
From NetHackWiki
Revision as of 17:54, 25 November 2023 by Paxed (talk | contribs) (test math 5)
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Hi #nethackwiki!

Testing simple tabs:

Contents for tab 1
Contents for tab 2, contents can be multiple lines

and wiki markup too, like this large kobold monster template.

Contents for tab 3. The contents will shrink to match the content height.

test nowrap

Clear the lower half, using the 'loop' above M and the 2x3 turning space in the lower left. (Notice how the end is always 'lllrrrrrrruurdrrrrrr*', with the number of 'r's depending on the number of filled holes.)

 ----     ----------- M rdrr r*
--.@--------   |.........| N rrrr rrru urdr rrr*
|..........|   |.........| K ddll lllr rrrr rruu rdrr rrr*
|.A-----.-.|   |.........| L ddll lrrr rrrr uurd rrrr rr*
|..|...|CF.|   |....<....| P rdrr uurd rrrr rrr*
|.D.E.B...-|   |.........| I drdd drru urdr rrrr rrr*
|.G..H..|..|   |.........|
|.----I.--.|   |.........|
|..J.....|.--  |.........|


Test math

 i \cdot \operatorname{rne}(4) \cdot \frac{666 + \operatorname{rnz}(202)}{1999}