NetHack quaffing game

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The Nethack (and SLASH'EM!) Quaffing Game is a simple and group enjoyable method to combine alcohol and socializing with the utterly delightful trials and tribulations of a solid game of Nethack.

The rules are simple.

  1. Pay to play: To create a character, you must flat out pay at least 1 drink. If you let RNG choose your Role/Race/Gender/Alignment, you won't need to pay any further drinks. For each non-randomized trait that you choose, pay 1 additional drink. For example, choosing Barbarian usually also chooses your Alignment (Chaotic), so one would pay 3 drinks. So if you aren't prompted to random something, you've chosen it. Minimum drinks to play is 1. Maximum drinks to play is 5. For clarity, if you choose some elements and random other elements, any element you are not prompted for counts as a choice for you. No respite for you partial pickers. My latest example is choosing Ice Mage (two drinks so far) and randoming race and sex. I got Drow, which chose chaotic. Though I randomed drow, I still pay for choosing chaotic, even if that seems unfair. Suck it up, Mayor McCheese.
  1. Announce drinks. You and whomever else is playing (Lately being played in #slashem on Freenode) announce events that are drink worthy. Traps, Eating Hobbit Meat, Artifacts, Levels gained, Altars, Neat Finds, Identifications and YASD narrowly avoided and many other things have been announced as drinks. It's up to the announcing player. All players playing then drink once. The more players playing, the more drinking will occur. In dire circumstances, a private game might be started to avoid the Tsunami Effect. Note: Any drinks "paid" (to play, when dead or won, etc) only apply to you personally. Drinks announced from a player playing apply to everyone playing.
  1. Die (or Win!) If you've fallen in battle (even if your life gets saved somehow) you drink double the number of drinks you paid to play, following the "the better setup you chose, the more you pay" rule, plus 1 additional drink per 2 levels you gained. So for our above Barbarian example, He'd drink 9 upon dying at level 6, (3*2) + (6/2) = 9

If an Ascension occurs, the Ascending player first pays triple their entry fee, plus any other drinks deemed reasonable/necessary by the other players (Non-Negotiable). Then, for the remainder of the evening, the Ascended player may wontonly deliver drinks to anyone, as they are a Demigod and that's how it goes.

Any and all Ascensions achieved whilst playing the Nethack Quaffing Game will be posted here to inspire future generations of Hackers.

Specific rules: Drinking a potion of booze must always be announced and everyone must take a drink. If your character passes out, becomes confused or suffers other effects as a result of drinking the !oB, the further effects must be additionally announced for further drinking. For example, if you drank the !oB, passed out, and something hit you while you were passed out, three drinks would be announced to the players.