Bag of rats

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Name bag of rats
Appearance bag
Base price 100 zm
Weight 15
Material cloth
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

A bag of rats is a type of magical container that appears in SpliceHack and Hack'EM. It is made of cloth and appears as a bag when unidentified.


When applied, a bag of rats functions similarly to a bag of tricks in NetHack and some of its variants: a charged bag of rats will use up one charge and generate a random rat, while an uncharged bag of rats behaves as a regular magical bag and can be used to store items. Looting a charged bag of rats on the ground will either cause a rat from the bag to bite for 2d4 damage, or else print a message with no other effect. Looting or applying the charged bag will auto-identify it.

Placing a bag of rats into a bag of holding will cause a magical explosion that destroys both bags and scatters the contents of the latter - in Hack'EM, the game will prevent you from inserting an identified bag of rats into a bag of holding. Charging an uncharged bag of rats that has contents inside will also cause it to explode and scatter the contents.


A whiskered critter bites you!
You attempted to loot a charged bag of rats on the ground, and took damage.
The bag emits a petulant squeaking noise and snaps shut.
As above, but nothing happened.
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