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Rumors are a way to learn about the game of NetHack without reading spoilers. Rumors are classified as either "true" or "false". True rumors are useful hints, while false ones are useless or incorrect.

Getting rumors

  • The Oracle always tells you a true rumor when you pay for a minor consultation.
  • The following items give you a true rumor if blessed, a false rumor if cursed and either if uncursed:
  • You can sometimes find rumors written as graffiti on the floor. Sometimes these can be difficult to read.
    • You can write something on the dungeon floor, then engrave with a wand of polymorph to get a rumor.


True rumors

Rumor #330: Throwing food at a wild dog might tame him.

This encourages the player to throw tripe at dogs to tame them.

Rumor #47: Eating a freezing sphere is like eating a yeti.

This suggests that by eating a freezing sphere or a yeti you may get the cold resistance. Unfortunately, freezing spheres never leave corpses.

Rumor #326: They say the gods get angry if you kill your dog.

This suggests that if you kill a pet, you get an alignment record penalty (−15 to be exact, and also lose 1 point of Luck).

False rumors

Rumor #7: A cockatrice corpse is guaranteed to be untainted!

This encourages the player to eat a cockatrice corpse, which will almost certainly cause death by stoning.

Rumor #157: Sorry, no fortune this time. Better luck next cookie!

This is just plain useless.

Rumor #195: They say that a hacker named David once slew a giant with a sling and a rock.

Some false rumors are just random references to random things. (Slings and rocks have no special effect against giants.)

See also

External links

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