Fortune cookie

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Revision as of 05:44, 18 October 2006 by (talk) (rumour->rumor (american english for consistency))
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% Fortune cookie.png
Name fortune cookie
Base price 7 zm
Nutrition 40
Turns to eat {{{turns}}}
Weight 1
Conduct {{{conduct}}}

When you eat a fortune cookie, you will find a scrap of paper inside with a random rumor. Blessed fortune cookies always contain true rumors, cursed fortune cookies always contain false rumors, and uncursed fortune cookies may contain either. Eating a fortune cookie breaks illiteracy unless you are blind, and they are vegetarian but not vegan.

Because of their low weight and nutritional value, fortune cookies are useful for taming carnivorous pets.

When reading a fortune cookie blind, you will receive the message "What a pity you cannot read it!" instead of a rumor.