Huge chunk of meat

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% Huge chunk of meat.png
Name huge chunk of meat
Base price 105 zm
Nutrition 2000
Turns to eat 20
Weight 400
Conduct meat

A huge chunk of meat is a type of comestible item that appears in NetHack. It is fleshy and not vegetarian or vegan.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit 85099512, the huge chunk of meat is renamed to the enormous meatball.


The huge chunk of meat is not randomly generated, and can only be created by zapping a boulder with a spell of stone to flesh.


When eaten, the huge chunk of meat provides the highest nutrition value of any comestible in the game at 2000.


The huge chunk of meat is the heaviest non-corpse comestible at 400 aum, and will likely make the hero oversatiated unless they were fainting beforehand - beware eating anything while oversatiated, as the hero will very likely choke over their food and die, unless they are breathless or wearing an amulet of life saving.

The huge gain in nutrition will keep a hero satiated for at least a few hundred turns, which abuses dexterity - this can be offset by a lot of exercise or a means of restoring lowered stats, e.g. a non-cursed potion of restore ability. The nutrition should also last long enough for the hero to find some lighter sources of permafood, as well as providing a "buffer" for nutrition drain from any spellcasting. Healers in particular always start with the spell of stone to flesh, which can be cast more reliably once they gain some experience levels and allows them to keep well-fed while searching for permafood, so long as they can find boulders.


The huge chunk of meat first appears in NetHack 3.3.0 along with the spell of stone to flesh.



In SlashTHEM, huge chunks of meat can be randomly generated, and can be sold in general stores and delicatessens.

Hunger hulks leave behind huge chunks of meat rather than boulders while tunneling.

Encyclopedia entry

See the encyclopedia entry for meatball.