Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/teleport.c

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Below is the full text to teleport.c from the source code of SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/teleport.c#line123]], for example.

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1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)teleport.c	3.4	2003/08/11	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(tele_jump_ok, (int,int,int,int));
8.    STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(teleok, (int,int,BOOLEAN_P));
9.    STATIC_DCL void NDECL(vault_tele);
10.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(rloc_pos_ok, (int,int,struct monst *));
11.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mvault_tele, (struct monst *));
13.   /*
14.    * Is (x, y) a bad position of mtmp?  If mtmp is NULL, then is (x, y) bad
15.    * for an object?
16.    *
17.    * Caller is responsible for checking (x, y) with isok() if required.
18.    *
19.    * Returns: -1: Inaccessible, 0: Good pos, 1: Temporally inacessible
20.    */
21.   static int
22.   badpos(x, y, mtmp, gpflags)
23.   int x, y;
24.   struct monst *mtmp;
25.   unsigned gpflags;
26.   {
27.   	int is_badpos = 0, pool;
28.   	struct permonst *mdat = NULL;
29.   	boolean ignorewater = ((gpflags & MM_IGNOREWATER) != 0);
30.   	struct monst *mtmp2;
32.   	/* in many cases, we're trying to create a new monster, which
33.   	 * can't go on top of the player or any existing monster.
34.   	 * however, occasionally we are relocating engravings or objects,
35.   	 * which could be co-located and thus get restricted a bit too much.
36.   	 * oh well.
37.   	 */
38.   	if (mtmp != &youmonst && x == u.ux && y ==
39.   #ifdef STEED
40.   			&& (!u.usteed || mtmp != u.usteed)
41.   #endif
42.   			)
43.   	    is_badpos = 1;
45.   	if (mtmp) {
46.   	    mtmp2 = m_at(x,y);
48.   	    /* Be careful with long worms.  A monster may be placed back in
49.   	     * its own location.  Normally, if m_at() returns the same monster
50.   	     * that we're trying to place, the monster is being placed in its
51.   	     * own location.  However, that is not correct for worm segments,
52.   	     * because all the segments of the worm return the same m_at().
53.   	     * Actually we overdo the check a little bit--a worm can't be placed
54.   	     * in its own location, period.  If we just checked for mtmp->mx
55.   	     * != x || mtmp->my != y, we'd miss the case where we're called
56.   	     * to place the worm segment and the worm's head is at x,y.
57.   	     */
58.   	    if (mtmp2 && (mtmp2 != mtmp || mtmp->wormno))
59.   		is_badpos = 1;
61.   	    mdat = mtmp->data;
62.   	    pool = is_pool(x,y);
63.   	    if (mdat->mlet == S_EEL && !pool && rn2(13) && !ignorewater)
64.   		is_badpos = 1;
66.   	    if (pool && !ignorewater) {
67.   		if (mtmp == &youmonst)
68.   			return (HLevitation || Flying || Wwalking ||
69.   				    Swimming || Amphibious) ? is_badpos : -1;
70.   		else	return (is_flyer(mdat) || is_swimmer(mdat) ||
71.   				    is_clinger(mdat)) ? is_badpos : -1;
72.   	    } else if (is_lava(x,y)) {
73.   		if (mtmp == &youmonst)
74.   		    return HLevitation ? is_badpos : -1;
75.   		else
76.   		    return (is_flyer(mdat) || likes_lava(mdat)) ?
77.   			    is_badpos : -1;
78.   	    }
79.   	    if (passes_walls(mdat) && may_passwall(x,y)) return is_badpos;
80.   	}
81.   	if (!ACCESSIBLE(levl[x][y].typ)) {
82.   		if (!(is_pool(x,y) && ignorewater)) return -1;
83.   	}
85.   	if (closed_door(x, y) && (!mdat || !amorphous(mdat)))
86.   	    return mdat && (nohands(mdat) || verysmall(mdat)) ? -1 : 1;
87.   	if (sobj_at(BOULDER, x, y) && (!mdat || !throws_rocks(mdat)))
88.   	    return mdat ? -1 : 1;
89.   	return is_badpos;
90.   }
92.   /*
93.    * Is (x,y) a good position of mtmp?  If mtmp is NULL, then is (x,y) good
94.    * for an object?
95.    *
96.    * This function will only look at mtmp->mdat, so makemon, mplayer, etc can
97.    * call it to generate new monster positions with fake monster structures.
98.    */
99.   boolean
100.  goodpos(x, y, mtmp, gpflags)
101.  int x,y;
102.  struct monst *mtmp;
103.  unsigned gpflags;
104.  {
105.      if (!isok(x, y)) return FALSE;
107.      return !badpos(x, y, mtmp, gpflags);
108.  }
110.  /*
111.   * "entity next to"
112.   *
113.   * Attempt to find a good place for the given monster type in the closest
114.   * position to (xx,yy).  Do so in successive square rings around (xx,yy).
115.   * If there is more than one valid positon in the ring, choose one randomly.
116.   * Return TRUE and the position chosen when successful, FALSE otherwise.
117.   */
118.  boolean
119.  enexto(cc, xx, yy, mdat)
120.  coord *cc;
121.  register xchar xx, yy;
122.  struct permonst *mdat;
123.  {
124.  	return enexto_core(cc, xx, yy, mdat, 0);
125.  }
127.  boolean
128.  enexto_core(cc, xx, yy, mdat, entflags)
129.  coord *cc;
130.  register xchar xx, yy;
131.  struct permonst *mdat;
132.  unsigned entflags;
133.  {
134.  #define MAX_GOOD 15
135.      coord good[MAX_GOOD], *good_ptr;
136.      int x, y, range, i;
137.      int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
138.      struct monst fakemon;	/* dummy monster */
140.      if (!mdat) {
141.  #ifdef DEBUG
142.  	pline("enexto() called with mdat==0");
143.  #endif
144.  	/* default to player's original monster type */
145.  	mdat = &mons[u.umonster];
146.      }
147. = mdat;	/* set up for goodpos */
148.      good_ptr = good;
149.      range = 1;
150.      /*
151.       * Walk around the border of the square with center (xx,yy) and
152.       * radius range.  Stop when we find at least one valid position.
153.       */
154.      do {
155.  	xmin = max(1, xx-range);
156.  	xmax = min(COLNO-1, xx+range);
157.  	ymin = max(0, yy-range);
158.  	ymax = min(ROWNO-1, yy+range);
160.  	for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++)
161.  	    if (goodpos(x, ymin, &fakemon, entflags)) {
162.  		good_ptr->x = x;
163.  		good_ptr->y = ymin ;
164.  		/* beware of accessing beyond segment boundaries.. */
165.  		if (good_ptr++ == &good[MAX_GOOD-1]) goto full;
166.  	    }
167.  	for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++)
168.  	    if (goodpos(x, ymax, &fakemon, entflags)) {
169.  		good_ptr->x = x;
170.  		good_ptr->y = ymax ;
171.  		/* beware of accessing beyond segment boundaries.. */
172.  		if (good_ptr++ == &good[MAX_GOOD-1]) goto full;
173.  	    }
174.  	for (y = ymin+1; y < ymax; y++)
175.  	    if (goodpos(xmin, y, &fakemon, entflags)) {
176.  		good_ptr->x = xmin;
177.  		good_ptr-> y = y ;
178.  		/* beware of accessing beyond segment boundaries.. */
179.  		if (good_ptr++ == &good[MAX_GOOD-1]) goto full;
180.  	    }
181.  	for (y = ymin+1; y < ymax; y++)
182.  	    if (goodpos(xmax, y, &fakemon, entflags)) {
183.  		good_ptr->x = xmax;
184.  		good_ptr->y = y ;
185.  		/* beware of accessing beyond segment boundaries.. */
186.  		if (good_ptr++ == &good[MAX_GOOD-1]) goto full;
187.  	    }
188.  	range++;
190.  	/* return if we've grown too big (nothing is valid) */
191.  	if (range > ROWNO && range > COLNO) return FALSE;
192.      } while (good_ptr == good);
194.  full:
195.      i = rn2((int)(good_ptr - good));
196.      cc->x = good[i].x;
197.      cc->y = good[i].y;
198.      return TRUE;
199.  }
201.  /*
202.   * "entity path to"
203.   *
204.   * Attempt to find nc good places for the given monster type with the shortest
205.   * path to (xx,yy).  Where there is more than one valid set of positions, one
206.   * will be chosen at random.  Return the number of positions found.
207.   * Warning:  This routine is much slower than enexto and should be used
208.   * with caution.
209.   */
211.  #define EPATHTO_UNSEEN		0x0
212.  #define EPATHTO_INACCESSIBLE	0x1
213.  #define EPATHTO_DONE		0x2
214.  #define EPATHTO_TAIL(n)		(0x3 + ((n) & 1))
216.  #define EPATHTO_XY(x,y)		(((y) + 1) * COLNO + (x))
217.  #define EPATHTO_Y(xy)		((xy) / COLNO - 1)
218.  #define EPATHTO_X(xy)		((xy) % COLNO)
220.  #ifdef DEBUG
221.  coord epathto_debug_cc[100];
222.  #endif
224.  int
225.  epathto(cc, nc, xx, yy, mdat)
226.  coord *cc;
227.  int nc;
228.  register xchar xx, yy;
229.  struct permonst *mdat;
230.  {
231.      int i, j, dir, ndirs, xy, x, y, r;
232.      int path_len, postype;
233.      int first_col, last_col;
234.      int nd, n;
235.      unsigned char *map;
236.      static const int dirs[8] =
237.        /* N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SE, SW */
238.        { -COLNO, COLNO, 1, -1, -COLNO-1, -COLNO+1, COLNO+1, COLNO-1};
239.      struct monst fakemon;	/* dummy monster */
240. = mdat;	/* set up for badpos */
241.      map = (unsigned char *)alloc(COLNO * (ROWNO + 2));
242.      (void) memset((genericptr_t)map, EPATHTO_INACCESSIBLE, COLNO * (ROWNO + 2));
243.      for(i = 1; i < COLNO; i++)
244.  	for(j = 0; j < ROWNO; j++)
245.  	    map[EPATHTO_XY(i, j)] = EPATHTO_UNSEEN;
246.      map[EPATHTO_XY(xx, yy)] = EPATHTO_TAIL(0);
247.      if (badpos(xx, yy, &fakemon, 0) == 0) {
248.  	cc[0].x = xx;
249.  	cc[0].y = yy;
250.  	nd = n = 1;
251.      }
252.      else
253.  	nd = n = 0;
254.      for(path_len = 0; nd < nc; path_len++)
255.      {
256.  	first_col = max(1, xx - path_len);
257.  	last_col = min(COLNO - 1, xx + path_len);
258.  	for(j = max(0, yy - path_len); j <= min(ROWNO - 1, yy + path_len); j++)
259.  	    for(i = first_col; i <= last_col; i++)
260.  		if (map[EPATHTO_XY(i, j)] == EPATHTO_TAIL(path_len)) {
261.  		    map[EPATHTO_XY(i, j)] = EPATHTO_DONE;
262.  		    ndirs = mdat == &mons[PM_GRID_BUG] ? 4 : 8;
263.  		    for(dir = 0; dir < ndirs; dir++) {
264.  			xy = EPATHTO_XY(i, j) + dirs[dir];
265.  			if (map[xy] == EPATHTO_UNSEEN) {
266.  			    x = EPATHTO_X(xy);
267.  			    y = EPATHTO_Y(xy);
268.  			    postype = badpos(x, y, &fakemon, 0);
269.  			    map[xy] = postype < 0 ? EPATHTO_INACCESSIBLE :
270.  				    EPATHTO_TAIL(path_len + 1);
271.  			    if (postype == 0) {
272.  				if (n < nc)
273.  				{
274.  				    cc[n].x = x;
275.  				    cc[n].y = y;
276.  				}
277.  				else if (rn2(n - nd + 1) < nc - nd)
278.  				{
279.  				    r = rn2(nc - nd) + nd;
280.  				    cc[r].x = x;
281.  				    cc[r].y = y;
282.  				}
283.  				++n;
284.  			    }
285.  			}
286.  		    }
287.  		}
288.  	if (nd == n)
289.  	    break;	/* No more positions */
290.  	else
291.  	    nd = n;
292.      }
293.      if (nd > nc)
294.  	nd = nc;
295.  #ifdef DEBUG
296.      if (cc == epathto_debug_cc)
297.      {
298.  	winid win;
299.  	int glyph;
300.  	char row[COLNO+1];
302.  	win = create_nhwindow(NHW_TEXT);
303.  	putstr(win, 0, "");
304.  	for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++) {
305.  	    for (x = 1; x < COLNO; x++) {
306.  		xy = EPATHTO_XY(x, y);
307.  		if (map[xy] == EPATHTO_INACCESSIBLE) {
308.  		    glyph = back_to_glyph(x, y);
309.  		    row[x] = showsyms[glyph_to_cmap(glyph)];
310.  		}
311.  		else
312.  		    row[x] = ' ';
313.  	    }
314.  	    for (i = 0; i < nd; i++)
315.  		if (cc[i].y == y)
316.  		    row[cc[i].x] = i < 10 ? '0' + i :
317.  			i < 36 ? 'a' + i - 10 :
318.  			i < 62 ? 'A' + i - 36 :
319.  			'?';
320.  	    /* remove trailing spaces */
321.  	    for (x = COLNO-1; x >= 1; x--)
322.  		if (row[x] != ' ') break;
323.  	    row[x+1] = '\0';
325.  	    putstr(win, 0, &row[1]);
326.  	}
327.  	display_nhwindow(win, TRUE);
328.  	destroy_nhwindow(win);
329.      }
330.  #endif
332.      free((genericptr_t)map);
333.      return nd;
334.  }
336.  /*
337.   * func should return 1 if the location should be counted as inaccessible
338.   * (path won't continue through this point) or 0 if it is accessible.
339.   */
341.  void
342.  xpathto(r, xx, yy, func, data)
343.  int r;
344.  register xchar xx, yy;
345.  int (*func)(genericptr_t, int, int);
346.  genericptr_t data;
347.  {
348.      int i, j, dir, xy, x, y;
349.      int path_len, postype;
350.      int first_col, last_col;
351.      int nd, n;
352.      unsigned char *map;
353.      static const int dirs[8] =
354.        /* N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SE, SW */
355.        { -COLNO, COLNO, 1, -1, -COLNO-1, -COLNO+1, COLNO+1, COLNO-1};
356.      map = (unsigned char *)alloc(COLNO * (ROWNO + 2));
357.      (void) memset((genericptr_t)map, EPATHTO_INACCESSIBLE, COLNO * (ROWNO + 2));
358.      for(i = 1; i < COLNO; i++)
359.  	for(j = 0; j < ROWNO; j++)
360.  	    map[EPATHTO_XY(i, j)] = EPATHTO_UNSEEN;
361.      map[EPATHTO_XY(xx, yy)] = EPATHTO_TAIL(0);
362.      if (func(data, xx, yy) == 0)
363.  	nd = n = 1;
364.      else
365.  	nd = n = 0;
366.      for(path_len = 0; path_len < r; path_len++)
367.      {
368.  	first_col = max(1, xx - path_len);
369.  	last_col = min(COLNO - 1, xx + path_len);
370.  	for(j = max(0, yy - path_len); j <= min(ROWNO - 1, yy + path_len); j++)
371.  	    for(i = first_col; i <= last_col; i++)
372.  		if (map[EPATHTO_XY(i, j)] == EPATHTO_TAIL(path_len)) {
373.  		    map[EPATHTO_XY(i, j)] = EPATHTO_DONE;
374.  		    for(dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
375.  			xy = EPATHTO_XY(i, j) + dirs[dir];
376.  			if (map[xy] == EPATHTO_UNSEEN) {
377.  			    x = EPATHTO_X(xy);
378.  			    y = EPATHTO_Y(xy);
379.  			    postype = func(data, x, y);
380.  			    map[xy] = postype ? EPATHTO_INACCESSIBLE :
381.  				    EPATHTO_TAIL(path_len + 1);
382.  			    if (postype == 0)
383.  				++n;
384.  			}
385.  		    }
386.  		}
387.  	if (nd == n)
388.  	    break;	/* No more positions */
389.  	else
390.  	    nd = n;
391.      }
392.      free((genericptr_t)map);
393.  }
395.  #ifdef DEBUG
396.  void
397.  wiz_debug_cmd() /* in this case, run epathto on arbitary monster & goal */
398.  {
399.      struct permonst *ptr;
400.      int mndx, i;
401.      coord cc;
402.      char buf[BUFSIZ];
403.      for(i = 0; ; i++) {
404.  	if(i >= 5) {
405.  	    pline(thats_enough_tries);
406.  	    return;
407.  	}
408.  	getlin("What monster do you want to test? [type the name]", buf);
410.  	mndx = name_to_mon(buf);
411.  	if (mndx == NON_PM) {
412.  	    pline("Such creatures do not exist in this world.");
413.  	    continue;
414.  	}
415.  	ptr = &mons[mndx];
416.  	pline("Which position do you want to aim for?");
417.  	cc.x = u.ux;
418.  	cc.y =;
419.  	if (getpos(&cc, TRUE, "the goal position") < 0)
420.  	    return;	/* abort */
421.  	epathto(epathto_debug_cc, SIZE(epathto_debug_cc), cc.x, cc.y, ptr);
422.  	break;
423.      }
424.  }
425.  #endif	/* DEBUG */
427.  /*
428.   * Check for restricted areas present in some special levels.  (This might
429.   * need to be augmented to allow deliberate passage in wizard mode, but
430.   * only for explicitly chosen destinations.)
431.   */
432.  STATIC_OVL boolean
433.  tele_jump_ok(x1, y1, x2, y2)
434.  int x1, y1, x2, y2;
435.  {
436.  	if (dndest.nlx > 0) {
437.  	    /* if inside a restricted region, can't teleport outside */
438.  	    if (within_bounded_area(x1, y1, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
439.  						dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy) &&
440.  		!within_bounded_area(x2, y2, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
441.  						dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy))
442.  # ifdef WIZARD
443.                  if (!wizard)
444.  # endif /* WIZARD */
445.  		return FALSE;
446.  	    /* and if outside, can't teleport inside */
447.  	    if (!within_bounded_area(x1, y1, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
448.  						dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy) &&
449.  		within_bounded_area(x2, y2, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
450.  						dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy))
451.  # ifdef WIZARD
452.                  if (!wizard)
453.  # endif /* WIZARD */
454.  		return FALSE;
455.  	}
456.  	if (updest.nlx > 0) {		/* ditto */
457.  	    if (within_bounded_area(x1, y1, updest.nlx, updest.nly,
458.  						updest.nhx, updest.nhy) &&
459.  		!within_bounded_area(x2, y2, updest.nlx, updest.nly,
460.  						updest.nhx, updest.nhy))
461.  # ifdef WIZARD
462.                  if (!wizard)
463.  # endif /* WIZARD */
464.  		return FALSE;
465.  	    if (!within_bounded_area(x1, y1, updest.nlx, updest.nly,
466.  						updest.nhx, updest.nhy) &&
467.  		within_bounded_area(x2, y2, updest.nlx, updest.nly,
468.  						updest.nhx, updest.nhy))
469.  # ifdef WIZARD
470.                  if (!wizard)
471.  # endif /* WIZARD */
472.  		return FALSE;
473.  	}
474.  	return TRUE;
475.  }
477.  STATIC_OVL boolean
478.  teleok(x, y, trapok)
479.  register int x, y;
480.  boolean trapok;
481.  {
482.  	if (!trapok && t_at(x, y)) return FALSE;
483.  	if (!goodpos(x, y, &youmonst, 0)) return FALSE;
484.  	if (!tele_jump_ok(u.ux,, x, y)) return FALSE;
485.  	if (!in_out_region(x, y)) return FALSE;
486.  	return TRUE;
487.  }
489.  void
490.  teleds(nux, nuy, allow_drag)
491.  register int nux,nuy;
492.  boolean allow_drag;
493.  {
494.  	boolean ball_active = (Punished && uball->where != OBJ_FREE),
495.  		ball_still_in_range = FALSE;
497.  	/* If they have to move the ball, then drag if allow_drag is true;
498.  	 * otherwise they are teleporting, so unplacebc().
499.  	 * If they don't have to move the ball, then always "drag" whether or
500.  	 * not allow_drag is true, because we are calling that function, not
501.  	 * to drag, but to move the chain.  *However* there are some dumb
502.  	 * special cases:
503.  	 *    0                          0
504.  	 *   _X  move east       ----->  X_
505.  	 *    @                           @
506.  	 * These are permissible if teleporting, but not if dragging.  As a
507.  	 * result, drag_ball() needs to know about allow_drag and might end
508.  	 * up dragging the ball anyway.  Also, drag_ball() might find that
509.  	 * dragging the ball is completely impossible (ball in range but there's
510.  	 * rock in the way), in which case it teleports the ball on its own.
511.  	 */
512.  	if (ball_active) {
513.  	    if (!carried(uball) && distmin(nux, nuy, uball->ox, uball->oy) <= 2)
514.  		ball_still_in_range = TRUE; /* don't have to move the ball */
515.  	    else {
516.  		/* have to move the ball */
517.  		if (!allow_drag || distmin(u.ux,, nux, nuy) > 1) {
518.  		    /* we should not have dist > 1 and allow_drag at the same
519.  		     * time, but just in case, we must then revert to teleport.
520.  		     */
521.  		    allow_drag = FALSE;
522.  		    unplacebc();
523.  		}
524.  	    }
525.  	}
526.  	u.utrap = 0;
527.  	setustuck(0);
528.  	u.ux0 = u.ux;
529.  	u.uy0 =;
531.  	if (hides_under(
532.  		u.uundetected = OBJ_AT(nux, nuy);
533.  	else if (>mlet == S_EEL)
534.  		u.uundetected = is_pool(nux, nuy);
535.  	else {
536.  		u.uundetected = 0;
537.  		/* mimics stop being unnoticed */
538.  		if (>mlet == S_MIMIC)
539.  		    youmonst.m_ap_type = M_AP_NOTHING;
540.  	}
542.  	if (u.uswallow) {
543.  		u.uswldtim = u.uswallow = 0;
544.  		if (Punished && !ball_active) {
545.  		    /* ensure ball placement, like unstuck */
546.  		    ball_active = TRUE;
547.  		    allow_drag = FALSE;
548.  		}
549.  		docrt();
550.  	}
551.  	if (ball_active) {
552.  	    if (ball_still_in_range || allow_drag) {
553.  		int bc_control;
554.  		xchar ballx, bally, chainx, chainy;
555.  		boolean cause_delay;
557.  		if (drag_ball(nux, nuy, &bc_control, &ballx, &bally,
558.  				    &chainx, &chainy, &cause_delay, allow_drag))
559.  		    move_bc(0, bc_control, ballx, bally, chainx, chainy);
560.  	    }
561.  	}
562.  	/* must set u.ux, after drag_ball(), which may need to know
563.  	   the old position if allow_drag is true... */
564.  	u.ux = nux;
565. = nuy;
566.  	fill_pit(u.ux0, u.uy0);
567.  	if (ball_active) {
568.  	    if (!ball_still_in_range && !allow_drag)
569.  		placebc();
570.  	}
571.  	initrack(); /* teleports mess up tracking monsters without this */
572.  	update_player_regions();
573.  #ifdef STEED
574.  	/* Move your steed, too */
575.  	if (u.usteed) {
576.  		u.usteed->mx = nux;
577.  		u.usteed->my = nuy;
578.  	}
579.  #endif
581.  	/*
582.  	 *  Make sure the hero disappears from the old location.  This will
583.  	 *  not happen if she is teleported within sight of her previous
584.  	 *  location.  Force a full vision recalculation because the hero
585.  	 *  is now in a new location.
586.  	 */
587.  	newsym(u.ux0,u.uy0);
588.  	see_monsters();
589.  	vision_full_recalc = 1;
590.  	nomul(0);
591.  	vision_recalc(0);	/* vision before effects */
592.  	spoteffects(TRUE);
593.  	invocation_message();
594.  }
596.  boolean
597.  safe_teleds(allow_drag)
598.  boolean allow_drag;
599.  {
600.  	register int nux, nuy, tcnt = 0;
602.  	do {
603.  		nux = rnd(COLNO-1);
604.  		nuy = rn2(ROWNO);
605.  	} while (!teleok(nux, nuy, (boolean)(tcnt > 200)) && ++tcnt <= 400);
607.  	if (tcnt <= 400) {
608.  		teleds(nux, nuy, allow_drag);
609.  		return TRUE;
610.  	} else
611.  		return FALSE;
612.  }
614.  STATIC_OVL void
615.  vault_tele()
616.  {
617.  	register struct mkroom *croom = search_special(VAULT);
618.  	coord c;
620.  	if (croom && somexy(croom, &c) && teleok(c.x,c.y,FALSE)) {
621.  		teleds(c.x,c.y,FALSE);
622.  		return;
623.  	}
624.  	tele();
625.  }
627.  boolean
628.  teleport_pet(mtmp, force_it)
629.  register struct monst *mtmp;
630.  boolean force_it;
631.  {
632.  	register struct obj *otmp;
634.  #ifdef STEED
635.  	if (mtmp == u.usteed)
636.  		return (FALSE);
637.  #endif
639.  	if (mtmp->mleashed) {
640.  	    otmp = get_mleash(mtmp);
641.  	    if (!otmp) {
642.  		impossible("%s is leashed, without a leash.", Monnam(mtmp));
643.  		goto release_it;
644.  	    }
645.  	    if (otmp->cursed && !force_it) {
646.  		yelp(mtmp);
647.  		return FALSE;
648.  	    } else {
649.  		Your("leash goes slack.");
650.   release_it:
651.  		m_unleash(mtmp, FALSE);
652.  		return TRUE;
653.  	    }
654.  	}
655.  	return TRUE;
656.  }
658.  void
659.  tele()
660.  {
661.  	coord cc;
663.  	/* Disable teleportation in stronghold && Vlad's Tower */
664.  	if (level.flags.noteleport) {
665.  #ifdef WIZARD
666.  		if (!wizard) {
667.  #endif
668.  		    pline("A mysterious force prevents you from teleporting!");
669.  		    return;
670.  #ifdef WIZARD
671.  		}
672.  #endif
673.  	}
675.  	/* don't show trap if "Sorry..." */
676.  	if (!Blinded) make_blinded(0L,FALSE);
678.  	if
679.  #ifdef WIZARD
680.          (
681.  #endif
682.          (u.uhave.amulet || On_W_tower_level(&
683.  #ifdef STEED
684.  	|| (u.usteed && mon_has_amulet(u.usteed))
685.  #endif
686.  	)
687.  #ifdef WIZARD
688.          && (!wizard) )
689.  #endif
690.  	{
691.  	    You_feel("disoriented for a moment.");
692.  	    return;
693.  	}
694.  	if ((Teleport_control && !Stunned)
695.  #ifdef WIZARD
696.  			    || wizard
697.  #endif
698.  					) {
699.  	    if (unconscious()) {
700.  		pline("Being unconscious, you cannot control your teleport.");
701.  	    } else {
702.  #ifdef STEED
703.  		    char buf[BUFSZ];
704.  		    if (u.usteed) Sprintf(buf," and %s", mon_nam(u.usteed));
705.  #endif
706.  		    pline("To what position do you%s want to be teleported?",
707.  #ifdef STEED
708.  				u.usteed ? buf :
709.  #endif
710.  			   "");
711.  		    cc.x = u.ux;
712.  		    cc.y =;
713.  		    if (getpos(&cc, TRUE, "the desired position") < 0)
714.  			return;	/* abort */
715.  		    /* possible extensions: introduce a small error if
716.  		       magic power is low; allow transfer to solid rock */
717.  		    if (teleok(cc.x, cc.y, FALSE)) {
718.  			teleds(cc.x, cc.y, FALSE);
719.  			return;
720.  		    }
721.  		    pline("Sorry...");
722.  		}
723.  	}
725.  	(void) safe_teleds(FALSE);
726.  }
728.  int
729.  dotele()
730.  {
731.  	struct trap *trap;
733.  	trap = t_at(u.ux,;
734.  	if (trap && (!trap->tseen || trap->ttyp != TELEP_TRAP))
735.  		trap = 0;
737.  	if (trap) {
738.  		if (trap->once) {
739.  			pline("This is a vault teleport, usable once only.");
740.  			if (yn("Jump in?") == 'n')
741.  				trap = 0;
742.  			else {
743.  				deltrap(trap);
744.  				newsym(u.ux,;
745.  			}
746.  		}
747.  		if (trap)
748.  			You("%s onto the teleportation trap.",
749.  			    locomotion(, "jump"));
750.  	}
751.  	if (!trap) {
752.  	    boolean castit = FALSE;
753.  	    register int sp_no = 0, energy = 0;
755.  	    if (!Teleportation || (u.ulevel < (Role_if(PM_WIZARD) ? 8 : 12)
756.  					&& !can_teleport( {
757.  		/* Try to use teleport away spell. */
758.  		if (objects[SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY].oc_name_known && !Confusion)
759.  		    for (sp_no = 0; sp_no < MAXSPELL; sp_no++)
760.  			if (spl_book[sp_no].sp_id == SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY) {
761.  				castit = TRUE;
762.  				break;
763.  			}
764.  #ifdef WIZARD
765.  		if (!wizard) {
766.  #endif
767.  		    if (!castit) {
768.  			if (!Teleportation)
769.  			    You("don't know that spell.");
770.  			else You("are not able to teleport at will.");
771.  			return(0);
772.  		    }
773.  #ifdef WIZARD
774.  		}
775.  #endif
776.  	    }
778.  	    if (u.uhunger <= 10 || ACURR(A_STR) < 6) {
779.  #ifdef WIZARD
780.  		if (!wizard) {
781.  #endif
782.  			You("lack the strength %s.",
783.  			    castit ? "for a teleport spell" : "to teleport");
784.  			return 1;
785.  #ifdef WIZARD
786.  		}
787.  #endif
788.  	    }
790.  	    energy = objects[SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY].oc_level * 5;
791.  	    if (u.uen <= energy) {
792.  #ifdef WIZARD
793.  		if (wizard)
794.  			energy = u.uen;
795.  		else
796.  #endif
797.  		{
798.  			You("lack the energy %s.",
799.  			    castit ? "for a teleport spell" : "to teleport");
800.  			return 1;
801.  		}
802.  	    }
804.  	    if (check_capacity(
805.  			"Your concentration falters from carrying so much."))
806.  		return 1;
808.  	    if (castit) {
809.  		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
810.  		if (spelleffects(sp_no, TRUE))
811.  			return(1);
812.  		else
813.  #ifdef WIZARD
814.  		    if (!wizard)
815.  #endif
816.  			return(0);
817.  	    } else {
818.  		u.uen -= energy;
819.  		flags.botl = 1;
820.  	    }
821.  	}
823.  	if (next_to_u()) {
824.  		if (trap && trap->once) vault_tele();
825.  		else tele();
826.  		(void) next_to_u();
827.  	} else {
828.  		You(shudder_for_moment);
829.  		return(0);
830.  	}
831.  	if (!trap) morehungry(10);
832.  	return(1);
833.  }
835.  void
836.  level_tele()
837.  {
838.  	register int newlev;
839.  	d_level newlevel;
840.  	const char *escape_by_flying = 0;	/* when surviving dest of -N */
841.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
842.  	boolean force_dest = FALSE;
844.  	if ((u.uhave.amulet || In_endgame(& || In_sokoban(&
845.  #ifdef STEED
846.  			|| (u.usteed && mon_has_amulet(u.usteed))
847.  #endif
848.  	   )
849.  #ifdef WIZARD
850.  						&& !wizard
851.  #endif
852.  							) {
853.  	    You_feel("very disoriented for a moment.");
854.  	    return;
855.  	}
856.  	if ((Teleport_control && !Stunned)
857.  #ifdef WIZARD
858.  	   || wizard
859.  #endif
860.  		) {
861.  	    char qbuf[BUFSZ];
862.  	    int trycnt = 0;
864.  	    Strcpy(qbuf, "To what level do you want to teleport?");
865.  	    do {
866.  		if (++trycnt == 2) {
867.  #ifdef WIZARD
868.  			if (wizard) Strcat(qbuf, " [type a number or ? for a menu]");
869.  			else
870.  #endif
871.  			Strcat(qbuf, " [type a number]");
872.  		}
873.  		getlin(qbuf, buf);
874.  		if (!strcmp(buf,"\033")) {	/* cancelled */
875.  		    if (Confusion && rnl(5)) {
876.  			pline("Oops...");
877.  			goto random_levtport;
878.  		    }
879.  		    return;
880.  		} else if (!strcmp(buf,"*")) {
881.  		    goto random_levtport;
882.  		} else if (Confusion && rnl(5)) {
883.  		    pline("Oops...");
884.  		    goto random_levtport;
885.  		}
886.  #ifdef WIZARD
887.  		if (wizard && !strcmp(buf,"?")) {
888.  		    schar destlev = 0;
889.  		    xchar destdnum = 0;
891.  		    if ((newlev = (int)print_dungeon(TRUE, &destlev, &destdnum))) {
892.  			newlevel.dnum = destdnum;
893.  			newlevel.dlevel = destlev;
894.  			if (In_endgame(&newlevel) && !In_endgame(& {
895.  				Sprintf(buf,
896.  				    "Destination is earth level");
897.  				if (!u.uhave.amulet) {
898.  					struct obj *obj;
899.  					obj = mksobj(AMULET_OF_YENDOR,
900.  							TRUE, FALSE);
901.  					if (obj) {
902.  						obj = addinv(obj);
903.  						Strcat(buf, " with the amulet");
904.  					}
905.  				}
906.  				assign_level(&newlevel, &earth_level);
907.  				pline("%s.", buf);
908.  			}
909.  			force_dest = TRUE;
910.  		    } else return;
911.  		} else
912.  #endif
913.  		if ((newlev = lev_by_name(buf)) == 0) {
914.  #ifdef WIZARD
915.  		    s_level *slev;
917.  		    /* if you're using wizard mode, you shouldn't really need
918.  		     * the game to interpret things like `mine town level' */
919.  		    if (wizard && (slev = find_level(buf))) {
920.  			schedule_goto(&slev->dlevel, FALSE, FALSE, 0,
921.  				      (char *)0, (char *)0);
922.  			return;
923.  		    }
924.  #endif
925.  		    newlev = atoi(buf);
926.                  }
927.  	    } while (!newlev && !digit(buf[0]) &&
928.  		     (buf[0] != '-' || !digit(buf[1])) &&
929.  		     trycnt < 10);
931.  	    /* no dungeon escape via this route */
932.  	    if (newlev == 0) {
933.  		if (trycnt >= 10)
934.  		    goto random_levtport;
935.  		if (ynq("Go to Nowhere.  Are you sure?") != 'y') return;
936.  		You("%s in agony as your body begins to warp...",
937.  		    is_silent( ? "writhe" : "scream");
938.  		display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
939.  		You("cease to exist.");
940.  		if (invent) Your("possessions land on the %s with a thud.",
941.  				surface(u.ux,;
942.  		killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
943.  		killer = "committed suicide";
944.  		done(DIED);
945.  		pline("An energized cloud of dust begins to coalesce.");
946.  		Your("body rematerializes%s.", invent ?
947.  			", and you gather up all your possessions" : "");
948.  		return;
949.  	    }
951.  	    /* if in Knox and the requested level > 0, stay put.
952.  	     * we let negative values requests fall into the "heaven" loop.
953.  	     * [ALI] Add other single level dungeons entered via portal.
954.  	     */
955.  	    if ((Is_knox(& ||
956.  #ifdef BLACKMARKET
957.  		    Is_blackmarket(& ||
958.  #endif
959.  		    Is_aligned_quest(& && newlev > 0) {
960.  		You(shudder_for_moment);
961.  		return;
962.  	    }
963.  	    /* if in Quest, the player sees "Home 1", etc., on the status
964.  	     * line, instead of the logical depth of the level.  controlled
965.  	     * level teleport request is likely to be relativized to the
966.  	     * status line, and consequently it should be incremented to
967.  	     * the value of the logical depth of the target level.
968.  	     *
969.  	     * we let negative values requests fall into the "heaven" loop.
970.  	     */
971.  	    if (In_quest(& && newlev > 0)
972.  		newlev = newlev + dungeons[].depth_start - 1;
973.  	} else { /* involuntary level tele */
974.   random_levtport:
975.  	    newlev = random_teleport_level();
976.  	    if (newlev == depth(& {
977.  		You(shudder_for_moment);
978.  		return;
979.  	    }
980.  	}
982.  	if (!next_to_u()) {
983.  		You(shudder_for_moment);
984.  		return;
985.  	}
986.  #ifdef WIZARD
987.  	if (In_endgame(& {	/* must already be wizard */
988.  	    int llimit = dunlevs_in_dungeon(&;
990.  	    if (newlev >= 0 || newlev <= -llimit) {
991.  		You_cant("get there from here.");
992.  		return;
993.  	    }
994.  	    newlevel.dnum =;
995.  	    newlevel.dlevel = llimit + newlev;
996.  	    schedule_goto(&newlevel, FALSE, FALSE, 0, (char *)0, (char *)0);
997.  	    return;
998.  	}
999.  #endif
1000. 	killer = 0;		/* still alive, so far... */
1002. 	if (newlev < 0 && !force_dest) {
1003. 		if (*u.ushops0) {
1004. 		    /* take unpaid inventory items off of shop bills */
1005. 		    in_mklev = TRUE;	/* suppress map update */
1006. 		    u_left_shop(u.ushops0, TRUE);
1007. 		    /* you're now effectively out of the shop */
1008. 		    *u.ushops0 = *u.ushops = '\0';
1009. 		    in_mklev = FALSE;
1010. 		}
1011. 		if (newlev <= -10) {
1012. 			You("arrive in heaven.");
1013. 			verbalize("Thou art early, but we'll admit thee.");
1014. 			killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
1015. 			killer = "went to heaven prematurely";
1016. 		} else if (newlev == -9) {
1017. 			You_feel("deliriously happy. ");
1018. 			pline("(In fact, you're on Cloud 9!) ");
1019. 			display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
1020. 		} else
1021. 			You("are now high above the clouds...");
1023. 		if (killer) {
1024. 		    ;		/* arrival in heaven is pending */
1025. 		} else if (Levitation) {
1026. 		    escape_by_flying = "float gently down to earth";
1027. 		} else if (Flying) {
1028. 		    escape_by_flying = "fly down to the ground";
1029. 		} else {
1030. 		    pline("Unfortunately, you don't know how to fly.");
1031. 		    You("plummet a few thousand feet to your death.");
1032. 		    Sprintf(buf,
1033. 			  "teleported out of the dungeon and fell to %s death",
1034. 			    uhis());
1035. 		    killer = buf;
1036. 		    killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
1037. 		}
1038. 	}
1040. 	if (killer) {	/* the chosen destination was not survivable */
1041. 	    d_level lsav;
1043. 	    /* set specific death location; this also suppresses bones */
1044. 	    lsav =;	/* save current level, see below */
1045. = 0;	/* main dungeon */
1046. = (newlev <= -10) ? -10 : 0;	/* heaven or surface */
1047. 	    done(DIED);
1048. 	    /* can only get here via life-saving (or declining to die in
1049. 	       explore|debug mode); the hero has now left the dungeon... */
1050. 	    escape_by_flying = "find yourself back on the surface";
1051. = lsav;	/* restore so escape code works */
1052. 	}
1054. 	/* calls done(ESCAPED) if newlevel==0 */
1055. 	if (escape_by_flying) {
1056. 	    You("%s.", escape_by_flying);
1057. 	    newlevel.dnum = 0;		/* specify main dungeon */
1058. 	    newlevel.dlevel = 0;	/* escape the dungeon */
1059. 	    /* [dlevel used to be set to 1, but it doesn't make sense to
1060. 		teleport out of the dungeon and float or fly down to the
1061. 		surface but then actually arrive back inside the dungeon] */
1062. 	} else if ( == medusa_level.dnum &&
1063. 	    newlev >= dungeons[].depth_start +
1064. 						dunlevs_in_dungeon(& {
1065. #ifdef WIZARD
1066. 	    if (!(wizard && force_dest))
1067. #endif
1068. 	    find_hell(&newlevel);
1069. 	} else {
1070. 	    /* if invocation did not yet occur, teleporting into
1071. 	     * the last level of Gehennom is forbidden.
1072. 	     */
1073. #ifdef WIZARD
1074. 		if (!wizard)
1075. #endif
1076. 	    if (Inhell && !u.uevent.invoked &&
1077. 			newlev >= (dungeons[].depth_start +
1078. 					dunlevs_in_dungeon(& - 1)) {
1079. # ifdef WIZARD
1080.                 if (!wizard)
1081.                 {
1082. # endif /* WIZARD */
1083. 		newlev = dungeons[].depth_start +
1084. 					dunlevs_in_dungeon(& - 2;
1085. 		pline("Sorry...");
1086. # ifdef WIZARD
1087.                 }
1088. # endif /* WIZARD */
1090. 	    }
1091. 	    /* no teleporting out of quest dungeon */
1092.             if
1093. # ifdef WIZARD
1094.                 ((!wizard) &&
1095. # endif /* WIZARD */
1096.                 (In_quest(& && newlev < depth(&qstart_level))
1097. # ifdef WIZARD
1098.                 )
1099. # endif /* WIZARD */
1100. 		newlev = depth(&qstart_level);
1101. 	    /* the player thinks of levels purely in logical terms, so
1102. 	     * we must translate newlev to a number relative to the
1103. 	     * current dungeon.
1104. 	     */
1105. #ifdef WIZARD
1106. 	    if (!(wizard && force_dest))
1107. #endif
1108. 	    get_level(&newlevel, newlev);
1109. 	}
1110. 	schedule_goto(&newlevel, FALSE, FALSE, 0, (char *)0, (char *)0);
1111. 	/* in case player just read a scroll and is about to be asked to
1112. 	   call it something, we can't defer until the end of the turn */
1113. 	if (u.utotype && !flags.mon_moving) deferred_goto();
1114. }
1116. void
1117. domagicportal(ttmp)
1118. register struct trap *ttmp;
1119. {
1120. 	struct d_level target_level;
1122. 	if (!next_to_u()) {
1123. 		You(shudder_for_moment);
1124. 		return;
1125. 	}
1127. 	/* if landed from another portal, do nothing */
1128. 	/* problem: level teleport landing escapes the check */
1129. 	if (!on_level(&, &u.uz0)) return;
1131. 	You("activated a magic portal!");
1133. 	/* prevent the poor shnook, whose amulet was stolen while in
1134. 	 * the endgame, from accidently triggering the portal to the
1135. 	 * next level, and thus losing the game
1136. 	 */
1137. 	if (In_endgame(& && !u.uhave.amulet) {
1138. 	    You_feel("dizzy for a moment, but nothing happens...");
1139. 	    return;
1140. 	}
1142. 	target_level = ttmp->dst;
1143. 	schedule_goto(&target_level, FALSE, FALSE, 1,
1144. 		      "You feel dizzy for a moment, but the sensation passes.",
1145. 		      (char *)0);
1146. }
1148. void
1149. tele_trap(trap)
1150. struct trap *trap;
1151. {
1152. 	if (In_endgame(& || Antimagic) {
1153. 		if (Antimagic)
1154. 			shieldeff(u.ux,;
1155. 		You_feel("a wrenching sensation.");
1156. 	} else if (!next_to_u()) {
1157. 		You(shudder_for_moment);
1158. 	} else if (trap->once) {
1159. 		deltrap(trap);
1160. 		newsym(u.ux,;	/* get rid of trap symbol */
1161. 		vault_tele();
1162. 	} else
1163. 		tele();
1164. }
1166. void
1167. level_tele_trap(trap)
1168. struct trap *trap;
1169. {
1170. 	You("%s onto a level teleport trap!",
1171. 		      Levitation ? (const char *)"float" :
1172. 				  locomotion(, "step"));
1173. 	if (Antimagic) {
1174. 	    shieldeff(u.ux,;
1175. 	}
1176. 	if (Antimagic || In_endgame(& {
1177. 	    You_feel("a wrenching sensation.");
1178. 	    return;
1179. 	}
1180. 	if (!Blind)
1181. 	    You("are momentarily blinded by a flash of light.");
1182. 	else
1183. 	    You("are momentarily disoriented.");
1184. 	deltrap(trap);
1185. 	newsym(u.ux,;	/* get rid of trap symbol */
1186. 	level_tele();
1187. }
1189. /* check whether monster can arrive at location <x,y> via Tport (or fall) */
1190. STATIC_OVL boolean
1191. rloc_pos_ok(x, y, mtmp)
1192. register int x, y;		/* coordinates of candidate location */
1193. struct monst *mtmp;
1194. {
1195. 	register int xx, yy;
1197. 	if (!goodpos(x, y, mtmp, 0)) return FALSE;
1198. 	/*
1199. 	 * Check for restricted areas present in some special levels.
1200. 	 *
1201. 	 * `xx' is current column; if 0, then `yy' will contain flag bits
1202. 	 * rather than row:  bit #0 set => moving upwards; bit #1 set =>
1203. 	 * inside the Wizard's tower.
1204. 	 */
1205. 	xx = mtmp->mx;
1206. 	yy = mtmp->my;
1207. 	if (!xx) {
1208. 	    /* no current location (migrating monster arrival) */
1209. 	    if (dndest.nlx && On_W_tower_level(&
1210. 		return ((yy & 2) != 0) ^	/* inside xor not within */
1211. 		       !within_bounded_area(x, y, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
1212. 						  dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy);
1213. 	    if (updest.lx && (yy & 1) != 0)	/* moving up */
1214. 		return (within_bounded_area(x, y, updest.lx,,
1215. 						  updest.hx, updest.hy) &&
1216. 		       (!updest.nlx ||
1217. 			!within_bounded_area(x, y, updest.nlx, updest.nly,
1218. 						   updest.nhx, updest.nhy)));
1219. 	    if (dndest.lx && (yy & 1) == 0)	/* moving down */
1220. 		return (within_bounded_area(x, y, dndest.lx,,
1221. 						  dndest.hx, dndest.hy) &&
1222. 		       (!dndest.nlx ||
1223. 			!within_bounded_area(x, y, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
1224. 						   dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy)));
1225. 	} else {
1226. 	    /* current location is <xx,yy> */
1227. 	    if (!tele_jump_ok(xx, yy, x, y)) return FALSE;
1228. 	}
1229. 	/* <x,y> is ok */
1230. 	return TRUE;
1231. }
1233. /*
1234.  * rloc_to()
1235.  *
1236.  * Pulls a monster from its current position and places a monster at
1237.  * a new x and y.  If oldx is 0, then the monster was not in the levels.monsters
1238.  * array.  However, if oldx is 0, oldy may still have a value because mtmp is a
1239.  * migrating_mon.  Worm tails are always placed randomly around the head of
1240.  * the worm.
1241.  */
1242. void
1243. rloc_to(mtmp, x, y)
1244. struct monst *mtmp;
1245. register int x, y;
1246. {
1247. 	register int oldx = mtmp->mx, oldy = mtmp->my;
1248. 	boolean resident_shk = mtmp->isshk && inhishop(mtmp);
1250. 	if (x == mtmp->mx && y == mtmp->my)	/* that was easy */
1251. 		return;
1253. 	if (oldx) {				/* "pick up" monster */
1254. 	    if (mtmp->wormno)
1255. 		remove_worm(mtmp);
1256. 	    else {
1257. 		remove_monster(oldx, oldy);
1258. 		newsym(oldx, oldy);		/* update old location */
1259. 	    }
1260. 	}
1262. 	place_monster(mtmp, x, y);		/* put monster down */
1263. 	update_monster_region(mtmp);
1265. 	if (mtmp->wormno)			/* now put down tail */
1266. 		place_worm_tail_randomly(mtmp, x, y);
1268. 	if (u.ustuck == mtmp) {
1269. 		if (u.uswallow) {
1270. 			u.ux = x;
1271. = y;
1272. 			docrt();
1273. 		} else	setustuck(0);
1274. 	}
1276. 	newsym(x, y);				/* update new location */
1277. 	set_apparxy(mtmp);			/* orient monster */
1279. 	/* shopkeepers will only teleport if you zap them with a wand of
1280. 	   teleportation or if they've been transformed into a jumpy monster;
1281. 	   the latter only happens if you've attacked them with polymorph */
1282. 	if (resident_shk && !inhishop(mtmp)) make_angry_shk(mtmp, oldx, oldy);
1283. }
1285. /* place a monster at a random location, typically due to teleport */
1286. /* return TRUE if successful, FALSE if not */
1287. boolean
1288. rloc(mtmp, suppress_impossible)
1289. struct monst *mtmp;	/* mx==0 implies migrating monster arrival */
1290. boolean suppress_impossible;
1291. {
1292. 	register int x, y, trycount;
1294. #ifdef STEED
1295. 	if (mtmp == u.usteed) {
1296. 	    tele();
1297. 	    return TRUE;
1298. 	}
1299. #endif
1301. 	if (mtmp->iswiz && mtmp->mx) {	/* Wizard, not just arriving */
1302. 	    if (!In_W_tower(u.ux,, &
1303. 		x = xupstair,  y = yupstair;
1304. 	    else if (!xdnladder)	/* bottom level of tower */
1305. 		x = xupladder,  y = yupladder;
1306. 	    else
1307. 		x = xdnladder,  y = ydnladder;
1308. 	    /* if the wiz teleports away to heal, try the up staircase,
1309. 	       to block the player's escaping before he's healed
1310. 	       (deliberately use `goodpos' rather than `rloc_pos_ok' here) */
1311. 	    if (goodpos(x, y, mtmp, 0))
1312. 		goto found_xy;
1313. 	}
1315. 	trycount = 0;
1316. 	do {
1317. 	    x = rn1(COLNO-3,2);
1318. 	    y = rn2(ROWNO);
1319. 	    if ((trycount < 500) ? rloc_pos_ok(x, y, mtmp)
1320. 				 : goodpos(x, y, mtmp, 0))
1321. 		goto found_xy;
1322. 	} while (++trycount < 1000);
1324. 	/* last ditch attempt to find a good place */
1325. 	for (x = 2; x < COLNO - 1; x++)
1326. 	    for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++)
1327. 		if (goodpos(x, y, mtmp, 0))
1328. 		    goto found_xy;
1330. 	/* level either full of monsters or somehow faulty */
1331. 	if (!suppress_impossible)
1332. 		impossible("rloc(): couldn't relocate monster");
1333. 	return FALSE;
1335.  found_xy:
1336. 	rloc_to(mtmp, x, y);
1337. 	return TRUE;
1338. }
1340. STATIC_OVL void
1341. mvault_tele(mtmp)
1342. struct monst *mtmp;
1343. {
1344. 	register struct mkroom *croom = search_special(VAULT);
1345. 	coord c;
1347. 	if (croom && somexy(croom, &c) &&
1348. 				goodpos(c.x, c.y, mtmp, 0)) {
1349. 		rloc_to(mtmp, c.x, c.y);
1350. 		return;
1351. 	}
1352. 	(void) rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
1353. }
1355. boolean
1356. tele_restrict(mon)
1357. struct monst *mon;
1358. {
1359. 	if (level.flags.noteleport) {
1360. 		if (canseemon(mon))
1361. 		    pline("A mysterious force prevents %s from teleporting!",
1362. 			mon_nam(mon));
1363. 		return TRUE;
1364. 	}
1365. 	return FALSE;
1366. }
1368. void
1369. mtele_trap(mtmp, trap, in_sight)
1370. struct monst *mtmp;
1371. struct trap *trap;
1372. int in_sight;
1373. {
1374. 	char *monname;
1376. 	if (tele_restrict(mtmp)) return;
1377. 	if (teleport_pet(mtmp, FALSE)) {
1378. 	    /* save name with pre-movement visibility */
1379. 	    monname = Monnam(mtmp);
1381. 	    /* Note: don't remove the trap if a vault.  Other-
1382. 	     * wise the monster will be stuck there, since
1383. 	     * the guard isn't going to come for it...
1384. 	     */
1385. 	    if (trap->once) mvault_tele(mtmp);
1386. 	    else (void) rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
1388. 	    if (in_sight) {
1389. 		if (canseemon(mtmp))
1390. 		    pline("%s seems disoriented.", monname);
1391. 		else
1392. 		    pline("%s suddenly disappears!", monname);
1393. 		seetrap(trap);
1394. 	    }
1395. 	}
1396. }
1398. /* return 0 if still on level, 3 if not */
1399. int
1400. mlevel_tele_trap(mtmp, trap, force_it, in_sight)
1401. struct monst *mtmp;
1402. struct trap *trap;
1403. boolean force_it;
1404. int in_sight;
1405. {
1406. 	int tt = trap->ttyp;
1407. 	struct permonst *mptr = mtmp->data;
1409. 	if (mtmp == u.ustuck)	/* probably a vortex */
1410. 	    return 0;		/* temporary? kludge */
1411. 	if (teleport_pet(mtmp, force_it)) {
1412. 	    d_level tolevel;
1413. 	    int migrate_typ = MIGR_RANDOM;
1415. 	    if ((tt == HOLE || tt == TRAPDOOR)) {
1416. 		if (Is_stronghold(& {
1417. 		    assign_level(&tolevel, &valley_level);
1418. 		} else if (Is_botlevel(& {
1419. 		    if (in_sight && trap->tseen)
1420. 			pline("%s avoids the %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
1421. 			(tt == HOLE) ? "hole" : "trap");
1422. 		    return 0;
1423. 		} else {
1424. 		    get_level(&tolevel, depth(& + 1);
1425. 		}
1426. 	    } else if (tt == MAGIC_PORTAL) {
1427. 		if (In_endgame(& &&
1428. 		    (mon_has_amulet(mtmp) || is_home_elemental(mptr))) {
1429. 		    if (in_sight && mptr->mlet != S_ELEMENTAL) {
1430. 			pline("%s seems to shimmer for a moment.",
1431. 							Monnam(mtmp));
1432. 			seetrap(trap);
1433. 		    }
1434. 		    return 0;
1435. 		}
1436. #ifdef BLACKMARKET
1437. 	      	else if (mtmp->mtame &&
1438. 			(Is_blackmarket(&trap->dst) || Is_blackmarket(& {
1439. 	          if (in_sight) {
1440. 		     pline("%s seems to shimmer for a moment.",
1441. 		     Monnam(mtmp));
1442. 		     seetrap(trap);
1443. 	          }
1444. 	          return 0;
1445. 	        }
1446. #endif /* BLACKMARKET */
1447. 		  else {
1448. 		    assign_level(&tolevel, &trap->dst);
1449. 		    migrate_typ = MIGR_PORTAL;
1450. 		}
1451. 	    } else { /* (tt == LEVEL_TELEP) */
1452. 		int nlev;
1454. 		if (mon_has_amulet(mtmp) || In_endgame(& {
1455. 		    if (in_sight)
1456. 			pline("%s seems very disoriented for a moment.",
1457. 				Monnam(mtmp));
1458. 		    return 0;
1459. 		}
1460. 		nlev = random_teleport_level();
1461. 		if (nlev == depth(& {
1462. 		    if (in_sight)
1463. 			pline("%s shudders for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp));
1464. 		    return 0;
1465. 		}
1466. 		get_level(&tolevel, nlev);
1467. 	    }
1469. 	    if (in_sight) {
1470. 		pline("Suddenly, %s disappears out of sight.", mon_nam(mtmp));
1471. 		seetrap(trap);
1472. 	    }
1473. 	    migrate_to_level(mtmp, ledger_no(&tolevel),
1474. 			     migrate_typ, (coord *)0);
1475. 	    return 3;	/* no longer on this level */
1476. 	}
1477. 	return 0;
1478. }
1481. void
1482. rloco(obj)
1483. register struct obj *obj;
1484. {
1485. 	register xchar tx, ty, otx, oty;
1486. 	boolean restricted_fall;
1487. 	int try_limit = 4000;
1489. 	if (obj->otyp == CORPSE && is_rider(&mons[obj->corpsenm])) {
1490. 	    if (revive_corpse(obj, FALSE)) return;
1491. 	}
1493. 	obj_extract_self(obj);
1494. 	otx = obj->ox;
1495. 	oty = obj->oy;
1496. 	restricted_fall = (otx == 0 && dndest.lx);
1497. 	do {
1498. 	    tx = rn1(COLNO-3,2);
1499. 	    ty = rn2(ROWNO);
1500. 	    if (!--try_limit) break;
1501. 	} while (!goodpos(tx, ty, (struct monst *)0, 0) ||
1502. 		/* bug: this lacks provision for handling the Wizard's tower */
1503. 		 (restricted_fall &&
1504. 		  (!within_bounded_area(tx, ty, dndest.lx,,
1505. 						dndest.hx, dndest.hy) ||
1506. 		   (dndest.nlx &&
1507. 		    within_bounded_area(tx, ty, dndest.nlx, dndest.nly,
1508. 						dndest.nhx, dndest.nhy)))));
1510. 	if (flooreffects(obj, tx, ty, "fall")) {
1511. 	    return;
1512. 	} else if (otx == 0 && oty == 0) {
1513. 	    ;	/* fell through a trap door; no update of old loc needed */
1514. 	} else {
1515. 	    if (costly_spot(otx, oty)
1516. 	      && (!costly_spot(tx, ty) ||
1517. 		  !index(in_rooms(tx, ty, 0), *in_rooms(otx, oty, 0)))) {
1518. 		if (costly_spot(u.ux, &&
1519. 			    index(u.urooms, *in_rooms(otx, oty, 0)))
1520. 		    addtobill(obj, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
1521. 		else (void)stolen_value(obj, otx, oty, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
1522. 	    }
1523. 	    newsym(otx, oty);	/* update old location */
1524. 	}
1525. 	place_object(obj, tx, ty);
1526. 	newsym(tx, ty);
1527. }
1529. /* Returns an absolute depth */
1530. int
1531. random_teleport_level()
1532. {
1533. 	int nlev, max_depth, min_depth,
1534. 	    cur_depth = (int)depth(&;
1536. 	if (!rn2(5) || Is_knox(& ||
1537. #ifdef BLACKMARKET
1538. 		Is_blackmarket(& ||
1539. #endif
1540. 		Is_aligned_quest(&
1541. 	    return cur_depth;
1543. 	/* What I really want to do is as follows:
1544. 	 * -- If in a dungeon that goes down, the new level is to be restricted
1545. 	 *    to [top of parent, bottom of current dungeon]
1546. 	 * -- If in a dungeon that goes up, the new level is to be restricted
1547. 	 *    to [top of current dungeon, bottom of parent]
1548. 	 * -- If in a quest dungeon or similar dungeon entered by portals,
1549. 	 *    the new level is to be restricted to [top of current dungeon,
1550. 	 *    bottom of current dungeon]
1551. 	 * The current behavior is not as sophisticated as that ideal, but is
1552. 	 * still better what we used to do, which was like this for players
1553. 	 * but different for monsters for no obvious reason.  Currently, we
1554. 	 * must explicitly check for special dungeons.  We check for Knox
1555. 	 * above; endgame is handled in the caller due to its different
1556. 	 * message ("disoriented").
1557. 	 * --KAA
1558. 	 * [ALI] Also check for Sam's blackmarket and the three aligned quests
1559. 	 * above.
1560. 	 * 3.4.2: explicitly handle quest here too, to fix the problem of
1561. 	 * monsters sometimes level teleporting out of it into main dungeon.
1562. 	 * Also prevent monsters reaching the Sanctum prior to invocation.
1563. 	 */
1564. 	min_depth = In_quest(& ? dungeons[].depth_start : 1;
1565. 	max_depth = dunlevs_in_dungeon(& +
1566. 		(dungeons[].depth_start - 1);
1567. 	/* can't reach the Sanctum if the invocation hasn't been performed */
1568. 	if (Inhell && !u.uevent.invoked) max_depth -= 1;
1570. 	/* Get a random value relative to the current dungeon */
1571. 	/* Range is 1 to current+3, current not counting */
1572. 	nlev = rn2(cur_depth + 3 - min_depth) + min_depth;
1573. 	if (nlev >= cur_depth) nlev++;
1575. 	if (nlev > max_depth) {
1576. 	    nlev = max_depth;
1577. 	    /* teleport up if already on bottom */
1578. 	    if (Is_botlevel(& nlev -= rnd(3);
1579. 	}
1580. 	if (nlev < min_depth) {
1581. 	    nlev = min_depth;
1582. 	    if (nlev == cur_depth) {
1583. 		nlev += rnd(3);
1584. 		if (nlev > max_depth)
1585. 		    nlev = max_depth;
1586. 	    }
1587. 	}
1588. 	return nlev;
1589. }
1591. /* you teleport a monster (via wand, spell, or poly'd q.mechanic attack);
1592.    return false iff the attempt fails */
1593. boolean
1594. u_teleport_mon(mtmp, give_feedback)
1595. struct monst *mtmp;
1596. boolean give_feedback;
1597. {
1598. 	coord cc;
1600. 	if (mtmp->ispriest && *in_rooms(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, TEMPLE)) {
1601. 	    if (give_feedback)
1602. 		pline("%s resists your magic!", Monnam(mtmp));
1603. 	    return FALSE;
1604. 	} else if (level.flags.noteleport && u.uswallow && mtmp == u.ustuck) {
1605. 	    if (give_feedback)
1606. 		You("are no longer inside %s!", mon_nam(mtmp));
1607. 	    unstuck(mtmp);
1608. 	    rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
1609. 	} else if (is_rider(mtmp->data) && rn2(13) &&
1610. 		   enexto(&cc, u.ux,, mtmp->data))
1611. 	    rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
1612. 	else {
1613. #ifdef WIZARD
1614. 	    if (wizard && Teleport_control)
1615. 	    {
1616. 		/*
1617. 		 * [ALI] This code will only allow monsters to be
1618. 		 * teleported to positions acceptable to rloc_pos_ok().
1619. 		 * We could use goodpos() which would allow more
1620. 		 * locations but, in my view, is less informative.
1621. 		 */
1622. 		xchar omx, omy;
1623. 		pline("To what position do you want %s to be teleported?",
1624. 		       mon_nam(mtmp));
1625. 		cc.x = omx = mtmp->mx;
1626. 		cc.y = omy = mtmp->my;
1627. 		if (getpos(&cc, TRUE, "the desired position") < 0)
1628. 		    rloc(mtmp, FALSE);	/* abort */
1629. 		else if (rloc_pos_ok(cc.x, cc.y, mtmp)) {
1630. 		    rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
1631. 		    /* As rloc() ... */
1632. 		    if (mtmp->isshk && !inhishop(mtmp))
1633. 			make_angry_shk(mtmp, omx, omy);
1634. 		} else {
1635. 		    pline("Sorry...");
1636. 		    rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
1637. 		}
1638. 	    } else
1639. #endif /* WIZARD */
1640. 	    rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
1641. 	}
1642. 	return TRUE;
1643. }
1644. /*teleport.c*/