Alchemy smock/ko

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[   alchemy smock   Alchemy smock.png
Appearance apron
Slot cloak
AC 1
Base price 50 zm
Weight 10
Material cloth

연금술 작업복망토 종류에 해당하는 물체입니다. 미감정시 apron으로 나타납니다. 이름에도 불구하고 연금술 작업복을 입는 것은 연금술의 실천에 실제적인 영향은 없습니다.


The alchemy smock provides acid resistance, poison resistance, and MC1. This resistance will even protect you when eating poisonous or acidic corpses. Bizarrely, monsters will not get acid resistance from an alchemy smock, only poison resistance.

Alchemy smocks can be read to receive one of a number of cooking-related YAFM, similarly to T-shirts.[1]


The ability to read alchemy smocks was added in 3.6.0.


The alchemy smock is quite useful for non-orcish starting characters, as it is possible to don the smock and eat poisonous corpses (such as killer bees) to gain the poison resistance intrinsic without risk, which will stay with the character after the smock is removed. This item is particularly useful because there is no way to gain intrinsic acid resistance.


In SLASH'EM this is replaced by the Lab coat, which has higher Magic cancellation.
