Sprig of catnip
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Name | pinch of catnip (SpliceHack) sprig of catnip (Hack'EM) |
Base price | 7 zm |
Nutrition | 40 |
Turns to eat | 1 |
Weight | 1 |
Conduct | vegan |
A sprig of catnip is a type of comestible that appears in SpliceHack and Hack'EM—in SpliceHack, it is known as a pinch of catnip. It is veggy and considered vegan.
General stores can sell sprigs of catnip.
In Hack'EM, sprigs of catnip are considered a valid herb for its implementation of the Dungeon Growths patch, which causes them to multiply if left alone on the ground.
When eaten, catnip gives 40 base nutrition and takes 1 turn to consume.
Catnip can be thrown to tame domestic herbivores as with other veggy food, and is considered "acceptable" for a hungry herbivore—it can also be used on feline monsters: a feline that is thrown catnip will become tame and confused, and a hero that eats catnip while in the form of a feline will become confused for 2d8 (more) turns.
Catnip that is thrown and not caught will be used up when it hits a monster, the ground or a wall.
Encyclopedia entry