Fungus or mold

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Fungus are a class of monsters, represented by F

The fungi are of little threat to a player, and all leave corpses that are classified as vegan food. They are immune to sickness, so players polymorphed into a fungus can safely eat old corpses. Lichen, Shriekers, and Violet Fungus can move slowly; The molds are all sessile and unable to move.

Body parts

Fungus refers to the grouping of body parts for the forms of rhyzomic life. It affects the messages referring to the appropriate body parts as follows[1]:

Bodypart[2] Description
Arm Mycelium
Eye Visual area
Face Front
Finger Hypha
Fingertip Hypha
Foot Root
Hand Strand
Handed Stranded
Head Cap area
Leg Rhizome
Light Headed Sporulated
Neck Stalk
Spine Root
Toe Rhizome tip
Hair Spores
Blood Juices
Lung Gill
Nose Gill
Stomach Interior


Fungi in SLASH'EM behave somewhat differently than in vanilla. The first change is that any fungus that leaves a corpse, other than a lichen, has a 90% chance of reviving in the same manner as a troll[3] (however fungi only leave corpses 1/3 of the time). The second change is that fungi may grow on old corpses as opposed to the corpse simply rotting away over time. Lastly, there are two new types of mold, black and disgusting, which are dangerous in to new players but whose corpses are safe to eat and may provide poison resistance.

Growth From Corpses

After 51 turns there is a 50% chance that a fungus will grow from an old corpse[4], as long as the corpse is not "in adverse conditions"[5], meaning that the corpse must not be acidic[6] or located within/on top of water, ice, or lava. The fungus grown will be a random member of the fungus class, biased towards sessile fungi[7], and will destroy the corpse via its growth:

Fungus Likelyhood
Brown 14.8%
Green 14.8%
Red 14.8%
Yellow 14.8%
Black 14.8%
Disgusting 14.8%
Violet Fungus 3.7%
Shrieker 3.7%
Lichen 3.7%


Note that only 1 in 54 eligible corpses will grow into a lichen, and those themselves only leave corpses 1 time in 3. Thus, it is best to eat corpses if you are hungry, farming for lichens only if you are satiated or the corpse is poisonous or thought to be old and tainted.

It may also be useful to eat larger corpses for the extra nutrition, and leave small ones for mold growth; Only one mold may grow on a corpse, regardless of size, and corpses of small creatures tend to give negligible amounts of nutrition.


SporkHack introduces the F gray fungus, which has a passive disease attack.

Encyclopedia entry

Fungi, division of simple plants that lack chlorophyll, true
stems, roots, and leaves. Unlike algae, fungi cannot
photosynthesize, and live as parasites or saprophytes. The
division comprises the slime molds and true fungi. True
fungi are multicellular (with the exception of yeasts); the
body of most true fungi consists of slender cottony
filaments, or hyphae. All fungi are capable of asexual
reproduction by cell division, budding, fragmentation, or
spores. Those that reproduce sexually alternate a sexual
generation (gametophyte) with a spore-producing one. The
four classes of true fungi are the algaelike fungi (e.g.,
black bread mold and downy mildew), sac fungi (e.g., yeasts,
powdery mildews, truffles, and blue and green molds such as
Penicillium), basidium fungi (e.g., mushrooms and puffballs)
and imperfect fungi (e.g., species that cause athlete's foot
and ringworm). Fungi help decompose organic matter (important
in soil renewal); are valuable as a source of antibiotics,
vitamins, and various chemicals; and for their role in
fermentation, e.g., in bread and alcoholic beverage

[ The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia ]
