Source:NetHack 2.3e/objnam.c

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Below is the full text to objnam.c from the source code of NetHack 2.3e.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For newer releases, see Source code

Screenshots and source code from Hack are used under the CWI license.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)objnam.c	2.3	88/01/21
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
4.    #include	"hack.h"
5.    #define Sprintf (void) sprintf
6.    #define Strcat  (void) strcat
7.    #define	Strcpy	(void) strcpy
8.    #define	PREFIX	15
9.    extern char *eos();
10.   extern int bases[];
12.   char *
13.   strprepend(s,pref) register char *s, *pref; {
14.   register int i = strlen(pref);
15.   	if(i > PREFIX) {
16.   		pline("WARNING: prefix too short.");
17.   		return(s);
18.   	}
19.   	s -= i;
20.   	(void) strncpy(s, pref, i);	/* do not copy trailing 0 */
21.   	return(s);
22.   }
24.   char *
25.   sitoa(a) int a; {
26.   static char buf[13];
27.   	Sprintf(buf, (a < 0) ? "%d" : "+%d", a);
28.   	return(buf);
29.   }
31.   char *
32.   typename(otyp)
33.   register int otyp;
34.   {
35.   static char buf[BUFSZ];
36.   register struct objclass *ocl = &objects[otyp];
37.   register char *an = ocl->oc_name;
38.   register char *dn = ocl->oc_descr;
39.   register char *un = ocl->oc_uname;
40.   register int nn = ocl->oc_name_known;
41.   	switch(ocl->oc_olet) {
42.   	case POTION_SYM:
43.   		Strcpy(buf, "potion");
44.   		break;
45.   	case SCROLL_SYM:
46.   		Strcpy(buf, "scroll");
47.   		break;
48.   	case WAND_SYM:
49.   		Strcpy(buf, "wand");
50.   		break;
51.   #ifdef SPELLS
52.   	case SPBOOK_SYM:
53.   		Strcpy(buf, "spellbook");
54.   		break;
55.   #endif
56.   	case RING_SYM:
57.   		Strcpy(buf, "ring");
58.   		break;
59.   	default:
60.   		if(nn) {
61.   			Strcpy(buf, an);
62.   			if(otyp >= TURQUOISE && otyp <= JADE)
63.   				Strcat(buf, " stone");
64.   			if(un)
65.   				Sprintf(eos(buf), " called %s", un);
66.   			if(dn)
67.   				Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%s)", dn);
68.   		} else {
69.   			Strcpy(buf, dn ? dn : an);
70.   			if(ocl->oc_olet == GEM_SYM)
71.   				Strcat(buf, " gem");
72.   			if(un)
73.   				Sprintf(eos(buf), " called %s", un);
74.   		}
75.   		return(buf);
76.   	}
77.   	/* here for ring/scroll/potion/wand */
78.   	if(nn)
79.   		Sprintf(eos(buf), " of %s", an);
80.   	if(un)
81.   		Sprintf(eos(buf), " called %s", un);
82.   	if(dn)
83.   		Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%s)", dn);
84.   	return(buf);
85.   }
87.   char *
88.   xname(obj)
89.   register struct obj *obj;
90.   {
91.   static char bufr[BUFSZ];
92.   register char *buf = &(bufr[PREFIX]);	/* leave room for "17 -3 " */
93.   register int nn = objects[obj->otyp].oc_name_known;
94.   register char *an = objects[obj->otyp].oc_name;
95.   register char *dn = objects[obj->otyp].oc_descr;
96.   register char *un = objects[obj->otyp].oc_uname;
97.   register int pl = (obj->quan != 1);
98.   #ifdef KAA
99.   	if(!obj->dknown && !Blind && obj->olet != WEAPON_SYM) obj->dknown=1;
100.  #else
101.  	if(!obj->dknown && !Blind) obj->dknown = 1; /* %% doesnt belong here */
102.  #endif
103.  	switch(obj->olet) {
104.  	case AMULET_SYM:
105.  		Strcpy(buf, (obj->spe < 0 && obj->known)
106.  			? "cheap plastic imitation of the " : "");
107.  		Strcat(buf,"Amulet of Yendor");
108.  		break;
109.  	case TOOL_SYM:
110.  		if(!nn) {
111.  			Strcpy(buf, dn);
112.  			break;
113.  		}
114.  		Strcpy(buf,an);
115.  		break;
116.  	case FOOD_SYM:
117.  		if(obj->otyp == DEAD_HOMUNCULUS && pl) {
118.  			pl = 0;
119.  			Strcpy(buf, "dead homunculi");
120.  			break;
121.  		}
122.  		/* fungis ? */
123.  #ifdef KAA /* The fungus mistake was a D&D holdover. */
124.  		if(obj->otyp == DEAD_VIOLET_FUNGUS && pl) {
125.  			pl = 0;
126.  			Strcpy(buf, "dead violet fungi");
127.  			break;
128.  		}
129.  #endif
130.  		/* fall into next case */
131.  	case WEAPON_SYM:
132.  		if(obj->otyp == WORM_TOOTH && pl) {
133.  			pl = 0;
134.  			Strcpy(buf, "worm teeth");
135.  			break;
136.  		}
137.  		if(obj->otyp == CRYSKNIFE && pl) {
138.  			pl = 0;
139.  			Strcpy(buf, "crysknives");
140.  			break;
141.  		}
142.  		/* fall into next case */
143.  	case ARMOR_SYM:
144.  	case CHAIN_SYM:
145.  	case ROCK_SYM:
146.  		Strcpy(buf,an);
147.  		break;
148.  	case BALL_SYM:
149.  		Sprintf(buf, "%sheavy iron ball",
150.  		  (obj->owt > objects[obj->otyp].oc_weight) ? "very " : "");
151.  		break;
152.  	case POTION_SYM:
153.  		if(nn || un || !obj->dknown) {
154.  			Strcpy(buf, "potion");
155.  			if(pl) {
156.  				pl = 0;
157.  				Strcat(buf, "s");
158.  			}
159.  			if(!obj->dknown) break;
160.  			if(un) {
161.  				Strcat(buf, " called ");
162.  				Strcat(buf, un);
163.  			} else {
164.  				Strcat(buf, " of ");
165.  				Strcat(buf, an);
166.  			}
167.  		} else {
168.  			Strcpy(buf, dn);
169.  			Strcat(buf, " potion");
170.  		}
171.  		break;
172.  	case SCROLL_SYM:
173.  		Strcpy(buf, "scroll");
174.  		if(pl) {
175.  			pl = 0;
176.  			Strcat(buf, "s");
177.  		}
178.  		if(!obj->dknown) break;
179.  		if(nn) {
180.  			Strcat(buf, " of ");
181.  			Strcat(buf, an);
182.  		} else if(un) {
183.  			Strcat(buf, " called ");
184.  			Strcat(buf, un);
185.  		} else {
186.  			Strcat(buf, " labeled ");
187.  			Strcat(buf, dn);
188.  		}
189.  		break;
190.  	case WAND_SYM:
191.  		if(!obj->dknown)
192.  			Sprintf(buf, "wand");
193.  		else if(nn)
194.  			Sprintf(buf, "wand of %s", an);
195.  		else if(un)
196.  			Sprintf(buf, "wand called %s", un);
197.  		else
198.  			Sprintf(buf, "%s wand", dn);
199.  		break;
200.  #ifdef SPELLS
201.  	case SPBOOK_SYM:
202.  		if(!obj->dknown)
203.  			Sprintf(buf, "spellbook");
204.  		else if(nn)
205.  			Sprintf(buf, "spellbook of %s", an);
206.  		else if(un)
207.  			Sprintf(buf, "spellbook called %s", un);
208.  		else
209.  			Sprintf(buf, "%s spellbook", dn);
210.  		break;
211.  #endif
212.  	case RING_SYM:
213.  		if(!obj->dknown)
214.  			Sprintf(buf, "ring");
215.  		else if(nn)
216.  			Sprintf(buf, "ring of %s", an);
217.  		else if(un)
218.  			Sprintf(buf, "ring called %s", un);
219.  		else
220.  			Sprintf(buf, "%s ring", dn);
221.  		break;
222.  	case GEM_SYM:
223.  		if(!obj->dknown) {
224.  			Strcpy(buf, "gem");
225.  			break;
226.  		}
227.  		if(!nn) {
228.  #ifdef KAA
229.  			if(un) {
230.  				if (!pl)  Sprintf(buf,"gem called %s",un);
231.  				else	  Sprintf(buf,"gems called %s",un);
232.  				pl=0;
233.  			} else
234.  #endif
235.  				Sprintf(buf, "%s gem", dn);
236.  			break;
237.  		}
238.  		Strcpy(buf, an);
239.  		if(obj->otyp >= TURQUOISE && obj->otyp <= JADE)
240.  			Strcat(buf, " stone");
241.  		break;
242.  	default:
243.  		Sprintf(buf,"glorkum %c (0%o) %u %d",
244.  			obj->olet,obj->olet,obj->otyp,obj->spe);
245.  	}
246.  	if(pl) {
247.  		register char *p;
249.  		for(p = buf; *p; p++) {
250.  			if(!strncmp(" of ", p, 4)) {
251.  				/* pieces of, cloves of, lumps of */
252.  				register int c1, c2 = 's';
254.  				do {
255.  					c1 = c2; c2 = *p; *p++ = c1;
256.  				} while(c1);
257.  				goto nopl;
258.  			}
259.  		}
260.  		p = eos(buf)-1;
261.  		if(*p == 's' || *p == 'z' || *p == 'x' ||
262.  		    (*p == 'h' && p[-1] == 's'))
263.  			Strcat(buf, "es");	/* boxes */
264.  		else if(*p == 'y' && !index(vowels, p[-1]))
265.  			Strcpy(p, "ies");	/* rubies, zruties */
266.  		else
267.  			Strcat(buf, "s");
268.  	}
269.  nopl:
270.  	if(obj->onamelth) {
271.  		Strcat(buf, " named ");
272.  		Strcat(buf, ONAME(obj));
273.  	}
274.  	return(buf);
275.  }
277.  char *
278.  doname(obj)
279.  register struct obj *obj;
280.  {
281.  char prefix[PREFIX];
282.  register char *bp = xname(obj);
283.  	if(obj->quan != 1)
284.  		Sprintf(prefix, "%u ", obj->quan);
285.  	else
286.  		Strcpy(prefix, "a ");
287.  	if((obj->cursed && obj->known))
288.  		Strcat(prefix, "cursed ");
289.  	switch(obj->olet) {
290.  	case AMULET_SYM:
291.  		if(strncmp(bp, "cheap ", 6))
292.  			Strcpy(prefix, "the ");
293.  		break;
294.  	case ARMOR_SYM:
295.  		if(obj->owornmask & W_ARMOR)
296.  			Strcat(bp, " (being worn)");
297.  		/* fall into next case */
298.  	case WEAPON_SYM:
299.  		if(obj->known) {
300.  #ifdef KAA
301.  			/* dknown is special for weapons */
302.  			if(obj->dknown && obj->olet == WEAPON_SYM)
303.  				Strcat(prefix,"blessed ");
304.  #endif
305.  			Strcat(prefix, sitoa(obj->spe));
306.  			Strcat(prefix, " ");
307.  		}
308.  		break;
309.  #ifdef MARKER
310.  	case TOOL_SYM:			/* temp. hack by GAN 11/18/86 */
311.  		if(obj->owornmask & W_TOOL) { /* blindfold or badge */
312.  			Strcat(bp, " (being worn)");
313.  			break;
314.  		}
315.  		if(!(obj->otyp == MAGIC_MARKER || obj->otyp == LAMP)) break;
316.  		/* if marker or lamp fall trough to show charges */
317.  #endif
318.  	case WAND_SYM:
319.  		if(obj->known)
320.  			Sprintf(eos(bp), " (%d)", obj->spe);
321.  		break;
322.  	case RING_SYM:
323.  		if(obj->owornmask & W_RINGR) Strcat(bp, " (on right ");
324.  		if(obj->owornmask & W_RINGL) Strcat(bp, " (on left ");
325.  		if(obj->owornmask & W_RING) {
326.  		    if (humanoid(u.usym)) Strcat(bp, "hand)");
327.  		    else		  Strcat(bp, "paw)");
328.  		}
329.  		if(obj->known && (objects[obj->otyp].bits & SPEC)) {
330.  			Strcat(prefix, sitoa(obj->spe));
331.  			Strcat(prefix, " ");
332.  		}
333.  		break;
334.  	}
335.  	if(obj->owornmask & W_WEP) {
336.  		Strcat(bp, " (weapon in ");
337.  		    if (humanoid(u.usym)) Strcat(bp, "hand)");
338.  		    else		  Strcat(bp, "paw)");
339.  	}
340.  	if(obj->unpaid)
341.  		Strcat(bp, " (unpaid)");
342.  	if(!strcmp(prefix, " a ") && index(vowels, *bp))
343.  		Strcpy(prefix, " an ");
344.  	bp = strprepend(bp, prefix);
345.  	return(bp);
346.  }
348.  /* used only in fight.c (thitu) */
349.  setan(str,buf)
350.  register char *str,*buf;
351.  {
352.  	if(index(vowels,*str))
353.  		Sprintf(buf, "an %s", str);
354.  	else
355.  		Sprintf(buf, "a %s", str);
356.  }
358.  char *
359.  aobjnam(otmp,verb) register struct obj *otmp; register char *verb; {
360.  register char *bp = xname(otmp);
361.  char prefix[PREFIX];
362.  	if(otmp->quan != 1) {
363.  		Sprintf(prefix, "%u ", otmp->quan);
364.  		bp = strprepend(bp, prefix);
365.  	}
367.  	if(verb) {
368.  		/* verb is given in plural (i.e., without trailing s) */
369.  		Strcat(bp, " ");
370.  		if(otmp->quan != 1)
371.  			Strcat(bp, verb);
372.  		else if(!strcmp(verb, "are"))
373.  			Strcat(bp, "is");
374.  		else {
375.  			Strcat(bp, verb);
376.  			Strcat(bp, "s");
377.  		}
378.  	}
379.  	return(bp);
380.  }
382.  char *
383.  Doname(obj)
384.  register struct obj *obj;
385.  {
386.  	register char *s = doname(obj);
388.  	if('a' <= *s && *s <= 'z') *s -= ('a' - 'A');
389.  	return(s);
390.  }
392.  char *wrp[] = {	"wand", "ring", "potion", "scroll", "gem"
393.  #ifdef SPELLS
394.  		, "spellbook"
395.  #endif
396.  	      };
398.  #ifdef SPELLS
399.  		  , SPBOOK_SYM
400.  #endif
401.  		};
403.  struct obj *
404.  readobjnam(bp) register char *bp; {
405.  register char *p;
406.  register int i;
407.  int cnt, spe, spesgn, typ, heavy;
408.  char let;
409.  char *un, *dn, *an;
410.  #ifdef KAA
411.  int blessed=0;
412.  #endif
413.  /* int the = 0; char *oname = 0; */
414.  	cnt = spe = spesgn = typ = heavy = 0;
415.  	let = 0;
416.  	an = dn = un = 0;
417.  	for(p = bp; *p; p++)	/* set the string to lower case */
418.  		if('A' <= *p && *p <= 'Z') *p += 'a'-'A';
419.  	if(!strncmp(bp, "the ", 4)){
420.  /*		the = 1; */
421.  		bp += 4;
422.  	} else if(!strncmp(bp, "an ", 3)){
423.  		cnt = 1;
424.  		bp += 3;
425.  	} else if(!strncmp(bp, "a ", 2)){
426.  		cnt = 1;
427.  		bp += 2;
428.  	}
429.  	if(!cnt && digit(*bp)){
430.  		cnt = atoi(bp);
431.  		while(digit(*bp)) bp++;
432.  		while(*bp == ' ') bp++;
433.  	}
434.  	if(!cnt) cnt = 1;		/* %% what with "gems" etc. ? */
435.  #ifdef KAA
436.  	if(!strncmp(bp, "blessed ",8)) {
437.  		blessed=1;
438.  		bp += 8;
439.  	}
440.  #endif
441.  	if(*bp == '+' || *bp == '-'){
442.  		spesgn = (*bp++ == '+') ? 1 : -1;
443.  		spe = atoi(bp);
444.  		while(digit(*bp)) bp++;
445.  		while(*bp == ' ') bp++;
446.  	} else {
447.  		p = rindex(bp, '(');
448.  		if(p) {
449.  			if(p > bp && p[-1] == ' ') p[-1] = 0;
450.  			else *p = 0;
451.  			p++;
452.  			spe = atoi(p);
453.  			while(digit(*p)) p++;
454.  			if(strcmp(p, ")")) spe = 0;
455.  			else spesgn = 1;
456.  		}
457.  	}
458.  	/* now we have the actual name, as delivered by xname, say
459.  		green potions called whisky
460.  		scrolls labeled "QWERTY"
461.  		egg
462.  		dead zruties
463.  		fortune cookies
464.  		very heavy iron ball named hoei
465.  		wand of wishing
466.  		elven cloak
467.  	*/
468.  	for(p = bp; *p; p++) if(!strncmp(p, " named ", 7)) {
469.  		*p = 0;
470.  /*		oname = p+7; */
471.  	}
472.  	for(p = bp; *p; p++) if(!strncmp(p, " called ", 8)) {
473.  		*p = 0;
474.  		un = p+8;
475.  	}
476.  	for(p = bp; *p; p++) if(!strncmp(p, " labeled ", 9)) {
477.  		*p = 0;
478.  		dn = p+9;
479.  	}
481.  	/* first change to singular if necessary */
482.  	if(cnt != 1) {
483.  		/* find "cloves of garlic", "worthless pieces of blue glass" */
484.  		for(p = bp; *p; p++) if(!strncmp(p, "s of ", 5)){
485.  			while(*p = p[1]) p++;
486.  			goto sing;
487.  		}
488.  		/* remove -s or -es (boxes) or -ies (rubies, zruties) */
489.  		p = eos(bp);
490.  		if(p[-1] == 's') {
491.  			if(p[-2] == 'e') {
492.  				if(p[-3] == 'i') {
493.  #ifdef KAA
494.  					if(!strcmp(p-7, "cookies") || !strcmp(p-4, "pies"))
495.  #else
496.  					if(!strcmp(p-7, "cookies"))
497.  #endif
498.  						goto mins;
499.  					Strcpy(p-3, "y");
500.  					goto sing;
501.  				}
503.  				/* note: cloves / knives from clove / knife */
504.  				if(!strcmp(p-6, "knives")) {
505.  					Strcpy(p-3, "fe");
506.  					goto sing;
507.  				}
509.  				/* note: nurses, axes but boxes */
510.  				if(!strcmp(p-5, "boxes")) {
511.  					p[-2] = 0;
512.  					goto sing;
513.  				}
514.  			}
515.  		mins:
516.  			p[-1] = 0;
517.  		} else {
518.  			if(!strcmp(p-9, "homunculi")
519.  #ifdef KAA
520.  				|| !strcmp(p-5, "fungi")
521.  #endif
522.  							) {
523.  				Strcpy(p-1, "us"); /* !! makes string longer */
524.  				goto sing;
525.  			}
526.  			if(!strcmp(p-5, "teeth")) {
527.  				Strcpy(p-5, "tooth");
528.  				goto sing;
529.  			}
530.  			/* here we cannot find the plural suffix */
531.  		}
532.  	}
533.  sing:
534.  	if(!strcmp(bp, "amulet of yendor")) {
535.  		typ = AMULET_OF_YENDOR;
536.  		goto typfnd;
537.  	}
538.  	if(!strcmp(bp, "ring mail")){	/* Note: ring mail is not a ring ! */
539.  		let = ARMOR_SYM;
540.  		an = bp;
541.  		goto srch;
542.  	}
544.  #ifdef SHIRT
545.  	if (!strcmp(bp, "hawaiian shirt")) {
546.  		*(bp) = 'H';
547.  		an = bp;
548.  		goto srch;
549.  	}
550.  #endif
551.  	p = eos(bp);
552.  #if defined(KOPS) && !defined(KJSMODS)
553.  	if (!strcmp(p-3, "kop")) {
554.  		*(p-3) = 'K';
555.  		an = bp;
556.  		goto srch;
557.  	}
558.  #endif
559.  	for(i = 0; i < sizeof(wrpsym); i++) {
560.  		register int j = strlen(wrp[i]);
561.  		if(!strncmp(bp, wrp[i], j)){
562.  			let = wrpsym[i];
563.  			bp += j;
564.  			if(!strncmp(bp, " of ", 4)) an = bp+4;
565.  			/* else if(*bp) ?? */
566.  			goto srch;
567.  		}
568.  		if(!strcmp(p-j, wrp[i])){
569.  			let = wrpsym[i];
570.  			p -= j;
571.  			*p = 0;
572.  			if(p[-1] == ' ') p[-1] = 0;
573.  			dn = bp;
574.  			goto srch;
575.  		}
576.  	}
577.  	if(!strcmp(p-6, " stone")){
578.  		p[-6] = 0;
579.  		let = GEM_SYM;
580.  		an = bp;
581.  		goto srch;
582.  	}
583.  #ifdef KAA
584.  	if(!strcmp(p-10, "gold piece") || !strcmp(p-7, "zorkmid")) {
585.  		if (cnt > 5000) cnt=5000;
586.  		if (cnt < 1) cnt=1;
587.  		pline("%d gold piece%s.", cnt, cnt==1 ? "" : "s");
588.  		u.ugold += cnt;
589.  		flags.botl=1;
590.  		return(0);
591.  	}
592.  #endif
593.  	if(!strcmp(bp, "very heavy iron ball")){
594.  		heavy = 1;
595.  		typ = HEAVY_IRON_BALL;
596.  		goto typfnd;
597.  	}
598.  	an = bp;
599.  srch:
600.  	if(!an && !dn && !un)
601.  		goto any;
602.  	i = 1;
603.  	if(let) i = bases[letindex(let)];
604.  	while(i <= NROFOBJECTS && (!let || objects[i].oc_olet == let)){
605.  		register char *zn = objects[i].oc_name;
607.  		if(!zn) goto nxti;
608.  		if(an && strcmp(an, zn))
609.  			goto nxti;
610.  		if(dn && (!(zn = objects[i].oc_descr) || strcmp(dn, zn)))
611.  			goto nxti;
612.  		if(un && (!(zn = objects[i].oc_uname) || strcmp(un, zn)))
613.  			goto nxti;
614.  		typ = i;
615.  		goto typfnd;
616.  	nxti:
617.  		i++;
618.  	}
619.  any:
620.  	if(!let) let = wrpsym[rn2(sizeof(wrpsym))];
621.  	typ = probtype(let);
622.  typfnd:
623.  	{ register struct obj *otmp;
624.  	  extern struct obj *mksobj();
625.  	let = objects[typ].oc_olet;
626.  	otmp = mksobj(typ);
627.  	if(heavy)	otmp->owt += 15;
629.  	if(cnt > 0 && index("%?!*)", let) &&
630.  		(cnt < rnd(6) ||
631.  #ifdef WIZARD
632.  		wizard ||
633.  #endif
634.  #ifdef KAA
635.  		(let == WEAPON_SYM && typ <= ROCK && cnt <= 20)
636.  #else
637.  		(let == WEAPON_SYM && typ <= ROCK && cnt < 20)
638.  #endif
639.  		))		otmp->quan = cnt;
641.  	if(spe > rnd(5) && spe > otmp->spe) {
642.  #ifdef WIZARD
643.  	    if(!wizard)
644.  #endif
645.  		spe = 0;
646.  	} else if(let == WAND_SYM)
647.  		spe = otmp->spe;
648.  #ifdef KAA
649.  	if(let==WEAPON_SYM && blessed) {
650.  		if(u.uluck < 0) otmp->cursed=1;
651.  		else otmp->dknown=1;
652.  	}
653.  #endif
654.  	if(spe > 2 && u.uluck < 0)
655.  		spesgn = -1;
656.  	if(let != WAND_SYM && spesgn == -1)
657.  		spe = -spe;
658.  	if(let == BALL_SYM)
659.  		spe = 0;
660.  	else if(let == AMULET_SYM)
661.  		spe = -1;
662.  	else if(typ == WAN_WISHING && rn2(10))
663.  		spe = (rn2(10) ? -1 : 0);
664.  #ifdef MARKER
665.  	else if(typ == MAGIC_MARKER)
666.  		spe = rn1(50,50);
667.  #endif
668.  	else if(typ == LAMP)
669.  		spe = rnd(10);
670.  	else if(typ == MAGIC_LAMP)
671.  		spe = 1;
672.  	otmp->spe = spe;
674.  	if(spesgn == -1)
675.  		otmp->cursed = 1;
677.  	return(otmp);
678.      }
679.  }