Special level (SLASH'EM)

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This is a set of descriptions for all new special levels in SLASH'EM.


The mall is located between levels 5 and 6 of the Dungeon of Doom, and contains many shops, much like Minetown. On entering the level, you will get the message "You hear the sounds of civilization." It is part of a normal room-and-corridor level.

There are two possible layouts for the mall itself:

Layout 1

This layout has a 20% chance of a tool shop, a 40% chance of a food shop, a 20% chance of a scroll shop, a 30% chance of a potion shop, a 12% chance of a ring shop, a 33% chance of a lighting shop, a 12% chance of a book shop, a 17% chance of a wand shop, a 20% chance of a weapon shop, a 22% chance of an armor shop, and one guaranteed random shop. It is also populated by four watchmen, three watch captains, four muggers, two sewer rats, and a kitten; all random monsters are @ or r.

Layout 2

This layout is very similar to the first, except with a little dog instead of a kitten.

Rat level

The rat level is a room-and-corridor level located between levels 10 and 11 of the Dungeons of Doom, and is home to the Rat King. Four of its rooms contain three giant rats each, and one contains two rabid rats. The Rat King's room contains, besides the King himself, four pack rats, eight black rats, five giant rats, eight sewer rats, a rabid rat, and five other random r. The room also contains a long sword, a pair of elven boots, two cheeses, a potion of invulnerability, a random wand, a random potion, and three other random objects; all but the potion of invulnerability and the random items are on the same square.

Kobold level

The kobold level is a room-and-corridor level where Kroo the Kobold King dwells, located between levels 11 and 12 of the Dungeons of Doom. Four of its rooms contain two random k each, and one contains four random k. Kroo's room contains three large kobolds, two kobold lords, three swamp kobolds, and Kroo himself. Kroo's space contains two random weapons, a random wand, two random pieces of armor, and two random potions, and the room contains four chests, placed at random.

Grund's Stronghold

Grund's Stronghold is a branch accessed by a stairway down from level 12 or 13 of the Dungeons of Doom. Monster generation in the Stronghold is biased toward chaotic monsters.

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The marked statue (of a winged gargoyle) is actually a statue trap. The open area on the right contains two orc-captains, seventeen orcs, and a hobgoblin with a wand of fire (position marked with an o), as well as a wand of create monster, a wand of create horde, two wands of speed monster, two wands of make invisible, two potions of invisibility, two potions of speed, two potions of full healing, two potions of extra healing, two potions of healing, two potions of gain level, and two potions of invulnerability. Marked traps are rust traps (far left column), arrow traps (second and third columns), and spiked pits (fourth and fifth columns). Other traps are composed of four rust traps, four arrow traps, four spiked pits, sixteen land mines, and two level teleporters. Randomly placed throughout the open area are burned messages reading as follows:

  • Us wanna no veeseetohs!
  • boogrr ohf! GRR!
  • keap Us ohr Gohld!!
  • Me Preeeteee!
  • veesetoohs gohd eet!

The stronghold proper, on the left side of the level, is accessed by a closed drawbridge. The marked monsters in the entrance area are war orcs and soldiers; all of them have orcish bows and a single orcish arrow. In addition, the soldier on top has a +3 sniper rifle, a +4 bullet, and a +3 bullet, and the one on the bottom has a +1 grenade launcher, a +3 frag grenade, and a +2 frag grenade. They also have a chance of being generated with a specific wand as follows, top to bottom:

  • wand of sleep (80%)
  • wand of fireball (40%)
  • wand of cold (40%)
  • wand of magic missile (80%)
  • wand of striking (80%)
  • wand of fire (60%)
  • wand of lightning (60%)
  • wand of draining (40%)

The second corridor contains four hell hounds, and the caves beyond contain five Uruk-hai, three orc shamans, two stone giants, a rogue (armed with a +1 rapier, and with a 50% chance of carrying a potion of sickness and a sack), a mugger (armed with a +2 club, and with a 40% chance of carrying a +3 crossbow and a +1 crossbow bolt and a 50% chance of carrying a potion of paralysis), a soldier (with a 50% chance of carrying a potion of booze), four ogres, six hill orcs, six snow orcs, six great orcs. In addition, there are six goblins, a troll, a rock troll, a two-headed troll, and a black troll randomly placed throughout the stronghold. There is also a marked statue trap of a harpy. Grund's throne room is on the far left; Grund the Orc King himself is on the throne, with a random wand, amulet and piece of armor. The throne room also contains four demon orcs, two orc shamans, two ogre mages, a shadow ogre, an ogre lord, four orc zombies, and two orc mummies; the undead are all sleeping. The prison in the north half of the stronghold contains a nurse and a skeleton, and the prison in the south half contains a gypsy, a ghost, and a human corpse; all except the skeleton are peaceful, and the skeleton will randomly be hostile or peaceful. The upper-left room contains two giant spiders, a chest, and a minimum of 1200 gold pieces. Beyond the secret door in the room is a chest containing either an amulet of magical breathing, a spellbook of haste self, a cursed magic marker with 20 charges, and four blessed potions of enlightenment; an amulet of amulet of drain resistance, a spellbook of acid stream, a cursed magic marker with 34 charges, and four blessed potions of enlightenment; or an amulet versus stone, a spellbook of create monster, a cursed magic market with 34 charges, and four blessed potions of enlightenment. The room also contains a pile of at least 8700 gold pieces. The room on the lower right contains a chest, a sleeping orc, and a potion of booze. The chest beyond this room's secret door contains either a cursed +1 pair of gauntlets of power, a blessed helm of telepathy, or an oilskin cloak, as well as four tins of spinach. The three marked traps outside the throne room are, from left to right, a land mine, a squeaky board, and an anti-magic field; other traps in the stronghold include two falling rock traps, two webs, and four dart traps. The stronghold also contains four potions of speed, four potions of invisibility, two wands of healing, a wand of create monster, a wand of create horde, a wand of polymorph, and two scrolls of create monster (one of which is cursed).

Lawful Quest

Main article: Lawful Quest

The portal to the Lawful Quest is located between levels 15 and 19.

Neutral Quest

Main article: Neutral Quest

The portal to the Neutral Quest is located between levels 15 and 19.

Chaotic Quest

Main article: Chaotic Quest

The portal to the Lawful Quest is located between levels 15 and 19.

Storage room

The storage room is located between levels 19 and 26. It has a 66% chance of being generated. There are three different versions of the storage room. The first one contains a chest, a random wand, two random tools, a random amulet, and a random ring; all are on top of a burnt message reading "Begone! Keep Off! Shoo!" The second contains a chest, a random wand, two random tools, a random ring, a ring of regeneration, and a random gem, placed on top of a burnt message reading "Danger! Cursed Items! Do Not Touch!"; despite this, all of the items are of random beatitude. The third storage room variant contains a chest, two random wands, three random tools, and a random ring, on a burnt message reading "Property of the Wizard! Do Not Touch!" All three storage variants contain three random traps, and are contained in a rooms-and-corridors level containing six random items, five random monsters, and four random traps.

Wyrm Caves

The Wyrm Caves are accessed by a stairway down between levels 20 and 21. They are composed of a cavernous level containing 24 random D, four random w, five rot worms, 28 random gems, three random tools, four random weapons, five random potions, four random scrolls, five other random objects, and four random traps. Monster generation is biased toward random monsters.

The Lost Tomb

The Lost Tomb is accessed by a stairway down between levels 21 and 24. Monster generation in the Tomb is biased toward chaotic monsters; all random monsters are Z and M.

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There is a lich in the room on the far right, generated on top of a pile of treasure containing a random amount of gold, a chest, four random scrolls, three random potions, and two other random objects. The '$' marks indicate other caches of treasure- the one on the right contains a chest, a random amount of gold, four random scrolls, four random spellbooks, and the ones on the top and bottom both contain a chest and three random objects. The level also contains fourteen shadows, nineteen random Z, eleven random M, one random item, and four spiked pits, all placed at random.

One-eyed Sam's Market

Main article: Black Market

The portal to the Black Market is located between levels 22 and 23.

Nymph level

The nymph level is located between levels 23 and 24. It only has a 45% chance of being generated. It is a rooms-and-corridors level containing five random n, six random objects, and two random traps. Aphrodite's room is on the left side and contains, in addition to Aphrodite herself, five random n, four chests, four random rings, five random gems, and four random objects.

Spider Caves

Guild of Disgruntled Adventurers

The Guild of Disgruntled Adventurers is located between levels 26 and 31 of the Dungeons of Doom, and is full of hostile player monsters. These can be dangerous because they are equipped with offensive wands including wands of draining, but are a good source of useful items.

Sunless Sea

Temple of Moloch

Giant Caverns


Frankenstein's Lab



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