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Piercers are a monster class represented by p. They hide in the ceiling, surprising your character by falling on you just as you pass beneath. The fall itself can deal 4d6 damage, but wearing any metallic helmet will fully protect you, the blow glancing off it. After falling or otherwise being discovered, piercers may still attack but are extremely slow.

In order of increasing toughness, there are rock piercers, iron piercers, and glass piercers.

Piercers merely resemble the respective materials; they leave ordinary meaty corpses, and iron piercers do not rust (although glass piercers are acid-resistant).

Rock piercer

Iron piercer

Glass piercer

Encyclopedia entry

Ye Piercer doth look like unto a stalactyte, and hangeth
from the roofs of caves and caverns.  Unto the height of a
man, and thicker than a man's thigh do they grow, and in
groups do they hang.  If a creature doth pass beneath them,
they will by its heat and noise perceive it, and fall upon
it to kill and devour it, though in any other way they move
but exceeding slow.
        [ the Bestiary of Xygag ]

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