  	if(mtmp->data->mlet == '1') wizdead(mtmp);
353.  #endif
354.  	monfree(mtmp);
355.  }
357.  /* called when monster is moved to larger structure */
358.  replmon(mtmp,mtmp2)
359.  register struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2;
360.  {
361.  	relmon(mtmp);
362.  	monfree(mtmp);
363.  	mtmp2->nmon = fmon;
364.  	fmon = mtmp2;
365.  	if(u.ustuck == mtmp) u.ustuck = mtmp2;
366.  	if(mtmp2->isshk) replshk(mtmp,mtmp2);
367.  	if(mtmp2->isgd) replgd(mtmp,mtmp2);
368.  }
370.  relmon(mon)
371.  register struct monst *mon;
372.  {
373.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
375.  	if (fmon == 0)  panic ("relmon: no fmon available.");
377.  	if(mon == fmon) fmon = fmon->nmon;
378.  	else {
379.  		for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp->nmon != mon; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) ;
380.  		mtmp->nmon = mon->nmon;
381.  	}
382.  }
384.  /* we do not free monsters immediately, in order to have their name
385.     available shortly after their demise */
386.  struct monst *fdmon;	/* chain of dead monsters, need not to be saved */
388.  monfree(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
389.  	mtmp->nmon = fdmon;
390.  	fdmon = mtmp;
391.  }
393.  dmonsfree(){
394.  register struct monst *mtmp;
395.  	while(mtmp = fdmon){
396.  		fdmon = mtmp->nmon;
397.  		free((char *) mtmp);
398.  	}
399.  }
401.  unstuck(mtmp)
402.  register struct monst *mtmp;
403.  {
404.  	if(u.ustuck == mtmp) {
405.  		if(u.uswallow){
406.  			u.ux = mtmp->mx;
407. = mtmp->my;
408.  			u.uswallow = 0;
409.  			setsee();
410.  			docrt();
411.  		}
412.  		u.ustuck = 0;
413.  	}
414.  }
416.  killed(mtmp)
417.  register struct monst *mtmp;
418.  {
419.  	xkilled(mtmp, 1);
420.  }
422.  xkilled(mtmp, dest)
423.  register struct monst *mtmp;
424.  int	dest;
425.  /* Dest=1, normal; dest=0, don't print message; dest=2, don't drop corpse
426.     either; dest=3, message but no corpse */
427.  {
428.  #ifdef lint
429.  #define	NEW_SCORING
430.  #endif
431.  	register int tmp,tmp2,nk,x,y;
432.  	register struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
433.  	extern long newuexp();
435.  	if(mtmp->cham) mdat = PM_CHAMELEON;
436.  	if (dest & 1) {
437.  	    if(Blind) pline("You destroy it!");
438.  	    else {
439.  		pline("You destroy %s!",
440.  			mtmp->mtame ? amonnam(mtmp, "poor") : monnam(mtmp));
441.  	    }
442.  	}
443.  	if(u.umconf) {
444.  		if(!Blind)
445.  		{
446.  			pline("Your hands stop glowing %s.",
447.  			Hallucination ? hcolor() : "blue");
448.  		}
449.  		u.umconf = 0;
450.  	}
452.  	/* count killed monsters */
453.  #define	MAXMONNO	100
454.  	nk = 1;		      /* in case we cannot find it in mons */
455.  	tmp = mdat - mons;    /* index in mons array (if not 'd', '@', ...) */
456.  	if(tmp >= 0 && tmp < CMNUM+2) {
457.  	    extern char fut_geno[];
458.  	    u.nr_killed[tmp]++;
459.  	    if((nk = u.nr_killed[tmp]) > MAXMONNO &&
460.  		!index(fut_geno, mdat->mlet))
461.  		    charcat(fut_geno,  mdat->mlet);
462.  	}
464.  	/* punish bad behaviour */
465.  	if(mdat->mlet == '@') {
466.  		HTelepat = 0;
467.  		u.uluck -= 2;
468.  	}
469.  	if(mtmp->mpeaceful || mtmp->mtame) u.uluck--;
470.  	if(mdat->mlet == 'u') u.uluck -= 5;
471.  	if((int)u.uluck < LUCKMIN) u.uluck = LUCKMIN;
473.  	/* give experience points */
474.  	tmp = 1 + mdat->mlevel * mdat->mlevel;
475.  	if(mdat->ac < 3) tmp += 2*(7 - mdat->ac);
476.  #ifdef KAA
477.  	if(index("AcsSDXaeRTVWU&In:P9", mdat->mlet))
478.  #else
479.  	if(index("AcsSDXaeRTVWU&In:P", mdat->mlet))
480.  #endif
481.  		tmp += 2*mdat->mlevel;
482.  	if(index("DeV&P",mdat->mlet)) tmp += (7*mdat->mlevel);
483.  	if(mdat->mlevel > 6) tmp += 50;
484.  	if(mdat->mlet == ';') tmp += 1000;
486.  #ifdef NEW_SCORING
487.  	/* ------- recent addition: make nr of points decrease
488.  		   when this is not the first of this kind */
489.  	{ int ul = u.ulevel;
490.  	  int ml = mdat->mlevel;
492.  	if(ul < 14)    /* points are given based on present and future level */
493.  	    for(tmp2 = 0; !tmp2 || ul + tmp2 <= ml; tmp2++)
494.  		if(u.uexp + 1 + (tmp + ((tmp2 <= 0) ? 0 : 4<<(tmp2-1)))/nk
495.  		    >= 10*pow((unsigned)(ul-1)))
496.  			if(++ul == 14) break;
498.  	tmp2 = ml - ul -1;
499.  	tmp = (tmp + ((tmp2 < 0) ? 0 : 4<<tmp2))/nk;
500.  	if(!tmp) tmp = 1;
501.  	}
502.  	/* note: ul is not necessarily the future value of u.ulevel */
503.  	/* ------- end of recent valuation change ------- */
504.  #endif /* NEW_SCORING /**/
506.  	more_experienced(tmp,0);
507.  	flags.botl = 1;
508.  	while(u.ulevel < 14 && u.uexp >= newuexp()){
509.  		pline("Welcome to experience level %u.", ++u.ulevel);
510.  		tmp = rnd(10);
511.  		if(tmp < 3) tmp = rnd(10);
512.  		u.uhpmax += tmp;
513.  		u.uhp += tmp;
514.  #ifdef SPELLS
515.  		tmp = rnd(u.ulevel/2+1) + 1;	/* M. Stephenson */
516.  		u.uenmax += tmp;
517.  		u.uen += tmp;
518.  #endif
519.  		flags.botl = 1;
520.  	}
522.  	/* dispose of monster and make cadaver */
523.  	x = mtmp->mx;	y = mtmp->my;
524.  	mondead(mtmp);
525.  	tmp = mdat->mlet;
526.  	if(tmp == 'm') { /* he killed a minotaur, give him a wand of digging */
527.  			/* note: the dead minotaur will be on top of it! */
528.  		mksobj_at(WAN_DIGGING, x, y);
529.  		/* if(cansee(x,y)) atl(x,y,fobj->olet); */
530.  		stackobj(fobj);
531.  	} else
532.  #ifndef NOWORM
533.  	if(tmp == 'w') {
534.  		mksobj_at(WORM_TOOTH, x, y);
535.  		stackobj(fobj);
536.  	} else
537.  #endif
538.  #ifdef KAA
539.  	if(tmp == '&') (void) mkobj_at(0, x, y);
540.  	else
541.  	if(stoned == FALSE && (!letter(tmp) || (!index("9&1", tmp) && !rn2(3)))) tmp = 0;
542.  	    if(dest & 2) {
543.  		newsym(x,y);
544.  		return;
545.  	    }
546.  #else
547.  	if(!letter(tmp) || (!index("mw", tmp) && !rn2(3))) tmp = 0;
548.  #endif
550.  	if(ACCESSIBLE(levl[x][y].typ))	/* might be mimic in wall or dead eel*/
551.  	    if(x != u.ux || y != {  /* might be here after swallowed */
552.  #ifdef KAA
553.  		if(stoned) {
554.  			register char typetmp;
555.  			if(index(mlarge, tmp))	typetmp = ENORMOUS_ROCK;
556.  			else			typetmp = ROCK;
557.  			mksobj_at(typetmp, x, y);
558.  			if(cansee(x,y))
559.  				atl(x,y,Hallucination ? rndobjsym() :
560.  				objects[typetmp].oc_olet);
561.  		} else if(index("NTVm&w",mdat->mlet) || rn2(5)) {
562.  #else
563.  		if(index("NTVm&w",mdat->mlet) || rn2(5)) {
564.  #endif
565.  			register struct obj *obj2 = mkobj_at(tmp,x,y);
566.  			if(cansee(x,y))
567.  			    atl(x, y, Hallucination ? rndobjsym() : obj2->olet);
568.  			stackobj(obj2);
569.  		}
570.  	    }
571.  }
573.  kludge(str,arg)
574.  register char *str,*arg;
575.  {
576.  	if(Blind) {
577.  		if(*str == '%') pline(str,"It");
578.  		else pline(str,"it");
579.  	} else pline(str,arg);
580.  }
582.  rescham()	/* force all chameleons to become normal */
583.  {
584.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
586.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
587.  		if(mtmp->cham) {
588.  			mtmp->cham = 0;
589.  			(void) newcham(mtmp, PM_CHAMELEON);
590.  		}
591.  }
593.  #ifdef DGKMOD
594.  /* Let the chameleons change again -dgk */
595.  restartcham()
596.  {
597.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
599.  	for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
600.  		if (mtmp->data->mlet == ':') 
601.  			mtmp->cham = 1;
602.  }
603.  #endif
605.  newcham(mtmp,mdat)	/* make a chameleon look like a new monster */
606.  			/* returns 1 if the monster actually changed */
607.  register struct monst *mtmp;
608.  register struct permonst *mdat;
609.  {
610.  	register mhp, hpn, hpd;
612.  	if(mdat == mtmp->data) return(0);	/* still the same monster */
613.  #ifndef NOWORM
614.  	if(mtmp->wormno) wormdead(mtmp);	/* throw tail away */
615.  #endif
616.  	hpn = mtmp->mhp;
617.  	hpd = (mtmp->data->mlevel)*8;	if(!hpd) hpd = 4;
618.  	mhp = (mdat->mlevel)*8;		if(!mhp) mhp = 4;
620.  	/* new hp: same fraction of max as before */
621.  	mtmp->mhp = (hpn*mhp)/hpd;
622.  	if (mhp > hpd && mtmp->mhp < hpn) mtmp->mhp = 127;
623.  /* Not totally foolproof.  A 2HD monster with 80 HP that changes into a 6HD
624.     monster that really should have 240 and actually should have 127, the
625.     maximum possible, will wind up having 113.  */
626.  	if (!mtmp->mhp) mtmp->mhp = 1;
627.  /* Unlikely but not impossible; a 1HD creature with 1HP that changes into a
628.     0HD creature will require this statement */
629.  	mtmp->data = mdat;
630.  /* and the same for maximum hit points */
631.  	hpn = mtmp->mhpmax;
632.  	mtmp->mhpmax = (hpn*mhp)/hpd;
633.  	if (mhp > hpd && mtmp->mhpmax < hpn) mtmp->mhp = 127;
634.  	if (!mtmp->mhp) mtmp->mhp = 1;
636.  	mtmp->minvis = (mdat->mlet == 'I') ? 1 : 0;
637.  	/* only snakes and scorpions can hide under things -dgk */
638.  	/* also generated by GAN */
639.  	mtmp->mhide = (mdat->mlet == 'S' || mdat->mlet == 's') ? 1 : 0;
640.  	if (!mtmp->mhide) mtmp->mundetected = 0;
641.  #ifndef NOWORM
642.  	if(mdat->mlet == 'w' && getwn(mtmp)) initworm(mtmp);
643.  			/* perhaps we should clear mtmp->mtame here? */
644.  #endif
645.  	unpmon(mtmp);	/* necessary for 'I' and to force pmon */
646.  	pmon(mtmp);
647.  	return(1);
648.  }
650.  mnexto(mtmp)	/* Make monster mtmp next to you (if possible) */
651.  struct monst *mtmp;
652.  {
653.  	coord mm;
654.  	enexto(&mm, u.ux,;
655.  	mtmp->mx = mm.x;
656.  	mtmp->my = mm.y;
657.  	pmon(mtmp);
658.  }
660.  ishuman(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
661.  	return(mtmp->data->mlet == '@');
662.  }
664.  setmangry(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
665.  	if(!mtmp->mpeaceful) return;
666.  	if(mtmp->mtame) return;
667.  	mtmp->mpeaceful = 0;
668.  	if(ishuman(mtmp)) pline("%s gets angry!", Monnam(mtmp));
669.  }
671.  /* not one hundred procent correct: now a snake may hide under an
672.     invisible object */
673.  canseemon(mtmp)
674.  register struct monst *mtmp;
675.  {
676.  	return((!mtmp->minvis || See_invisible)
677.  		&& (!mtmp->mhide || !o_at(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
678.  		&& cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my));
679.  }
681.  disturb(mtmp)		/* awaken monsters while in the same room.
682.  			 * return a 1 if they have been woken.
683.  			 */
684.  register struct monst *mtmp;
685.  {
686.  	/* wake up, or get out of here. */
687.  	/* ettins are hard to surprise */
688.  	/* Nymphs and Leprechauns do not easily wake up */
689.  	if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) &&
690.  		(!Stealth || (mtmp->data->mlet == 'e' && rn2(10))) &&
691.  		(!index("NL",mtmp->data->mlet) || !rn2(50)) &&
692.  		(Aggravate_monster || index("d1", mtmp->data->mlet)
693.  			|| (!rn2(7) && !mtmp->mimic))) {
694.  		mtmp->msleep = 0;
695.  		return(1);
696.  	}
697.  	if(Hallucination) pmon(mtmp);
698.  	return(0);
699.  }
701.  #ifdef HARD
702.  restrap(mtmp)		/* unwatched mimics and piercers may hide again,
703.  			 * if so, a 1 is returned.
704.  			 */
705.  register struct monst *mtmp;
706.  {
707.  	if(mtmp->data->mlet == 'M' && !mtmp->mimic && !mtmp->cham
708.  	   && !mtmp->mcan && !cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)
709.  	   && !rn2(3)) {
710.  		mtmp->mimic = 1;
711.  		mtmp->mappearance = (levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ == DOOR) ? DOOR_SYM : GOLD_SYM;
712.  		return(1);
713.  	   }
715.  	if(mtmp->data->mlet == 'p' && !mtmp->cham
716.  	   && !mtmp->mcan && !cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)
717.  	   && !rn2(3))  {
719.  		if(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ == ROOM)  {
721.  			maketrap(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, PIERC);
722.  			mondead(mtmp);
723.  			return(1);
724.  		}
725.  	   }
726.  	return(0);
727.  }
728.  #endif