Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/obj.h

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Below is the full text to obj.h from the source code of SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/obj.h#line123]], for example.

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1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)obj.h	3.4	2002/01/07	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #ifndef OBJ_H
6.    #define OBJ_H
8.    /* #define obj obj_nh */ /* uncomment for SCO UNIX, which has a conflicting
9.    			  * typedef for "obj" in <sys/types.h> */
11.   union vptrs {
12.   	    struct obj *v_nexthere;	/* floor location lists */
13.   	    struct obj *v_ocontainer;	/* point back to container */
14.   	    struct monst *v_ocarry;	/* point back to carrying monst */
15.   };
17.   struct obj {
18.   	struct obj *nobj;
19.   	union vptrs v;
20.   #define nexthere	v.v_nexthere
21.   #define ocontainer	v.v_ocontainer
22.   #define ocarry		v.v_ocarry
24.   	struct obj *cobj;	/* contents list for containers */
25.   	unsigned o_id;
26.   	xchar ox,oy;
27.   	short otyp;		/* object class number */
28.   #ifdef UNPOLYPILE
29.   	short oldtyp;	/* WAC for unpolymorph */
30.   #endif
31.   	unsigned owt;
32.   	long quan;		/* number of items */
34.   	schar spe;		/* quality of weapon, armor or ring (+ or -)
35.   				   number of charges for wand ( >= -1 )
36.   				   marks your eggs, spinach tins
37.   				   royal coffers for a court ( == 2)
38.   				   tells which fruit a fruit is
39.   				   special for uball and amulet
40.   				   historic and gender for statues */
41.   #define STATUE_HISTORIC 0x01
42.   #define STATUE_MALE     0x02
43.   #define STATUE_FEMALE   0x04
44.   	char	oclass;		/* object class */
45.   	char	invlet;		/* designation in inventory */
46.   	char	oartifact;	/* artifact array index */
47.   	schar 	altmode; 	/* alternate modes - eg. SMG, double Lightsaber */
48.   				/* WP_MODEs are in decreasing speed */
49.   #define WP_MODE_AUTO	0	/* Max firing speed */
50.   #define WP_MODE_BURST	1	/* 1/3 of max rate */
51.   #define WP_MODE_SINGLE 	2	/* Single shot */
53.   	xchar where;		/* where the object thinks it is */
54.   #define OBJ_FREE	0		/* object not attached to anything */
55.   #define OBJ_FLOOR	1		/* object on floor */
56.   #define OBJ_CONTAINED	2		/* object in a container */
57.   #define OBJ_INVENT	3		/* object in the hero's inventory */
58.   #define OBJ_MINVENT	4		/* object in a monster inventory */
59.   #define OBJ_MIGRATING	5		/* object sent off to another level */
60.   #define OBJ_BURIED	6		/* object buried */
61.   #define OBJ_ONBILL	7		/* object on shk bill */
62.   #define NOBJ_STATES	8
63.   	xchar timed;		/* # of fuses (timers) attached to this obj */
65.   	Bitfield(cursed,1);
66.   	Bitfield(blessed,1);
67.   	Bitfield(unpaid,1);	/* on some bill */
68.   	Bitfield(no_charge,1);	/* if shk shouldn't charge for this */
69.   	Bitfield(known,1);	/* exact nature known */
70.   	Bitfield(dknown,1);	/* color or text known */
71.   	Bitfield(bknown,1);	/* blessing or curse known */
72.   	Bitfield(rknown,1);	/* rustproof or not known */
74.   	Bitfield(oeroded,2);	/* rusted/burnt weapon/armor */
75.   	Bitfield(oeroded2,2);	/* corroded/rotted weapon/armor */
76.   #define greatest_erosion(otmp) (int)((otmp)->oeroded > (otmp)->oeroded2 ? (otmp)->oeroded : (otmp)->oeroded2)
77.   #define MAX_ERODE 3
78.   #define orotten oeroded		/* rotten food */
79.   #define odiluted oeroded	/* diluted potions */
80.   #define norevive oeroded2
81.   	Bitfield(oerodeproof,1); /* erodeproof weapon/armor */
82.   	Bitfield(olocked,1);	/* object is locked */
83.   #define oarmed olocked
84.   #define odrained olocked	/* drained corpse */
85.   	Bitfield(obroken,1);	/* lock has been broken */
86.   	Bitfield(otrapped,1);	/* container is trapped */
87.   				/* or accidental tripped rolling boulder trap */
88.   #define opoisoned otrapped	/* object (weapon) is coated with poison */
90.   	Bitfield(recharged,3);	/* number of times it's been recharged */
91.   	Bitfield(lamplit,1);	/* a light-source -- can be lit */
93.   	Bitfield(oinvis,1);	/* invisible */
94.   #endif
95.   	Bitfield(greased,1);	/* covered with grease */
96.   	Bitfield(oattached,2);	/* obj struct has special attachment */
97.   #define OATTACHED_NOTHING 0
98.   #define OATTACHED_MONST   1	/* monst struct in oextra */
99.   #define OATTACHED_M_ID    2	/* monst id in oextra */
100.  #define OATTACHED_UNUSED3 3
101.  	Bitfield(in_use,1);	/* for magic items before useup items */
102.  	Bitfield(bypass,1);	/* mark this as an object to be skipped by bhito() */
104.  	Bitfield(yours,1);	/* obj is yours (eg. thrown by you) */
105.  	Bitfield(was_thrown,1); /* thrown by the hero since last picked up */
106.  	/* ? free bits */
108.  	int	corpsenm;	/* type of corpse is mons[corpsenm] */
109.  #define leashmon  corpsenm	/* gets m_id of attached pet */
110.  #define spestudied corpsenm	/* # of times a spellbook has been studied */
111.  #define fromsink  corpsenm	/* a potion from a sink */
112.  	unsigned oeaten;	/* nutrition left in food, if partly eaten */
113.  	long age;		/* creation date */
115.  	uchar onamelth;		/* length of name (following oxlth) */
116.  	short oxlth;		/* length of following data */
117.  	/* in order to prevent alignment problems oextra should
118.  	   be (or follow) a long int */
119.  	long owornmask;
120.  	long oextra[1];		/* used for name of ordinary objects - length
121.  				   is flexible; amount for tmp gold objects */
122.  };
124.  #define newobj(xl)	(struct obj *)alloc((unsigned)(xl) + sizeof(struct obj))
125.  #define ONAME(otmp)	(((char *)(otmp)->oextra) + (otmp)->oxlth)
127.  /* All objects */
128.  #ifdef UNPOLYPILE
129.  #define is_hazy(otmp)	((otmp)->oldtyp != STRANGE_OBJECT)
130.  #endif
131.  /* [ALI] None of the objects listed here can be picked up by normal monsters.
132.   * If any such objects need to be marked as indestructible then consideration
133.   * will need to be given to what happens when such a monster disappears
134.   * carrying the object.
135.   */
136.  #define evades_destruction(otmp) ( \
137.  			(otmp)->otyp == AMULET_OF_YENDOR || \
138.  			(otmp)->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION || \
139.  			(otmp)->otyp == BELL_OF_OPENING || \
140.  			(otmp)->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD || \
141.  			(otmp)->oartifact == ART_KEY_OF_LAW || \
142.  			(otmp)->oartifact == ART_KEY_OF_NEUTRALITY || \
143.  			(otmp)->oartifact == ART_KEY_OF_CHAOS)
145.  #define always_visible(otmp) ( \
146.  			(otmp)->otyp == MUMMY_WRAPPING || \
147.  			(otmp)->oclass == COIN_CLASS)
148.  #endif
150.  /* Weapons and weapon-tools */
151.  /* KMH -- now based on skill categories.  Formerly:
152.   *	#define is_sword(otmp)	(otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
153.   *			 objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wepcat == WEP_SWORD)
154.   *	#define is_blade(otmp)	(otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
155.   *			 (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wepcat == WEP_BLADE || \
156.   *			  objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wepcat == WEP_SWORD))
157.   *	#define is_weptool(o)	((o)->oclass == TOOL_CLASS && \
158.   *			 objects[(o)->otyp].oc_weptool)
159.   *	#define is_multigen(otyp) (otyp <= SHURIKEN)
160.   *	#define is_poisonable(otyp) (otyp <= BEC_DE_CORBIN)
161.   */
163.  #define is_sword(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
164.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= P_SHORT_SWORD && \
165.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= P_SABER)
166.  #define is_blade(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
167.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= P_DAGGER && \
168.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= P_SABER)
169.  #define is_pole(otmp)	(((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || \
170.  			(otmp)->oclass == TOOL_CLASS) && \
171.  			 (objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == P_POLEARMS || \
172.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == P_LANCE))
173.  #define is_spear(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
174.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= P_SPEAR && \
175.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= P_JAVELIN)
176.  #define is_axe(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
177.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == P_AXE)
178.  #define is_launcher(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
179.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= P_BOW && \
180.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= P_CROSSBOW)
181.  #define is_ammo(otmp)	(((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || \
182.  			 (otmp)->oclass == GEM_CLASS) && \
183.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= -P_CROSSBOW && \
184.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= -P_BOW)
185.  #define is_missile(otmp)	(((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || \
186.  			 (otmp)->oclass == TOOL_CLASS) && \
187.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= -P_BOOMERANG && \
188.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= -P_DART)
189.  #define is_grenade(otmp)	(is_ammo(otmp) && \
190.  			 	 objects[(otmp)->otyp].w_ammotyp == WP_GRENADE)
191.  #define is_multigen(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
192.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= -P_SHURIKEN && \
193.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= -P_BOW)
194.  #ifdef FIREARMS
195.  #define is_unpoisonable_firearm_ammo(otmp)	\
196.  			 (is_bullet(otmp) || (otmp)->otyp == STICK_OF_DYNAMITE)
197.  #else
198.  #define is_unpoisonable_firearm_ammo(otmp)	0
199.  #endif
200.  #define is_poisonable(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
201.  			 (objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= P_SABER || \
202.  			 (objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill >= P_POLEARMS && \
203.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill <= P_LANCE)) && \
204.  			 !is_unpoisonable_firearm_ammo(otmp))
205.  #define uslinging()	(uwep && objects[uwep->otyp].oc_skill == P_SLING)
206.  #define is_weptool(o)	((o)->oclass == TOOL_CLASS && \
207.  			 objects[(o)->otyp].oc_skill != P_NONE)
208.  #define is_pick(otmp)	(((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || \
209.  			 (otmp)->oclass == TOOL_CLASS) && \
210.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == P_PICK_AXE)
211.  #define ammo_and_launcher(otmp,ltmp) \
212.  			(is_ammo(otmp) && (ltmp) && \
213.  			objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == -objects[(ltmp)->otyp].oc_skill && \
214.  			  objects[(otmp)->otyp].w_ammotyp == objects[(ltmp)->otyp].w_ammotyp)
215.  #define bimanual(otmp)	(((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || \
216.  			  (otmp)->oclass == TOOL_CLASS) && \
217.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_bimanual)
219.  #ifdef LIGHTSABERS
220.  #define is_lightsaber(otmp) (objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == P_LIGHTSABER)
221.  #endif
223.  #ifdef FIREARMS
224.  #define is_firearm(otmp) \
225.  			((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
226.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == P_FIREARM)
227.  #define is_bullet(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && \
228.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_skill == -P_FIREARM)
229.  #endif
231.  /* Armor */
232.  #define is_shield(otmp) ((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
233.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_SHIELD)
234.  #define is_helmet(otmp) ((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
235.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_HELM)
236.  #define is_boots(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
237.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_BOOTS)
238.  #define is_gloves(otmp) ((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
239.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_GLOVES)
240.  #define is_cloak(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
241.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_CLOAK)
242.  #define is_shirt(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
243.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_SHIRT)
244.  #define is_suit(otmp)	((otmp)->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
245.  			 objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_SUIT)
246.  #define is_elven_armor(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_LEATHER_HELM\
247.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_MITHRIL_COAT\
248.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_CLOAK\
249.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_SHIELD\
250.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_BOOTS)
251.  #define is_orcish_armor(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_HELM\
252.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_CHAIN_MAIL\
253.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_RING_MAIL\
254.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_CLOAK\
255.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == URUK_HAI_SHIELD\
256.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_SHIELD)
257.  #define is_dwarvish_armor(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_IRON_HELM\
258.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_MITHRIL_COAT\
259.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_CLOAK\
260.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_ROUNDSHIELD)
261.  #define is_gnomish_armor(otmp)	(FALSE)
264.  /* Eggs and other food */
265.  #define MAX_EGG_HATCH_TIME 200	/* longest an egg can remain unhatched */
266.  #define stale_egg(egg)	((monstermoves - (egg)->age) > (2*MAX_EGG_HATCH_TIME))
267.  #define ofood(o) ((o)->otyp == CORPSE || (o)->otyp == EGG || (o)->otyp == TIN)
268.  #define polyfodder(obj)	(ofood(obj) && (obj)->corpsenm == PM_CHAMELEON)
269.  #define mlevelgain(obj) (ofood(obj) && (obj)->corpsenm == PM_WRAITH)
270.  #define mhealup(obj)	(ofood(obj) && (obj)->corpsenm == PM_NURSE)
271.  #define drainlevel(corpse) (mons[(corpse)->corpsenm].cnutrit*4/5)
273.  /* Containers */
274.  #define carried(o)	((o)->where == OBJ_INVENT)
275.  #define mcarried(o)	((o)->where == OBJ_MINVENT)
276.  #define Has_contents(o) (/* (Is_container(o) || (o)->otyp == STATUE) && */ \
277.  			 (o)->cobj != (struct obj *)0)
278.  #define Is_container(o) ((o)->otyp == MEDICAL_KIT || \
279.  			 (o)->otyp >= LARGE_BOX && (o)->otyp <= BAG_OF_TRICKS)
280.  #define Is_box(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == LARGE_BOX || (otmp)->otyp == CHEST)
281.  #ifdef WALLET_O_P
282.  #define Is_mbag(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING || \
283.                           ((otmp)->oartifact && \
284.                            (otmp)->oartifact == ART_WALLET_OF_PERSEUS) || \
285.    			             (otmp)->otyp == BAG_OF_TRICKS)
286.  #else
287.  #define Is_mbag(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING || \
288.    			 (otmp)->otyp == BAG_OF_TRICKS)
289.  #endif
291.  /* dragon gear */
292.  #define Is_dragon_scales(obj)	((obj)->otyp >= GRAY_DRAGON_SCALES && \
293.  				 (obj)->otyp <= YELLOW_DRAGON_SCALES)
294.  #define Is_dragon_mail(obj)	((obj)->otyp >= GRAY_DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL && \
295.  				 (obj)->otyp <= YELLOW_DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL)
296.  #define Is_dragon_armor(obj)	(Is_dragon_scales(obj) || Is_dragon_mail(obj))
297.  #define Dragon_scales_to_pm(obj) &mons[PM_GRAY_DRAGON + (obj)->otyp \
298.  				       - GRAY_DRAGON_SCALES]
299.  #define Dragon_mail_to_pm(obj)	&mons[PM_GRAY_DRAGON + (obj)->otyp \
300.  				      - GRAY_DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL]
301.  #define Dragon_to_scales(pm)	(GRAY_DRAGON_SCALES + (pm - mons))
303.  /* Elven gear */
304.  #define is_elven_weapon(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_ARROW\
305.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_SPEAR\
306.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_DAGGER\
307.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_SHORT_SWORD\
308.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_BROADSWORD\
309.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_BOW)
310.  #define is_elven_obj(otmp)	(is_elven_armor(otmp) || is_elven_weapon(otmp))
312.  /* Orcish gear */
313.  #define is_orcish_obj(otmp)	(is_orcish_armor(otmp)\
314.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_ARROW\
315.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_SPEAR\
316.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_DAGGER\
317.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_SHORT_SWORD\
318.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_BOW)
320.  /* Dwarvish gear */
321.  #define is_dwarvish_obj(otmp)	(is_dwarvish_armor(otmp)\
322.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_SPEAR\
323.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_SHORT_SWORD\
324.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_MATTOCK)
326.  /* Gnomish gear */
327.  #define is_gnomish_obj(otmp)	(is_gnomish_armor(otmp))
329.  /* Light sources */
330.  #define Is_candle(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == TALLOW_CANDLE || \
331.  			 (otmp)->otyp == WAX_CANDLE || \
332.  			 (otmp)->otyp == MAGIC_CANDLE)
333.  /* maximum amount of oil in a potion of oil */
334.  #define MAX_OIL_IN_FLASK 400
336.  /* MAGIC_LAMP intentionally excluded below */
337.  /* age field of this is relative age rather than absolute */
338.  #define age_is_relative(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == BRASS_LANTERN\
339.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == OIL_LAMP\
340.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == TORCH\
341.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION\
342.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == TALLOW_CANDLE\
343.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == WAX_CANDLE\
344.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == POT_OIL)
345.  /* object can be ignited */
346.  #define ignitable(otmp)	((otmp)->otyp == BRASS_LANTERN\
347.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == OIL_LAMP\
348.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == TORCH\
349.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION\
350.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == TALLOW_CANDLE\
351.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == WAX_CANDLE\
352.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == MAGIC_CANDLE\
353.  				|| (otmp)->otyp == POT_OIL)
355.  /* special stones */
356.  #define is_graystone(obj)	((obj)->otyp == LUCKSTONE || \
357.  				 (obj)->otyp == LOADSTONE || \
358.  				 (obj)->otyp == FLINT     || \
359.  				 (obj)->otyp == TOUCHSTONE || \
360.  				 (obj)->otyp == HEALTHSTONE || \
361.  				 (obj)->otyp == WHETSTONE)
363.  /* misc */
364.  #ifdef KOPS
365.  #define is_flimsy(otmp)		(objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_material <= LEATHER || \
366.  				 (otmp)->otyp == RUBBER_HOSE)
367.  #else
368.  #define is_flimsy(otmp)		(objects[(otmp)->otyp].oc_material <= LEATHER)
369.  #endif
371.  /* helpers, simple enough to be macros */
372.  #define is_plural(o)	((o)->quan > 1 || \
373.  			 (o)->oartifact == ART_EYES_OF_THE_OVERWORLD)
375.  /* Flags for get_obj_location(). */
376.  #define CONTAINED_TOO	0x1
377.  #define BURIED_TOO	0x2
379.  #endif /* OBJ_H */