Horror (dNetHack)

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The horror is a type of monster appearing in dNetHack. They are part of the U class, which in dNetHack indicates an "unknown abomination". There are three species—the shambling horror, stumbling horror and wandering horror; the statistics for each of these species are randomized every game.


Each game, the following attributes are randomized for each type of horror:

  • The speed is anywhere from 6 to 18 (slow to fast)
  • The AC is anywhere from 10 to −20
  • The MR is anywhere from 0 to 100
  • The alignment is anywhere from 8 to −8.
  • The size can be anything from tiny to gigantic.
  • The corpse weight and nutrition will match the size, but horrors will normally never leave a corpse.
  • The sounds they produce will always be a random humanoid sound.
  • The horror will have one random type of internal organs: none, normal, or non-differentiated (homogenous) organs.
  • The horror will have a level based on its attacks and flags, with a minimum level of 11.
    • If the horror should have a level below 11 based on attacks and flags, the entire horror will be re-randomized.

A horror has up to 4 attacks, each with a random attack type and damage type:

  • The damage types encompass almost every type in the game, excluding Rider-only attacks, lycanthrope attacks, seduction (nymph or foocubus) attacks, and lethe attacks.
  • Not every damage type is possible for each attack type; inclusions are mostly based on whether there is a pre-existing monster with that attack combination already.

The horror then gets up to 17 flags of each type (resistances, resistances conveyed, movement pattern, etc.), with the following conditions:

  • The horror will never be polymorphable, always hostile, and never a werecreature.
  • Any contradictory flags (such as MT_ANIMAL and MT_MINDLESS) are filtered out, with one chosen from the set.