Ice Mage quest

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The Ice Mage quest sees you fighting the Earth Mage for The Storm Whistle. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article.

Home level The Great Ring of Ice
Locate level The Earth Mage's Cave
Goal level The Lair of the Earth Mage
Leader High Ice Mage
Guardians frosters
Nemesis Earth Mage
Quest Artifact The Storm Whistle


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:

  • 96/175 (55%) rust monster
  • 24/175 (14%) random R
  • 24/175 (14%) xorn
  • 6/175 (3%) random X
  • 1/7 (14%) normal random monster

The Great Ring of Ice


The two-way magic portal back to the Dungeons of Doom is at the marked point at the bottom right. The High Ice Mage is at the center of the circle, along with five frosters and a chest In addition, there are also two other peaceful frosters, two peaceful white dragons, and a peaceful baby white dragon, presumably the child of the other two. The circle is besieged by five earth elementals and four xorn; there are also six randomly-placed falling rock traps and two randomly-placed magic traps. The entire level is no-teleport and has undiggable walls and floor.

Upper filler level

This is a ice-plain level, with seven earth elementals and three xorn; six random objects; and seven random traps.

The Cave of the Earth Mage

    ....                      ....    ..
   ...                          ..     .
  .     ......................    .     
..   ... ........... ............  .   .
.  ...... ......... . ......... ..  ....
  ........ ....... ... ....... ....   ..
........... ..... ..>.. ..... ......   .
  .......... ... ....... ... ........   
.  .......... . ......... . .........  .
..   ......... ........... ........   ..
  .   ..........................     .  
   ..                             ...    
   ....                         ....   .

The above core of this level is surrounded by empty ground, which is where the stairs up are located. The mapped area contains ten earth elementals and four xorn, all placed at random. There are also nine random objects; four randomly-placed falling rock traps and two other randomly-placed traps in the mapped area. The entire level is no-teleport and has an undiggable floor.

Lower filler level(s)

These are cavernous levels, with seven earth elementals and two xorn; five random objects; five randomly-placed falling rock traps; and two other random traps.

The Lair of the Earth Mage

................................... ..... . ...... ... ............. ... .. ...|---------|... .. . ..|--.........--|.. .

       .|-...       ...-|.        
      ..|...  .....  ...|..       
      .|-..  .......  ..-|.       
      .|...  ..._...  ...|.       
      .|-..  .......  ..-|.       
      ..|...  .....  ...|..       
       .|-...       ...-|.        

. ..|--.........--|.. . .. ...|---------|... .. ... ............. ... ..... . ..... ...................................

The above core of the level is surrounded by empty ground. The Earth Mage, with the Bell of Opening and the Storm Whistle, is at the marked unaligned altar. Randomly placed on the level are eight earth elementals and five xorn; seven random objects; four falling rock traps, and two random traps. The walls of the Lair are undiggable; teleportation is permitted.



First time:

The howling arctic wind is like a welcome home for you.
Off in the distance, you can see the familiar ice crags that surround
the great Ring of Ice.
Suddenly, the hairs on your neck stand on end as you detect the aura of
evil magic in the air.

Next time:

Once again, you near the great Ring of Ice.  You know that the High Ice Mage
will be waiting.

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

Again, and you think possibly for the last time, you approach
the great Ring of Ice.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"Our enemies come from beneath the earth itself!"
"Remember to pack a pick-axe!"
"There has been little studying accomplished since the horde arrived."
"The horde is mighty in numbers, but they have little courage."
"The High Ice Mage has helped defend us, but our strength is fading."

If #chatting after the quest is complete:

"Remember to pack a pick-axe!"
"Since the defeat of the hoarde, all can concentrate fully on our studies!"
"The frozen lake looks beautiful today"
"I always knew the Earth Mage was too warm blooded to defeat us!"
"I've been trying to alter cone of cold from Vanilla to Chocolate - yum!"

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

"Ah, <playername>.  You have returned at last.  The world is in dire
need of your help.  There is a great quest you must undertake.
"But first, I must see if you are ready to take on such a challenge."

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"<playername>, you are back.  Are you ready now for the challenge?"

This message is not currently used:

"Again, you stand before me, <playername>.  Surely you have prepared yourself."

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"Pah!  You have betrayed the gods, <player>.  You will never attain
the glory which you aspire to.  Your failure to follow the true path has
closed this future to you.
"I will protect these people as best I can, but soon the Earth Mage will overcome
me and destroy all who once called you <brother|sister>.  Now begone!"

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"<playername>, I fear that you are as yet too inexperienced to face
the Earth Mage.  Only a Permafroster with the help of <deity> could ever hope to
defeat him."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"<playername>!  You have wandered from the path of the <alignment>!
If you attempt to overcome the Earth Mage in this state, he will surely
enslave your soul.  Your only hope, and ours, lies in your purification.
Go forth, and return when you feel ready."

When finally assigned the quest:

"The world is in great need of your assistance, <playername>.
"About six months ago, I learned that a mysterious sorcerer, known
as the Earth Mage, had begun to summon a large group of elementals and monsters.
"The Earth Mage and his horde swept down upon the great Ring of Ice and stole 
the Storm Whistle. He seeks to bend it to his will. After we regrouped, I
sent forth a summons for you.
"If the Earth Mage can bend the Candle of Eternal Flame to his will, he will become
almost indestructible.  He will then be able to summon our elementals
to him.  You are the only hope.  The gods smile upon you,
and with <deity> behind you, you alone can defeat the Earth Mage.
"You must go to the Earth Mage's Cave.  From there, you can track down
the Earth Mage, defeat him, and return the Storm Whistle to us.  Only
then will the world be safe."


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"The Earth Mage is strong in the dark arts, but not immune to cold steel."
"Remember that the Water Mage is a great sorcerer.  He has lived for a thousand years."
"If you fail, <playername>, I will not be able to protect these people long."
"To enter the Earth Mage's Cave, you must be very stealthy.  The horde will be on guard."
"Call upon <deity> in your time of need."
"May <deity> protect you, and guide your steps."
"If you can lay hands upon the Storm Whistle, carry it for good fortune."
"I cannot stand against the Earth Mage's sorcery.  But <deity> will help you."
"Do not fear the Earth Mage. I know you can defeat him."
"You have a great road to travel, <playername>, but only after you defeat
the Earth Mage."

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

The air is heavy and claustrophobic.  You know that you have located the Earth Mage's Cave.

When returning:

Yet again you have a chance to infiltrate the Earth Mage's Cave.

When first entering the goal level:

The hairs on the nape of your neck lift as you sense an energy in the
very air around you.  You fight down a primordial panic that seeks to
make you turn and run.  This is surely the lair of the Earth Mage.

When returning:

Yet again you feel the air around you heavy with malevolent magical energy.

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"So.  This is what that second rate sorcerer the High Ice Mage sends to do his bidding.
I have slain many before you.  You shall give me little sport.
"Prepare to die, Ice Mage."

Upon further meetings:

"I have wasted too much time on you already.  Now, you shall die."

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"You return yet again, Ice Mage!  Are you prepared for death now?"

When you have the Storm Whistle, but the Earth Mage is still alive:

"I shall have the Storm Whistle back, you pitiful excuse for an 
Ice Mage.
And your life as well."


The Earth Mage will occasionally utter maledictions:

"My pets will dine on your carcass tonight!"
"You are a sorry excuse for a <currentrank>."
"Run while you can, Ice Mage.  My next spell will be your last."
"I shall use your very skin to bind my next grimoire."
"<deity> cannot protect you now.  Here, you die."
"Your <alignment> nature makes you weak.  You cannot defeat me."
"Come, Ice Mage.  I shall kill you, then unleash the horde on your people."
"Once you are dead, my horde shall finish off the High Ice Mage, and your people."
"Fight, Ice Mage, or are you afraid of the mighty Earth Mage?"
"You have failed, Ice Mage.  Now, my victory is complete."


When picking up your quest artifact:

As you pick up the Storm Whistle, you feel the power of it
flowing through your hands.  It seems to be in two or more places
at once, even though you are holding it.

When killing the nemesis:

The Earth Mage falls to the ground, and utters a last curse at you.  Then his
body fades slowly, seemingly dispersing into the air around you.  You
slowly become aware that the overpowering aura of magic in the air has
begun to fade.

When returning to your quest leader:

When the High Ice Mage sees the Storm Whistle, he smiles, and says:
    Well done, <playername>.  You have saved the world from certain doom.
    What, now, should be done with the Storm Whistle?
    Our people, brave as they are, cannot hope to guard it from
    other sorcerers who will detect it, as surely as the Earth Mage did.
    Take the Storm Whistle with you, <playername>.  It will guard you in
    your adventures, and you can best guard it.  You embark on a
    quest far greater than you realize.
    Remember me, <playername>, and return when you have triumphed.  I
    will tell you then of what you must do.  You will understand when the
    time comes.

When subsequently #chatting to the High Ice Mage with the Storm Whistle:

The High Ice Mage handles the Storm Whistle for a moment, then looks at you.
"You are its keeper now, and the time has come to resume your search
for the Amulet.  The Dungeons of Doom await your return through the
magic portal which brought you here."


When talking to the High Ice Mage after the quest:

"Tell us, <playername>, have you fared well on your great quest?"

When talking to the High Ice Mage after getting the Amulet:

"This is wondrous, <playername>.  I feared that you could not possibly
succeed in your quest, but here you are in possession of the Amulet
of Yendor!
"I have studied the texts of the magi constantly since you left.  In
the Book of Skelos, I found this:
    <deity> will cause a child to be sent into the world.  This child is to
    be made strong by trial of battle and magic, for <deity> has willed it so.
    It is said that the child of <deity> will recover the Amulet of Yendor
    that was stolen from the Creator at the beginning of time.
"As you now possess the amulet, <playername>, I suspect that the Book
speaks of you.
    The child of <deity> will take the Amulet, and travel to the Astral
    Plane, where the Great Temple of <deity> is to be found.  The Amulet
    will be sacrificed to <deity>, there on His altar.  Then the child will
    stand by <deity> as champion of all Flame Mages for eternity.
"This is all I know, <playername>.  I hope it will help you."