Candelabrum of Invocation/ko

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( Candelabrum of Invocation.png
Name Candelabrum of Invocation
Appearance candelabrum
Base price 5000 zm
Weight 10
Material gold
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

의식의 촛대는 is a unique item required to perform the invocation ritual, which in turn is required to ascend in NetHack. Before being formally identified, 그것은 단순히 "촛대"로 나타나지만, 하지만 이것은 넷핵에 존재하는 유일한 촛대이기 때문에 중요하지 않습니다.


Vlad the Impaler게헨놈 중앙에 위치한 그의 탑 최상층에서 촛대를 가지고 있습니다.


촛대를 밝히기 위해서는, 당신은 먼저 7개의 를 그것에 끼워야 합니다. 촛대를 들고 다니는 상태에서 초를 적용하면 됩니다. You can light or snuff the attached candles by applying the Candelabrum itself. 그것은 당신이 붙인 최단 수명 촛불만큼 타버릴 것입니다,[1] but will lose half of the (remaining) time span each time you light it anywhere other than on the vibrating square. [2] The Candelabrum provides a light radius slightly larger than an ordinary lamp, 따라서 촛대에 불필요하게 불이 들어오는 시간을 최소화하는 것이 좋습니다.


당신은 이 추가 조명 반지름을 Astral Plane에서 좋은 효과를 위한 expert 점핑을 위해 사용할 수 있습니다.


3.6.1 버전 이전에는, attaching candles to the Candelabrum removes their weight from your inventory and makes them impossible to lose, so there is a small advantage to applying candles right away. On the other hand, you might light the candelabrum by accident. Given how rare the candles are, and that you lose half its remaining life span when you re-light it, it would be better to bag them separately until the last minute.


If you are using a magic candle, you may want to drop the Candelabrum immediately after the ritual. Otherwise, you risk attaching your only magic candle on the candelabrum, where it will be consumed like an ordinary candle.


벨, 책, 촛불은 가톨릭의 탈교 의식입니다, although in the NetHack source code the candelabrum is sometimes referred to as a menorah, the seven branched candelabrum of Jewish ritual.

Encyclopaedia entry

Faustus: Come on Mephistopheles. What shall we do?
Mephistopheles: Nay, I know not. We shall be cursed with bell,
book, and candle.
Faustus: How? Bell, book, and candle, candle, book, and bell,
Forward and backward, to curse Faustus to hell.
Anon you shall hear a hog grunt, a calf bleat, and an ass bray,
Because it is Saint Peter's holy day.
(Enter all the Friars to sing the dirge)

[ Doctor Faustus and Other Plays, by Christopher Marlowe ]
