Ice Mage

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The Ice Mage is one of the roles available to the hero in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM and Hack'EM. From the guidebook:

Ice Mages command the forces of cold. An experienced Mage can summon great blizzards yet remain unaffected by the turmoil of the elements.

Ice Mages in SLASH'EM can be humans, elves, gnomes, orc, doppelganger, drow, hobbits, or vampires, and can be of any appropriate alignment.

Starting inventory

Each Ice Mage starts with the following equipment:[1]

Any ring that is generated with an enchantment of +0 or lower is given a random enchantment from +1 to +3.[6] Duplicates of rings and spellbooks are not possible.[7] An Ice Mage will never be given a ring of cold resistance or a spellbook of endure cold (though they can only receive one of two random spellbooks anyway).[8]

Orcish Ice Mages are not given extra food like orcish heroes in other roles.[9] Hobbit Ice Mages will never be given a ring of invisibility.[10]

Ice Mages start with knowledge of any applicable racial equipment.

The Ice Mage's default starting pet is a winter wolf cub.[11]

List of unobtainable starting items

The random items generated in an Ice Mage's starting inventory will never be any of the following:[12]


Ice Mages gain the following intrinsic properties upon reaching the given experience levels:[13]


Ice Mages have the following skills available to them:[14]

Ice Mage skills
Max Skills

Ice Mages start with Basic skill in quarterstaves and matter spells.[15] They use the intelligence stat to cast spells, and their special spell is cone of cold.[16]


Ice Mages can learn the disarm technique by reaching Skilled in any weapon, and also gain the following techniques at the listed experience levels:[17]

Level Technique
1 Reinforce memory
3 Power surge
5 Draw energy
10 Sigil of tempest
20 Sigil of discharge

Special rules

Ice Mages have the ability to transform into a dragon of their element: they gain access to the baby white dragon polyform at experience level 7, and can become adult white dragons upon reaching experience level 14.

Ice Mages only take 15 damage from breaking wands by applying them.[18]

Rank titles

The status line displays one of the following ranks for the corresponding experience levels:[19]

  • XL 1-2: Cooler
  • XL 3-5: Condenser
  • XL 6-9: Chiller
  • XL 10-13: Froster
  • XL 14-17: Permafroster
  • XL 18-21: Icer
  • XL 22-25: Freezer
  • XL 26-29: Sublimer
  • XL 30: Ice-Master


Main article: Religion

The Ice Mage pantheon is based on elements related to frost and cold. Their first sacrifice gift is Deep Freeze.


Main article: Ice Mage quest

The Ice Mage's quest sees them fighting the Water Mage for The Storm Whistle, an artifact magic whistle. The Storm Whistle grants warning, teleport control and fire resistance. Invoking The Storm Whistle summons a tame water elemental.


A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Structure and fill out similar to other SLASH'EM role strategy sections, and differentiate accordingly."

Character creation

Since Ice Mages, like all primary magic-users, start with weak armor and have a difficult time finding suitable upgrades, high dexterity and constitution to keep AC low and HP high are a must. For this reason, hobbits make excellent lawful or neutral Ice Mages — though their max intelligence of 16 will hold them back later on. Remember to use the hobbit's blink technique when you see a problem coming up.

Early game

Compared with Wizards and Necromancers, Ice and Flame Mages are at a special disadvantage in the early game because they cannot directly attack with magic. Whereas other magic-users starting with Attack spells can directly and in one turn damage monsters around them, Ice Mages have to rely on their starting Freeze Sphere spell (in the Matter category) to indirectly damage foes. Freeze Spheres will not necessarily explode immediately when they approach a monster, and may wander around in circles before finding their target.

On the other hand, Freeze Spheres will not expire and will never become hostile if left alone on a level (though they may turn neutral). The only risk in accumulating a small army of spheres to overwhelm any difficult enemies that leap out at you by surprise is that they are just as likely to explode and aggravate friendly or neutral monsters (though not other tame creatures). Freeze and Flame Spheres are a special category of pet that transfer experience and responsibility for kills to the summoner, meaning that a shopkeeper that will remain indifferent to you while your Deva pummels him or her will whip out the shotgun as soon as they get touched by a sphere. Ice Mages should leave early mimics in shops to their wolf cub. Spheres are liable to drift across the shop to the owner just as often as they find their mark. On the other hand, chaotic Ice Mages with mana to spare can let their spheres wander around the corner into an open shop door to slowly blast a shopkeeper to pieces (keep escape items handy if you're trying this). And spheres are perfect for crossing the gap between you and a cross-aligned unicorn.

In the early game, Ice Mages should focus first on bringing their Matter spells to skilled level by casting as many Freeze Sphere spells as possible, starting with the very first turn. Calling up a Freeze Sphere to destroy a goblin is never a waste. The reason for this is that the "Cone of Cold" spell will become much easier to cast as soon as the first skill enhancement is made, allowing the Ice Mage to finally use a direct attack spell. In the meantime, Ice Mages should scrounge around for new armor and improvements to their quarterstaff. Ice Mages should also spend some time strengthening their winter wolf cub, which will turn into a full-grown winter wolf with an appetite for aligned priests when it reaches enough kills. Letting the cub protect you not only against tough, very early monsters like large mimics and rothes, but having them gobble up grid bugs and lichens is a great way to tick up its MaxHP.

Ice Mage vs. Flame Mage

Ice Mages are also at a special disadvantage compared to Flame Mages in the early game: difficult undead such as human zombies and human mummies are immune to cold-based magic. However, Ice Mages gain an advantage later on when fighting fire-resistant demons, primarily in Gehennom. Additionally, cold magic only risks destroying potions, where fire-based magic will destroy both potions and scrolls.

Ice Mage enchantment magic is less useful than Flame Mage divination magic, which eventually helps cast the spell of identify. Also, fireball is a more powerful — though less focused — spell than cone of cold, which travels in a straight line and can freeze water. Finally, and most importantly in the early game, the Ice Mage's wand of cold is much, much less useful for engraving "Elbereth" than the Flame Mage's wand of fire. Not only is it not permanent, it is much more liable to fail even on the first engraving. In fact, using the wand in such a fashion is a complete waste of a wand charge; the same job can simply be done with your fingers.


In general, an Ice Mage should try to raise the dagger skill to expert since their first sacrifice gift, Deep Freeze, is an athame that functions as a "mini"-Frost Brand.

Characters willing to spend a lot of time sacrificing at an altar will eventually get Fire Brand or Frost Brand, both of which work very nicely with Ice Mages' aptitude for long swords. An Ice Mage (of any alignment) willing to wish for an artifact should strongly consider wishing for Serpent's Tongue, a chaotic artifact dagger that deals double damage to all monsters, in addition to dealing extra damage to non-poison resistant monsters with a chance of instakilling them. Beyond that, there are several considerations depending on each alignment, since an Ice Mage can be of any alignment:

  • Lawfuls should always dip for Excalibur, since Ice Mages can raise their long sword skill to Skilled. The Stake of Van Helsing is also worth considering for its excellent damage output and slotless magic resistance, but be sure you can survive its artifact blast!
  • Neutral characters might consider wishing for The Staff of Aesculapius, since Ice Mages can raise quarterstaves to Skilled, and its double damage and healing against non-drain resistant monsters can prove very powerful. As with the Stake of Van Helsing, be sure you can survive the blast - note that the Staff in particular will blast you if you invoke it to heal yourself, considerably diminishing the usefulness of that power.
  • Chaotic characters will often have great luck sacrificing at altars for weapons, unlike in vanilla. In addition to being able to get the above-mentioned Serpent's Tongue through sacrifice rather than a wish, they may also receive other super-powerful artifacts such as Doomblade or the Bat from Hell, thereby unrestricting the short sword and club skills.
