
From NetHackWiki
Revision as of 04:08, 20 August 2006 by Eidolos (talk | contribs) ("The bot Rodney (bot)" -> "The bot Rodney" hehe, silly)
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Freenode is a Internet Relay Chat network, and a project of the Peer-Directed Projects Center. The IRC network is at, port 6667. (You can also use other names such as "", "", or "", which forward to Freenode.) Their web site is at

The channels at Freenode include #nethack, #slashem, and #wikia.


This is a channel about NetHack. The bot Rodney reports any deaths on This channel is far more busy than either #slashem or #wikia.


This is a channel for SLASH'EM. The bot Pallas reports deaths on The bot SLethe reports death in the other playground on


Wikia is the host of this wiki. Their channel has room for the Wikia staff, for several Wikians like you. Discussions include problems and configuration issues with Wikia wikis, questions about how to use the wikis, off-topic discussions, and discussions about Wikipedia, since no one ever seems to discuss Wikipedia in #wikipedia.

When Wikia registered this channel (after the move from #wikicities), they opted not to have ChanServ join this channel. is a web portal that brings you to #wikia.

Other wiki on Freenode
