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I don't understand what that phrase tries to express:

"to take 20 until you beat an impossible DC"

- 20 of what? - acronym DC?

If it's a language idiom, could someone translate it to something that is comprehensible for a larger audience, please?

This is a term from D20 roleplaying games. Taking 20 on a skill check (which is only possible under certain circumstances) gives you a straight +20 bonus without the need to roll dice. The quote alludes to the possiblity of compounding these bonuses to beat checks with arbitrarily high DCs (Difficulty Class). 20:24, 20 August 2015 (UTC)

"the most famous and popular of its kind" seems to no longer be true. Each DCSS tournament has upwards of 2.5k players, whereas junethack players number in the hundreds. And outside of tourneys, if you spectate NAO or HDF, you'll see fewer active players than you can find playing on,, or Due to a longer history, maybe nethack can hold the title if we count deceased players! --Testbutt (talk) 03:35, 24 July 2020 (UTC)