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When starting NetHack, the game asks for the role you want to play, with the option of letting the game randomly pick one. You can also set the role in your nethackrc file, or specify it on the command line with the -p option.

Each role begins with different starting equipment and different levels of mastery in weapons. Intrinsics that are gained when leveling up (such as a Ranger's intrinsic stealth) and conducts (such as the Monk's vegetarian conducts) also vary with each role. Experienced players often attempt to ascend all thirteen roles. Some roles are considered more difficult to ascend than others. See role difficulty for more details.

Role table by starting attributes and intrinsics

The following table describes the mean and standard deviation of the starting attributes for each role, along with the initial intrinsics and the intrinsics obtained at specific experience levels. The means and standard deviations were calculated via simulation, whose source code can be found on the talk page, and assumes that all given roles are played as humans - non-human races will have different attribute means as a result of different attribute maximums.

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Initial intrinsics Gained intrinsics
Archeologist 12.79±2.15 9.78±1.63 12.50±2.10 15.34±1.86 15.34±1.86 9.51±1.57 speed, stealth XL 10: searching
Barbarian 18/00.89±1.34 16.72±1.01 17.69±0.59 7.60±0.87 7.69±0.91 6.60±0.87 poison resistance XL 7: speed, XL 15: stealth
Cave(wo)man 18/01.61±2.48 13.19±2.16 16.43±1.76 8.90±1.40 9.21±1.49 7.90±1.40 XL 7: speed, XL 15: warning
Healer 9.31±1.46 9.17±1.42 14.55±1.63 9.87±1.57 15.77±1.40 16.56±0.73 poison resistance XL 15: warning
Knight 14.95±1.24 8.66±0.89 11.27±1.10 7.97±1.01 14.96±0.97 17.43±0.53 XL 7: speed
Monk 17.34±2.37 13.63±2.10 11.26±1.95 9.86±1.66 13.63±2.10 9.57±1.59 see invisible
sleep resistance
XL 3: poison resistance
XL 5: stealth
XL 7: warning
XL 9: searching
XL 11: fire resistance
XL 13: cold resistance
XL 15: shock resistance
XL 17: teleport control
Priest(ess) 12.21±2.07 11.89±2.01 13.47±2.16 10.28±1.74 17.44±1.08 9.95±1.67 XL 15: warning, XL 20: fire resistance
Ranger 15.22±1.32 10.45±1.17 14.44±1.14 13.75±0.93 13.75±0.93 7.68±0.91 searching XL 7: stealth, XL 15: see invisible
Rogue 14.10±2.29 17.52±1.00 13.72±2.18 10.41±1.77 10.41±1.77 9.07±1.70 stealth XL 10: searching
Samurai 15.90±1.94 15.54±1.75 17.91±0.32 9.94±1.37 8.56±1.27 7.37±1.20 speed XL 15: stealth
Tourist 11.60±1.99 11.31±1.94 15.28±2.10 12.89±1.65 8.89±1.66 15.29±1.86 XL 10: searching, XL 20: poison resistance
Valkyrie 18/00.86±2.34 12.72±2.08 17.11±1.32 8.75±1.35 9.04±1.43 8.76±1.35 cold resistance, stealth XL 7: speed
Wizard 10.60±1.80 13.48±2.15 13.47±2.15 17.44±1.07 10.28±1.74 9.96±1.67 XL 8: teleport at will if wizard has teleportitis
XL 15: warning
XL 17: teleport control

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Per commit 7d140c6a, an off-by-one error is fixed that slightly biases strength over charisma.

Per commit 075c2832, intrinsics for certain roles are gained at different levels:

  • Archeologists now start with searching, get stealth at XL 5, and speed at XL 10.
  • Valkyries get stealth at XL 3.

Role table by alignment and race

The following role, race, and alignment combinations are permitted upon character creation.[1]

Human Elf Dwarf Gnome Orc
Archeologist Law Neu Law Neu
Barbarian Neu Cha Cha
Caveman Law Neu Law Neu
Healer Neu Neu
Knight Law
Monk Law Neu Cha
Priest Law Neu Cha Cha
Ranger Neu Cha Cha Neu Cha
Rogue Cha Cha
Samurai Law
Tourist Neu
Valkyrie Law Neu Law
Wizard Neu Cha Cha Neu Cha



Main article: Role/SLASH'EM

In SLASH'EM, five new roles are added:

Role table by alignment and race

The following role, race, and alignment combinations are permitted upon character creation.[2]

Doppelganger Drow Dwarf Elf Gnome Hobbit Human Lycanthrope Orc Vampire
Archeologist Neu Law Law Neu Neu Law Neu Law Neu
Barbarian Neu Cha Cha Neu Neu Cha Cha Cha Cha
Caveman Neu Law Neu Law Neu
Flame mage Neu Cha Cha Law Neu Neu Law Neu Law Neu Cha Cha
Healer Neu Neu Neu Neu Neu
Ice mage Neu Cha Cha Law Neu Neu Law Neu Law Neu Cha Cha Cha
Knight Law
Monk Neu Cha Law Neu Law Neu Cha
Necromancer Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha
Priest Neu Cha Cha Law Neu Law Neu Law Neu Cha
Rogue Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha
Ranger Neu Cha Cha Neu Neu Neu Neu Cha Cha Cha
Samurai Law
Tourist Neu Neu Neu
Undead slayer Neu Cha Cha Law Neu Neu Law Neu Law Neu Cha Cha Cha
Valkyrie Neu Law Law Neu
Wizard Neu Cha Cha Neu Neu Neu Neu Cha Cha Cha
Yeoman Law Law Law

dNetHack Role table by alignment and race

The following role, race, and alignment combinations are permitted upon character creation in dNetHack.

Some race/role combinations result in special quests, this is shown as (Q: Quest Code)

Dwarf Elf Gnome Human Incantifier Orc
Archeologist Law Neu Law Neu Law Neu
Anachrononaut Cha Cha Neu Cha Neu Cha
Barbarian Cha Cha Cha
Binder Void Void Void Void Void Void
Caveman Law Neu Law Neu Law Neu
Convict Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha
Healer Random Neu Neu Neu
Knight Law (Q: Dna) Law Law
Madman Law Cha Neu Law Neu Cha Law Neu Cha Cha
Monk Law Law
Noble Law (Q: Dnb) Cha (Q: Elf) Law Neu Cha Law Neu Cha
Priest Cha (Q: Elf) Law Neu Cha Law Neu Cha
Pirate Cha Neu Cha Neu Cha
Rogue Cha Cha Cha Cha
Ranger Cha (Q: Elf) Neu (Q: Gnr) Neu Cha Neu Cha Cha
Samurai Law Law
Tourist Neu Neu
Troubadour Cha Neu Neu Cha Neu Cha Cha
Valkyrie Law Law Neu Law Neu
Wizard Cha (Q: Elf) Neu Neu Cha Neu Cha Cha
Clockwork Chiropteran Drow (female) Drow (male) Half-Dragon Vampire Yuki-onna
Archeologist Law Law Neu Neu
Anachrononaut Neu (Q: And) Cha Neu Neu Cha Neu Cha
Barbarian Cha Cha
Binder Void Void Void Void Void Void Void
Caveman Law Neu Law Neu
Convict Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha
Healer Neu (Q: Dhl) Neu (Q: Dhl) Neu
Knight Law Law
Madman Cha Neu Law Neu Cha Neu Cha Law Neu Cha
Monk Law Law Law
Noble Cha (Q: Ndr) Neu (Q: Nhd) Law Neu Cha (Q: Hdf if female) Neu Cha
Priest Law Law Neu Cha Cha (Q: Dro) Neu (Q: Hdr) Law Neu Cha
Pirate Cha Neu
Rogue Cha Cha (Q: Dro) Neu (Q: Hdr) Cha Cha
Ranger Neu Cha Cha (Q: Dro) Neu (Q: Hdr) Neu Cha
Samurai Law Law Law
Troubadour Neu Neu Cha Neu Cha
Valkyrie Law Neu
Wizard Cha (Q: Dro) Neu (Q: Hdr) Neu Cha Neu Cha

See also

Other games

Some other games, such as Dungeons & Dragons use the word "class", and MapleStory and Final Fantasy, for example, use "job", while NetHack always calls them roles.
