Source:NetHack 2.3e/objclass.h

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Below is the full text to objclass.h from the source code of NetHack 2.3e.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For newer releases, see Source code

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1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)objclass.h	2.3	88/01/24
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
4.    /* definition of a class of objects */
6.    struct objclass {
7.    	char *oc_name;		/* actual name */
8.    	char *oc_descr;		/* description when name unknown */
9.    	char *oc_uname;		/* called by user */
10.   	Bitfield(oc_name_known,1);
11.   	Bitfield(oc_merge,1);	/* merge otherwise equal objects */
12.   	char oc_olet;
13.   	schar oc_prob;		/* probability for mkobj() */
14.   	schar oc_delay;		/* delay when using such an object */
15.   	uchar oc_weight;
16.   	schar oc_oc1, oc_oc2;
17.   	int oc_oi;
18.   #define	nutrition	oc_oi	/* for foods */
19.   #define	a_ac		oc_oc1	/* for armors - only used in ARM_BONUS */
20.   #define ARM_BONUS(obj)	((10 - objects[obj->otyp].a_ac) + obj->spe)
21.   #define	a_can		oc_oc2	/* for armors */
22.   #define bits		oc_oc1	/* for wands and rings */
23.   				/* wands */
24.   #define		NODIR		1
25.   #define		IMMEDIATE	2
26.   #define		RAY		4
27.   				/* rings */
28.   #define		SPEC		1	/* +n is meaningful */
29.     /* Check the AD&D rules!  The FIRST is small monster damage. */
30.   #define	wsdam		oc_oc1	/* for weapons and PICK_AXE */
31.   #define	wldam		oc_oc2	/* for weapons and PICK_AXE */
33.   #define	g_val		oc_oi	/* for gems: value on exit */
35.   #ifdef SPELLS
36.   #define spl_lev		oc_oi	/* for books: spell level */
37.   #endif
38.   };
40.   extern struct objclass objects[];
42.   /* definitions of all object-symbols */
44.   #define	RANDOM_SYM	'\0'	/* used for generating random objects */
45.   #define	ILLOBJ_SYM	'\\'
46.   #define	AMULET_SYM	'"'
47.   #define	FOOD_SYM	'%'
48.   #define	WEAPON_SYM	')'
49.   #define	TOOL_SYM	'('
50.   #define	BALL_SYM	'0'
51.   #define	CHAIN_SYM	'_'
52.   #define	ROCK_SYM	'`'
53.   #define	ARMOR_SYM	'['
54.   #define	POTION_SYM	'!'
55.   #define	SCROLL_SYM	'?'
56.   #define	WAND_SYM	'/'
57.   #define	RING_SYM	'='
58.   #define	GEM_SYM		'*'
59.   #define	GOLD_SYM	'$'
60.   #ifdef SPELLS
61.   #define	SPBOOK_SYM	'+'	/* actually SPELL-book */
62.   #endif
63.   /* Other places with explicit knowledge of object symbols:
64.    * mklev.c:	"=/)%?![<>+"	(used for calculating Amulet apperances)
65.    * mkobj.c:	char mkobjstr[] = "))[[!!!!????%%%%/=**+";
66.    * apply.c:   otmp = getobj("0#%", "put in");
67.    * eat.c:     otmp = getobj("%", "eat");
68.    * invent.c:          if(index("!%?[)=*(0/+\"", sym)){
69.    * invent.c:    || index("%?!*+",otmp->olet))){
70.    */