Source:NetHack 3.2.0/mkobj.c

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Below is the full text to mkobj.c from the source code of NetHack 3.2.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.2.0/mkobj.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mkobj.c	3.2	96/02/29	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "artifact.h"
7.    #include "prop.h"
9.    STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mkbox_cnts,(struct obj *));
10.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(obj_timer_checks,(struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int));
11.   #ifdef OVL1
12.   static void FDECL(container_weight, (struct obj *));
13.   #ifdef WIZARD
14.   static const char *FDECL(where_name, (int));
15.   static void FDECL(check_contained, (struct obj *,const char *));
16.   #endif
17.   #endif /* OVL1 */
19.   /*#define DEBUG_EFFECTS		/* show some messages for debugging */
21.   struct icp {
22.       int  iprob;		/* probability of an item type */
23.       char iclass;	/* item class */
24.   };
26.   #ifdef OVL1
28.   const struct icp mkobjprobs[] = {
29.   {10, WEAPON_CLASS},
30.   {10, ARMOR_CLASS},
31.   {20, FOOD_CLASS},
32.   { 8, TOOL_CLASS},
33.   { 8, GEM_CLASS},
34.   {16, POTION_CLASS},
35.   {16, SCROLL_CLASS},
36.   { 4, SPBOOK_CLASS},
37.   { 4, WAND_CLASS},
38.   { 3, RING_CLASS},
39.   { 1, AMULET_CLASS}
40.   };
42.   const struct icp boxiprobs[] = {
43.   {18, GEM_CLASS},
44.   {15, FOOD_CLASS},
45.   {18, POTION_CLASS},
46.   {18, SCROLL_CLASS},
47.   {12, SPBOOK_CLASS},
48.   { 7, GOLD_CLASS},
49.   { 6, WAND_CLASS},
50.   { 5, RING_CLASS},
51.   { 1, AMULET_CLASS}
52.   };
54.   #ifdef REINCARNATION
55.   const struct icp rogueprobs[] = {
56.   {12, WEAPON_CLASS},
57.   {12, ARMOR_CLASS},
58.   {22, FOOD_CLASS},
59.   {22, POTION_CLASS},
60.   {22, SCROLL_CLASS},
61.   { 5, WAND_CLASS},
62.   { 5, RING_CLASS}
63.   };
64.   #endif
66.   const struct icp hellprobs[] = {
67.   {20, WEAPON_CLASS},
68.   {20, ARMOR_CLASS},
69.   {16, FOOD_CLASS},
70.   {12, TOOL_CLASS},
71.   {10, GEM_CLASS},
72.   { 1, POTION_CLASS},
73.   { 1, SCROLL_CLASS},
74.   { 8, WAND_CLASS},
75.   { 8, RING_CLASS},
76.   { 4, AMULET_CLASS}
77.   };
79.   struct obj *
80.   mkobj_at(let,x,y, artif)
81.   char let;
82.   int x,y;
83.   boolean artif;
84.   {
85.   	register struct obj *otmp;
87.   	otmp = mkobj(let,artif);
88.   	place_object(otmp, x, y);
89.   	return(otmp);
90.   }
92.   struct obj *
93.   mksobj_at(otyp,x,y,init)
94.   int otyp,x,y;
95.   boolean init;
96.   {
97.   	register struct obj *otmp;
99.   	otmp = mksobj(otyp,init,TRUE);
100.  	place_object(otmp, x, y);
101.  	return(otmp);
102.  }
104.  struct obj *
105.  mkobj(oclass, artif)
106.  char oclass;
107.  boolean artif;
108.  {
109.  	register int tprob, i, prob = rnd(1000);
111.  	if(oclass == RANDOM_CLASS) {
112.  		const struct icp *iprobs =
113.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
114.  				    (Is_rogue_level(& ?
115.  				    (const struct icp *)rogueprobs :
116.  #endif
117.  				    Inhell ? (const struct icp *)hellprobs :
118.  				    (const struct icp *)mkobjprobs;
120.  		for(tprob = rnd(100);
121.  		    (tprob -= iprobs->iprob) > 0;
122.  		    iprobs++);
123.  		oclass = iprobs->iclass;
124.  	}
126.  	i = bases[(int)oclass];
127.  	while((prob -= objects[i].oc_prob) > 0) i++;
129.  	if(objects[i].oc_class != oclass || !OBJ_NAME(objects[i]))
130.  		panic("probtype error, oclass=%d i=%d", (int) oclass, i);
132.  	return(mksobj(i, TRUE, artif));
133.  }
135.  STATIC_OVL void
136.  mkbox_cnts(box)
137.  struct obj *box;
138.  {
139.  	register int n;
140.  	register struct obj *otmp, *gold = 0;
142.  	box->cobj = (struct obj *) 0;
144.  	switch(box->otyp) {
145.  		case ICE_BOX:		n = 20; break;
146.  		case CHEST:		n = 5; break;
147.  		case LARGE_BOX:		n = 3; break;
148.  		case SACK:
149.  		case OILSKIN_SACK:
150.  				/* initial inventory: sack starts out empty */
151.  				if (moves <= 1 && !in_mklev) { n = 0; break; }
152.  				/*else FALLTHRU*/
153.  		case BAG_OF_HOLDING:	n = 1; break;
154.  		default:		n = 0; break;
155.  	}
157.  	for (n = rn2(n+1); n > 0; n--) {
158.  	    if (box->otyp == ICE_BOX) {
159.  		if (!(otmp = mksobj(CORPSE, TRUE, TRUE))) continue;
160.  		/* Note: setting age to 0 is correct.  Age has a different
161.  		 * from usual meaning for objects stored in ice boxes. -KAA
162.  		 */
163.  		otmp->age = 0L;
164.  		if (otmp->timed) {
165.  		    (void) stop_timer(ROT_CORPSE, (genericptr_t)otmp);
166.  		    (void) stop_timer(REVIVE_MON, (genericptr_t)otmp);
167.  		}
168.  	    } else {
169.  		register int tprob;
170.  		const struct icp *iprobs = boxiprobs;
172.  		for (tprob = rnd(100); (tprob -= iprobs->iprob) > 0; iprobs++)
173.  		    ;
174.  		if (!(otmp = mkobj(iprobs->iclass, TRUE))) continue;
176.  		/* handle a couple of special cases */
177.  		if (otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) {
178.  		    /* 2.5 x level's usual amount; weight adjusted below */
179.  		    otmp->quan = (long)(rnd(level_difficulty()+2) * rnd(75));
180.  		    if (gold) {			/* gold already in this box */
181.  			gold->quan += otmp->quan;	/* merge */
182.  			dealloc_obj(otmp);	/* note: not yet in any chain */
183.  			continue;
184.  		    } else {
185.  			gold = otmp;		/* remember this object */
186.  		    }
187.  		} else while (otmp->otyp == ROCK) {
188.  		    otmp->otyp = rnd_class(DILITHIUM_CRYSTAL, LOADSTONE);
189.  		    if (otmp->quan > 2L) otmp->quan = 1L;
190.  		    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
191.  		}
192.  		if (box->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING) {
193.  		    if (Is_mbag(otmp)) {
194.  			otmp->otyp = SACK;
195.  			otmp->spe = 0;
196.  			otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
197.  		    } else while (otmp->otyp == WAN_CANCELLATION)
198.  			    otmp->otyp = rnd_class(WAN_LIGHT, WAN_LIGHTNING);
199.  		}
200.  	    }
201.  	    add_to_container(box, otmp);
202.  	}
203.  	if (gold) gold->owt = weight(gold);	/* quantity was diddled */
204.  	return;
205.  }
207.  int
208.  rndmonnum()	/* select a random, common monster type */
209.  {
210.  	register struct permonst *ptr;
211.  	register int	i;
213.  	/* Plan A: get a level-appropriate common monster */
214.  	ptr = rndmonst();
215.  	if (ptr) return(monsndx(ptr));
217.  	/* Plan B: get any common monster */
218.  	do {
219.  	    i = rn1(SPECIAL_PM - LOW_PM, LOW_PM);
220.  	    ptr = &mons[i];
221.  	} while((ptr->geno & G_NOGEN) || (!Inhell && (ptr->geno & G_HELL)));
223.  	return(i);
224.  }
226.  /*
227.   * Split obj so that it gets size num. The remainder is put in the object
228.   * structure delivered by this call.  The object is positioned just
229.   * following the original in the nobj chain (and nexthere chain when on
230.   * the floor).
231.   */
232.  struct obj *
233.  splitobj(obj, num)
234.  struct obj *obj;
235.  long num;
236.  {
237.  	struct obj *otmp;
239.  	if (obj->cobj || num <= 0L || obj->quan < num)
240.  	    panic("splitobj");	/* can't split containers */
241.  	otmp = newobj(obj->onamelth);
242.  	*otmp = *obj;		/* copies whole structure */
243.  	otmp->o_id = flags.ident++;
244.  	if (!otmp->o_id) otmp->o_id = flags.ident++;	/* ident overflowed */
245.  	otmp->timed = 0;	/* not timed, yet */
246.  	otmp->lamplit = 0;	/* ditto */
247.  	obj->quan = num;
248.  	obj->owt = weight(obj);
249.  	otmp->quan -= num;
250.  	otmp->owt = weight(otmp);	/* -= obj->owt ? */
251.  	obj->nobj = otmp;
252.  	/* Only set nexthere when on the floor, nexthere is also used */
253.  	/* as a back pointer to the container object when contained. */
254.  	if (obj->where == OBJ_FLOOR)
255.  	    obj->nexthere = otmp;
256.  	if (obj->onamelth)
257.  	    (void)strncpy(ONAME(otmp), ONAME(obj), (int)obj->onamelth);
258.  	if (obj->unpaid) splitbill(obj,otmp);
259.  	if (obj->timed) obj_split_timers(obj, otmp);
260.  	if (obj_sheds_light(obj)) obj_split_light_source(obj, otmp);
261.  	return otmp;
262.  }
264.  /*
265.   * Create a dummy duplicate to put on shop bill.  The duplicate exists
266.   * only in the billobjs chain.  This function is used when a shop object
267.   * is being altered, and a copy of the original is needed for billing
268.   * purposes.  For example, when eating, where an interruption will yield
269.   * an object which is different from what it started out as; the "I x"
270.   * command needs to display the original object.
271.   */
272.  void
273.  bill_dummy_object(otmp)
274.  register struct obj *otmp;
275.  {
276.  	register struct obj *dummy;
278.  	if (otmp->unpaid)
279.  	    subfrombill(otmp, shop_keeper(*u.ushops));
280.  	dummy = newobj(otmp->onamelth);
281.  	*dummy = *otmp;
282.  	dummy->where = OBJ_FREE;
283.  	dummy->o_id = flags.ident++;
284.  	if (!dummy->o_id) dummy->o_id = flags.ident++;	/* ident overflowed */
285.  	dummy->timed = 0;
286.  	if (otmp->onamelth)
287.  	    (void)strncpy(ONAME(dummy), ONAME(otmp), (int)otmp->onamelth);
288.  	if (Is_candle(dummy)) dummy->lamplit = 0;
289.  	addtobill(dummy, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
290.  }
292.  #endif /* OVL1 */
293.  #ifdef OVLB
295.  static const char dknowns[] = {
298.  };
300.  struct obj *
301.  mksobj(otyp, init, artif)
302.  int otyp;
303.  boolean init;
304.  boolean artif;
305.  {
306.  	int mndx, tryct;
307.  	struct obj *otmp;
308.  	char let = objects[otyp].oc_class;
310.  	otmp = newobj(0);
311.  	*otmp = zeroobj;
312.  	otmp->age = monstermoves;
313.  	otmp->o_id = flags.ident++;
314.  	if (!otmp->o_id) otmp->o_id = flags.ident++;	/* ident overflowed */
315.  	otmp->quan = 1L;
316.  	otmp->oclass = let;
317.  	otmp->otyp = otyp;
318.  	otmp->where = OBJ_FREE;
319.  	otmp->dknown = index(dknowns, let) ? 0 : 1;
320.  	if ((otmp->otyp >= ELVEN_SHIELD && otmp->otyp <= ORCISH_SHIELD) ||
321.  			otmp->otyp == SHIELD_OF_REFLECTION)
322.  		otmp->dknown = 0;
323.  	if (!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_uses_known)
324.  		otmp->known = 1;
325.  	if (init) switch (let) {
326.  	case WEAPON_CLASS:
327.  		otmp->quan = (otmp->otyp <= SHURIKEN) ? (long) rn1(6,6) : 1L;
328.  		if(!rn2(11)) {
329.  			otmp->spe = rne(3);
330.  			otmp->blessed = rn2(2);
331.  		} else if(!rn2(10)) {
332.  			curse(otmp);
333.  			otmp->spe = -rne(3);
334.  		} else	blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
336.  		if (artif && !rn2(20))
337.  		    otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE);
338.  		break;
339.  	case FOOD_CLASS:
340.  	    otmp->oeaten = 0;
341.  	    switch(otmp->otyp) {
342.  	    case CORPSE:
343.  		/* overridden by mkcorpstat() */
344.  		tryct = 50;
345.  		do otmp->corpsenm = undead_to_corpse(rndmonnum());
346.  		while ((mvitals[otmp->corpsenm].mvflags & G_NOCORPSE) && (--tryct > 0));
347.  		if (tryct == 0) {
348.  		/* perhaps rndmonnum() only wants to make G_NOCORPSE monsters on
349.  		   this level; let's create an adventurer's corpse instead, then */
350.  			otmp->corpsenm = PM_HUMAN;
351.  		}
352.  		start_corpse_timeout(otmp);
353.  		break;
354.  	    case EGG:
355.  		otmp->corpsenm = NON_PM;	/* generic egg */
356.  		if (!rn2(3)) for (tryct = 200; tryct > 0; --tryct) {
357.  		    mndx = can_be_hatched(rndmonnum());
358.  		    if (mndx != NON_PM && !dead_species(mndx, TRUE)) {
359.  			otmp->corpsenm = mndx;		/* typed egg */
360.  			attach_egg_hatch_timeout(otmp);
361.  			break;
362.  		    }
363.  		}
364.  		break;
365.  	    case TIN:
366.  		otmp->corpsenm = NON_PM;	/* empty (so far) */
367.  		if (!rn2(6))
368.  		    otmp->spe = 1;		/* spinach */
369.  		else for (tryct = 200; tryct > 0; --tryct) {
370.  		    mndx = undead_to_corpse(rndmonnum());
371.  		    if (mons[mndx].cnutrit &&
372.  			    !(mvitals[mndx].mvflags & G_NOCORPSE)) {
373.  			otmp->corpsenm = mndx;
374.  			break;
375.  		    }
376.  		}
377.  		blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
378.  		break;
379.  	    case SLIME_MOLD:
380.  		otmp->spe = current_fruit;
381.  		break;
382.  	    }
383.  	    if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) break;
384.  	    /* fall into next case */
386.  	case GEM_CLASS:
387.  		if (otmp->otyp == LOADSTONE) curse(otmp);
388.  		else if (otmp->otyp == ROCK) otmp->quan = (long) rn1(6,6);
389.  		else if (otmp->otyp != LUCKSTONE && !rn2(6)) otmp->quan = 2L;
390.  		else otmp->quan = 1L;
391.  		break;
392.  	case TOOL_CLASS:
393.  	    switch(otmp->otyp) {
394.  		case TALLOW_CANDLE:
395.  		case WAX_CANDLE:	otmp->spe = 1;
396.  					otmp->age = 20L * /* 400 or 200 */
397.  					      (long)objects[otmp->otyp].oc_cost;
398.  					otmp->lamplit = 0;
399.  					otmp->quan = 1L +
400.  					      (long)(rn2(2) ? rn2(7) : 0);
401.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 5);
402.  					break;
403.  		case BRASS_LANTERN:
404.  		case OIL_LAMP:		otmp->spe = 1;
405.  					otmp->age = (long) rn1(500,1000);
406.  					otmp->lamplit = 0;
407.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 5);
408.  					break;
409.  		case MAGIC_LAMP:	otmp->spe = 1;
410.  					otmp->lamplit = 0;
411.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 2);
412.  					break;
413.  		case CHEST:
414.  		case LARGE_BOX:		otmp->olocked = !!(rn2(5));
415.  					otmp->otrapped = !(rn2(10));
416.  		case ICE_BOX:
417.  		case SACK:
418.  		case OILSKIN_SACK:
419.  		case BAG_OF_HOLDING:	mkbox_cnts(otmp);
420.  					break;
421.  		case MAGIC_MARKER:	otmp->spe = rn1(70,30);
422.  					break;
423.  		case CAN_OF_GREASE:	otmp->spe = rnd(25);
424.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
425.  					break;
426.  		case CRYSTAL_BALL:	otmp->spe = rnd(5);
427.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 2);
428.  					break;
429.  		case HORN_OF_PLENTY:
430.  		case BAG_OF_TRICKS:	otmp->spe = rnd(20);
431.  					break;
432.  		case FIGURINE:	{	int tryct2 = 0;
433.  					do
434.  					    otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
435.  					while(is_human(&mons[otmp->corpsenm])
436.  						&& tryct2++ < 30);
437.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 4);
438.  					break;
439.  				}
440.  		case BELL_OF_OPENING:   otmp->spe = 3;
441.  					break;
442.  		case MAGIC_FLUTE:
443.  		case MAGIC_HARP:
444.  		case FROST_HORN:
445.  		case FIRE_HORN:
446.  		case DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE:
447.  					otmp->spe = rn1(5,4);
448.  					break;
449.  	    }
450.  	    break;
451.  	case AMULET_CLASS:
452.  		if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION ||
453.  		   otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_CHANGE ||
454.  		   otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_RESTFUL_SLEEP)) {
455.  			curse(otmp);
456.  		} else	blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
457.  	case VENOM_CLASS:
458.  	case CHAIN_CLASS:
459.  	case BALL_CLASS:
460.  		break;
461.  	case POTION_CLASS:
462.  		if (otmp->otyp == POT_OIL)
463.  		    otmp->age = MAX_OIL_IN_FLASK;	/* amount of oil */
464.  		/* fall through */
465.  	case SCROLL_CLASS:
466.  #ifdef MAIL
467.  		if (otmp->otyp != SCR_MAIL)
468.  #endif
469.  			blessorcurse(otmp, 4);
470.  		break;
471.  	case SPBOOK_CLASS:
472.  		blessorcurse(otmp, 17);
473.  		break;
474.  	case ARMOR_CLASS:
475.  		if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == FUMBLE_BOOTS ||
476.  		   otmp->otyp == LEVITATION_BOOTS ||
477.  		   otmp->otyp == HELM_OF_OPPOSITE_ALIGNMENT ||
478.  		   otmp->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_FUMBLING ||
479.  		   !rn2(11))) {
480.  			curse(otmp);
481.  			otmp->spe = -rne(3);
482.  		} else if(!rn2(10)) {
483.  			otmp->blessed = rn2(2);
484.  			otmp->spe = rne(3);
485.  		} else	blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
486.  		/* simulate lacquered armor for samurai */
487.  		if (Role_is('S') && otmp->otyp == SPLINT_MAIL &&
488.  		    (moves <= 1 || In_quest(& {
489.  #ifdef UNIXPC
490.  			/* optimizer bitfield bug */
491.  			otmp->oerodeproof = 1;
492.  			otmp->rknown = 1;
493.  #else
494.  			otmp->oerodeproof = otmp->rknown = 1;
495.  #endif
496.  		}
497.  		break;
498.  	case WAND_CLASS:
499.  		if(otmp->otyp == WAN_WISHING) otmp->spe = rnd(3); else
500.  		otmp->spe = rn1(5,
501.  			(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_dir == NODIR) ? 11 : 4);
502.  		blessorcurse(otmp, 17);
503.  		otmp->recharged = 0; /* used to control recharging */
504.  		break;
505.  	case RING_CLASS:
506.  		if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_charged) {
507.  		    blessorcurse(otmp, 3);
508.  		    if(rn2(10)) {
509.  			if(rn2(10) && bcsign(otmp))
510.  			    otmp->spe = bcsign(otmp) * rne(3);
511.  			else otmp->spe = rn2(2) ? rne(3) : -rne(3);
512.  		    }
513.  		    /* make useless +0 rings much less common */
514.  		    if (otmp->spe == 0) otmp->spe = rn2(4) - rn2(3);
515.  		    /* negative rings are usually cursed */
516.  		    if (otmp->spe < 0 && rn2(5)) curse(otmp);
517.  		} else if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == RIN_TELEPORTATION ||
518.  			  otmp->otyp == RIN_POLYMORPH ||
519.  			  otmp->otyp == RIN_AGGRAVATE_MONSTER ||
520.  			  otmp->otyp == RIN_HUNGER || !rn2(9))) {
521.  			curse(otmp);
522.  		}
523.  		break;
524.  	case ROCK_CLASS:
525.  		switch (otmp->otyp) {
526.  		    case STATUE:
527.  			if (rn2(level_difficulty()/2 + 10) > 10) {
528.  			    add_to_container(otmp, mkobj(SPBOOK_CLASS,FALSE));
529.  			}
530.  			/* overridden by mkcorpstat() */
531.  			otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
532.  		}
533.  		break;
534.  	case GOLD_CLASS:
535.  		break;	/* do nothing */
536.  	default:
537.  		impossible("impossible mkobj %d, sym '%c'.", otmp->otyp,
538.  						objects[otmp->otyp].oc_class);
539.  		return (struct obj *)0;
540.  	}
541.  	/* unique objects may have an associated artifact entry */
542.  	if (objects[otyp].oc_unique && !otmp->oartifact)
543.  	    otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE);
544.  	otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
545.  	return(otmp);
546.  }
548.  /*
549.   * Start a corpse decay or revive timer.  This assumes that the corpse
550.   * was just dropped and its age is 0.
551.   */
552.  void
553.  start_corpse_timeout(body)
554.  	struct obj *body;
555.  {
556.  	long when;
557.  	short action;
559.  #define TAINT_AGE (50L)		/* age when corpses go bad */
560.  #define TROLL_REVIVE_CHANCE 37	/* 1/37 chance for 50 turns ~ 75% chance */
561.  #define ROT_AGE (250L)	/* age when corpses rot away */
563.  	/* lizards don't rot or revive */
564.  	if (body->corpsenm == PM_LIZARD) return;
566.  	action = ROT_CORPSE;		/* default action: rot away */
567.  	when = ROT_AGE;			/* rot away when this old */
568.  	if (is_rider(&mons[body->corpsenm])) {
569.  		/*
570.  		 * Riders always revive.  They have a 1/3 chance per turn
571.  		 * of reviving after 12 turns.  Always revive by 500.
572.  		 */
573.  		action = REVIVE_MON;
574.  		for (when = 12L; when < 500L; when++)
575.  		    if (!rn2(3)) break;
577.  	} else if (mons[body->corpsenm].mlet == S_TROLL) {
578.  		long age;
579.  		for (age = 2; age <= TAINT_AGE; age++)
580.  		    if (!rn2(TROLL_REVIVE_CHANCE)) {	/* troll revives */
581.  			action = REVIVE_MON;
582.  			when = age;
583.  			break;
584.  		    }
585.  	}
587.  	(void) start_timer(when, TIMER_OBJECT, action, (genericptr_t)body);
588.  }
590.  void
591.  bless(otmp)
592.  register struct obj *otmp;
593.  {
594.  	otmp->cursed = 0;
595.  	otmp->blessed = 1;
596.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
597.  		|| (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK)))
598.  	    set_moreluck();
599.  	else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
600.  	    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
601.  	return;
602.  }
604.  void
605.  unbless(otmp)
606.  register struct obj *otmp;
607.  {
608.  	otmp->blessed = 0;
609.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
610.  		|| (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK)))
611.  	    set_moreluck();
612.  	else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
613.  	    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
614.  }
616.  void
617.  curse(otmp)
618.  register struct obj *otmp;
619.  {
620.  	otmp->blessed = 0;
621.  	otmp->cursed = 1;
622.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
623.  		|| (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK)))
624.  	    set_moreluck();
625.  	else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
626.  	    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
627.  	return;
628.  }
630.  void
631.  uncurse(otmp)
632.  register struct obj *otmp;
633.  {
634.  	otmp->cursed = 0;
635.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
636.  		|| (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK)))
637.  	    set_moreluck();
638.  	else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
639.  		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
640.  }
642.  #endif /* OVLB */
643.  #ifdef OVL1
645.  void
646.  blessorcurse(otmp, chance)
647.  register struct obj *otmp;
648.  register int chance;
649.  {
650.  	if(otmp->blessed || otmp->cursed) return;
652.  	if(!rn2(chance))
653.  	    if(!rn2(2)) {
654.  		curse(otmp);
655.  	    } else {
656.  		bless(otmp);
657.  	    }
658.  	return;
659.  }
661.  #endif /* OVL1 */
662.  #ifdef OVLB
664.  int
665.  bcsign(otmp)
666.  register struct obj *otmp;
667.  {
668.  	return(!!otmp->blessed - !!otmp->cursed);
669.  }
671.  #endif /* OVLB */
672.  #ifdef OVL0
674.  /*
675.   *  Calculate the weight of the given object.  This will recursively follow
676.   *  and calculate the weight of any containers.
677.   *
678.   *  Note:  It is possible to end up with an incorrect weight if some part
679.   *	   of the code messes with a contained object and doesn't update the
680.   *	   container's weight.
681.   */
682.  int
683.  weight(obj)
684.  register struct obj *obj;
685.  {
686.  	int wt = objects[obj->otyp].oc_weight;
688.  	if (obj->otyp == LARGE_BOX && obj->spe == 1) /* Schroedinger's Cat */
689.  		wt += mons[PM_HOUSECAT].cwt;
690.  	if (Is_container(obj) || obj->otyp == STATUE) {
691.  		struct obj *contents;
692.  		register int cwt = 0;
694.  		if (obj->otyp == STATUE && obj->corpsenm >= LOW_PM)
695.  		    wt = (int)obj->quan *
696.  			 ((int)mons[obj->corpsenm].cwt * 3 / 2);
698.  		for(contents=obj->cobj; contents; contents=contents->nobj)
699.  			cwt += weight(contents);
700.  		/*
701.  		 *  The weight of bags of holding is calculated as the weight
702.  		 *  of the bag plus the weight of the bag's contents modified
703.  		 *  as follows:
704.  		 *
705.  		 *	Bag status	Weight of contents
706.  		 *	----------	------------------
707.  		 *	cursed			2x
708.  		 *	blessed			x/4 + 1
709.  		 *	otherwise		x/2 + 1
710.  		 *
711.  		 *  The macro DELTA_CWT in pickup.c also implements these
712.  		 *  weight equations.
713.  		 *
714.  		 *  Note:  The above checks are performed in the given order.
715.  		 *	   this means that if an object is both blessed and
716.  		 *	   cursed (not supposed to happen), it will be treated
717.  		 *	   as cursed.
718.  		 */
719.  		if (obj->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
720.  		    cwt = obj->cursed ? (cwt * 2) :
721.  					(1 + (cwt / (obj->blessed ? 4 : 2)));
723.  		return wt + cwt;
724.  	}
725.  	if (obj->otyp == CORPSE && obj->corpsenm >= LOW_PM)
726.  		return (int)obj->quan * mons[obj->corpsenm].cwt;
727.  	else if (obj->oclass == GOLD_CLASS)
728.  		return (int)((obj->quan + 50L) / 100L);
729.  	else if (obj->otyp == HEAVY_IRON_BALL && obj->owt != 0)
730.  		return((int)(obj->owt));	/* kludge for "very" heavy iron ball */
731.  	return(wt ? wt*(int)obj->quan : ((int)obj->quan + 1)>>1);
732.  }
734.  #endif /* OVL0 */
735.  #ifdef OVLB
737.  void
738.  mkgold(amount, x, y)
739.  long amount;
740.  int x, y;
741.  {
742.      register struct obj *gold = g_at(x,y);
744.      if (amount <= 0L) amount = (long)(1 + rnd(level_difficulty()+2) * rnd(30));
745.      if (gold) {
746.  	gold->quan += amount;
747.      } else {
748.  	gold = mksobj_at(GOLD_PIECE,x,y,TRUE);
749.  	gold->quan = amount;
750.      }
751.      gold->owt = weight(gold);
752.  }
754.  #endif /* OVLB */
755.  #ifdef OVL1
757.  struct obj *
758.  mkcorpstat(objtype, ptr, x, y, init)
759.  int objtype;	/* CORPSE or STATUE */
760.  struct permonst *ptr;
761.  int x, y;
762.  boolean init;
763.  {
764.  	register struct obj *otmp;
766.  	if(objtype != CORPSE && objtype != STATUE)
767.  		impossible("making corpstat type %d", objtype);
768.  	otmp = mksobj_at(objtype, x, y, init);
769.  	if(otmp)  {
770.  		int old_corpsenm = otmp->corpsenm;
771.  		if(ptr)	otmp->corpsenm = monsndx(ptr);
772.  		else	otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
773.  		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
775.  /* return TRUE if the corpse has special timing */
776.  #define special_corpse(num)  (((num) == PM_LIZARD)		\
777.  				|| (is_rider(&mons[num]))	\
778.  				|| (mons[num].mlet == S_TROLL))
780.  		if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE &&
781.  			(special_corpse(old_corpsenm) ||
782.  				special_corpse(otmp->corpsenm))) {
783.  		    obj_stop_timers(otmp);
784.  		    start_corpse_timeout(otmp);
785.  		}
786.  	}
787.  	return(otmp);
788.  }
790.  #endif /* OVL1 */
791.  #ifdef OVLB
793.  /* make an object named after someone listed in the scoreboard file */
794.  struct obj *
795.  mk_tt_object(objtype, x, y)
796.  int objtype; /* CORPSE or STATUE */
797.  register int x, y;
798.  {
799.  	register struct obj *otmp, *otmp2;
800.  	boolean initialize_it;
802.  	/* player statues never contain books */
803.  	initialize_it = (objtype != STATUE);
804.  	if ((otmp = mksobj_at(objtype, x, y, initialize_it)) != 0) {
805.  	    /* tt_oname will return null if the scoreboard is empty */
806.  	    if ((otmp2 = tt_oname(otmp)) != 0) otmp = otmp2;
807.  	}
808.  	return(otmp);
809.  }
811.  /* make a new corpse or statue, uninitialized if a statue (i.e. no books) */
812.  struct obj *
813.  mk_named_object(objtype, ptr, x, y, nm)
814.  int objtype;	/* CORPSE or STATUE */
815.  struct permonst *ptr;
816.  int x, y;
817.  const char *nm;
818.  {
819.  	struct obj *otmp;
821.  	otmp = mkcorpstat(objtype, ptr, x, y, (boolean)(objtype != STATUE));
822.  	if (nm)
823.  		otmp = oname(otmp, nm);
824.  	return(otmp);
825.  }
827.  boolean
828.  is_flammable(otmp)
829.  register struct obj *otmp;
830.  {
831.  	int otyp = otmp->otyp;
833.  	if (objects[otyp].oc_oprop == FIRE_RES) return FALSE;
835.  	return((boolean)(objects[otyp].oc_material <= WOOD &&
836.  			objects[otyp].oc_material != LIQUID));
837.  }
839.  #endif /* OVLB */
840.  #ifdef OVL1
842.  /*
843.   * These routines maintain the single-linked lists headed in level.objects[][]
844.   * and threaded through the nexthere fields in the object-instance structure.
845.   */
847.  /* put the object at the given location */
848.  void
849.  place_object(otmp, x, y)
850.  register struct obj *otmp;
851.  int x, y;
852.  {
853.      register struct obj *otmp2 = level.objects[x][y];
855.      if (otmp->where != OBJ_FREE)
856.  	panic("place_object: obj not free");
858.      if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER) block_point(x,y);	/* vision */
860.      /* obj goes under boulders */
861.      if (otmp2 && (otmp2->otyp == BOULDER)) {
862.  	otmp->nexthere = otmp2->nexthere;
863.  	otmp2->nexthere = otmp;
864.      } else {
865.  	otmp->nexthere = otmp2;
866.  	level.objects[x][y] = otmp;
867.      }
869.      /* set the new object's location */
870.      otmp->ox = x;
871.      otmp->oy = y;
873.      otmp->where = OBJ_FLOOR;
875.      /* add to floor chain */
876.      otmp->nobj = fobj;
877.      fobj = otmp;
878.      if (otmp->timed) obj_timer_checks(otmp, x, y, 0);
879.  }
881.  #define ON_ICE(a) ((a)->recharged)
882.  #define ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT 2	/* rotting on ice takes 2 times as long */
884.  /* If ice was affecting any objects correct that now
885.   * Also used for starting ice effects too. [zap.c]
886.   */
887.  void
888.  obj_ice_effects(x, y, do_buried)
889.  int x, y;
890.  boolean do_buried;
891.  {
892.  	struct obj *otmp;
894.  	for (otmp = level.objects[x][y]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere) {
895.  		if (otmp->timed) obj_timer_checks(otmp, x, y, 0);
896.  	}
897.  	if (do_buried) {
898.  	    for (otmp = level.buriedobjlist; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
899.   		if (otmp->ox == x && otmp->oy == y) {
900.  			if (otmp->timed) obj_timer_checks(otmp, x, y, 0);
901.  		}
902.  	    }
903.  	}
904.  }
906.  /*
907.   * Returns an obj->age for a corpse object on ice, that would be the
908.   * actual obj->age if the corpse had just been lifted from the ice.
909.   * This is useful when just using obj->age in a check or calculation because
910.   * rot timers pertaining to the object don't have to be stopped and
911.   * restarted etc.
912.   */
913.  long
914.  peek_at_iced_corpse_age(otmp)
915.  struct obj *otmp;
916.  {
917.      long age, retval = otmp->age;
919.      if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE && ON_ICE(otmp)) {
920.  	/* Adjust the age; must be same as obj_timer_checks() for off ice*/
921.  	age = monstermoves - otmp->age;
922.  	retval = otmp->age + (age / ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT);
923.  #ifdef DEBUG_EFFECTS
924.  	pline_The("%s age has ice modifications:otmp->age = %ld, returning %ld.",
925.  		s_suffix(doname(otmp)),otmp->age, retval);
926.  	pline("Effective age of corpse: %ld.",
927.  		monstermoves - retval);
928.  #endif
929.      }
930.      return retval;
931.  }
933.  static void
934.  obj_timer_checks(otmp, x, y, force)
935.  struct obj *otmp;
936.  xchar x, y;
937.  int force;	/* 0 = no force so do checks, <0 = force off, >0 force on */
938.  {
939.      long tleft = 0L;
940.      short action = ROT_CORPSE;
941.      boolean restart_timer = FALSE;
942.      boolean on_floor = (otmp->where == OBJ_FLOOR);
943.      boolean buried = (otmp->where == OBJ_BURIED);
945.      /* Check for corpses just placed on or in ice */
946.      if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE && (on_floor || buried) && is_ice(x,y)) {
947.  	tleft = stop_timer(action, (genericptr_t)otmp);
948.  	if (tleft == 0L) {
949.  		action = REVIVE_MON;
950.  		tleft = stop_timer(action, (genericptr_t)otmp);
951.  	} 
952.  	if (tleft != 0L) {
953.  	    long age;
955.  	    tleft = tleft - monstermoves;
956.  	    /* mark the corpse as being on ice */
957.  	    ON_ICE(otmp) = 1;
958.  #ifdef DEBUG_EFFECTS
959.  	    pline("%s is now on ice at %d,%d.", The(xname(otmp)),x,y);
960.  #endif
961.  	    /* Adjust the time remaining */
962.  	    tleft *= ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT;
963.  	    restart_timer = TRUE;
964.  	    /* Adjust the age; must be same as in obj_ice_age() */
965.  	    age = monstermoves - otmp->age;
966.  	    otmp->age = monstermoves - (age * ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT);
967.  	}
968.      }
969.      /* Check for corpses coming off ice */
970.      else if ((force < 0) ||
971.  	     (otmp->otyp == CORPSE && ON_ICE(otmp) &&
972.  	     ((on_floor && !is_ice(x,y)) || !on_floor))) {
973.  	tleft = stop_timer(action, (genericptr_t)otmp);
974.  	if (tleft == 0L) {
975.  		action = REVIVE_MON;
976.  		tleft = stop_timer(action, (genericptr_t)otmp);
977.  	}
978.  	if (tleft != 0L) {
979.  		long age;
981.  		tleft = tleft - monstermoves;
982.  		ON_ICE(otmp) = 0;
983.  #ifdef DEBUG_EFFECTS
984.  	    	pline("%s is no longer on ice at %d,%d.", The(xname(otmp)),x,y);
985.  #endif
986.  		/* Adjust the remaining time */
987.  		tleft /= ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT;
988.  		restart_timer = TRUE;
989.  		/* Adjust the age */
990.  		age = monstermoves - otmp->age;
991.  		otmp->age = otmp->age + (age / ROT_ICE_ADJUSTMENT);
992.  	}
993.      }
994.      /* now re-start the timer with the appropriate modifications */ 
995.      if (restart_timer)
996.  	(void) start_timer(tleft, TIMER_OBJECT, action, (genericptr_t)otmp);
997.  }
999.  #undef ON_ICE
1002. void
1003. remove_object(otmp)
1004. register struct obj *otmp;
1005. {
1006.     xchar x = otmp->ox;
1007.     xchar y = otmp->oy;
1009.     if (otmp->where != OBJ_FLOOR)
1010. 	panic("remove_object: obj not on floor");
1011.     if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER) unblock_point(x,y); /* vision */
1012.     extract_nexthere(otmp, &level.objects[x][y]);
1013.     extract_nobj(otmp, &fobj);
1014.     if (otmp->timed) obj_timer_checks(otmp,x,y,0);
1015. }
1017. /* throw away all of a monster's inventory */
1018. void
1019. discard_minvent(mtmp)
1020. struct monst *mtmp;
1021. {
1022.     struct obj *otmp;
1024.     while ((otmp = mtmp->minvent) != 0) {
1025. 	obj_extract_self(otmp);
1026. 	obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);	/* dealloc_obj() isn't sufficient */
1027.     }
1028. }
1030. /*
1031.  * Free obj from whatever list it is on in preperation of deleting it or
1032.  * moving it elsewhere.  This will perform all high-level consequences
1033.  * involved with removing the item.  E.g. if the object is in the hero's
1034.  * inventory and confers heat resistance, the hero will lose it.
1035.  *
1036.  * Object positions:
1037.  *	OBJ_FREE	not on any list
1038.  *	OBJ_FLOOR	fobj, level.locations[][] chains (use remove_object)
1039.  *	OBJ_CONTAINED	cobj chain of container object
1040.  *	OBJ_INVENT	hero's invent chain (use freeinv)
1041.  *	OBJ_MINVENT	monster's invent chain
1042.  *	OBJ_MIGRATING	migrating chain
1043.  *	OBJ_BURIED	level.buriedobjs chain
1044.  *	OBJ_ONBILL	on billobjs chain
1045.  */
1046. void
1047. obj_extract_self(obj)
1048.     struct obj *obj;
1049. {
1050.     switch (obj->where) {
1051. 	case OBJ_FREE:
1052. 	    break;
1053. 	case OBJ_FLOOR:
1054. 	    remove_object(obj);
1055. 	    break;
1056. 	case OBJ_CONTAINED:
1057. 	    extract_nobj(obj, &obj->ocontainer->cobj);
1058. 	    container_weight(obj->ocontainer);
1059. 	    break;
1060. 	case OBJ_INVENT:
1061. 	    freeinv(obj);
1062. 	    break;
1063. 	case OBJ_MINVENT:
1064. 	    extract_nobj(obj, &obj->ocarry->minvent);
1065. 	    break;
1066. 	case OBJ_MIGRATING:
1067. 	    extract_nobj(obj, &migrating_objs);
1068. 	    break;
1069. 	case OBJ_BURIED:
1070. 	    extract_nobj(obj, &level.buriedobjlist);
1071. 	    break;
1072. 	case OBJ_ONBILL:
1073. 	    extract_nobj(obj, &billobjs);
1074. 	    break;
1075. 	default:
1076. 	    panic("obj_extract_self");
1077. 	    break;
1078.     }
1079. }
1082. /* Extract the given object from the chain, following nobj chain. */
1083. void
1084. extract_nobj(obj, head_ptr)
1085.     struct obj *obj, **head_ptr;
1086. {
1087.     struct obj *curr, *prev;
1089.     curr = *head_ptr;
1090.     for (prev = (struct obj *) 0; curr; prev = curr, curr = curr->nobj) {
1091. 	if (curr == obj) {
1092. 	    if (prev)
1093. 		prev->nobj = curr->nobj;
1094. 	    else
1095. 		*head_ptr = curr->nobj;
1096. 	    break;
1097. 	}
1098.     }
1099.     if (!curr) panic("extract_nobj: object lost");
1100.     obj->where = OBJ_FREE;
1101. }
1104. /*
1105.  * Extract the given object from the chain, following nexthere chain.
1106.  *
1107.  * This does not set obj->where, this function is expected to be called
1108.  * in tandem with extract_nobj, which does set it.
1109.  */
1110. void
1111. extract_nexthere(obj, head_ptr)
1112.     struct obj *obj, **head_ptr;
1113. {
1114.     struct obj *curr, *prev;
1116.     curr = *head_ptr;
1117.     for (prev = (struct obj *) 0; curr; prev = curr, curr = curr->nexthere) {
1118. 	if (curr == obj) {
1119. 	    if (prev)
1120. 		prev->nexthere = curr->nexthere;
1121. 	    else
1122. 		*head_ptr = curr->nexthere;
1123. 	    break;
1124. 	}
1125.     }
1126.     if (!curr) panic("extract_nexthere: object lost");
1127. }
1130. void
1131. add_to_minv(mon, obj)
1132.     struct monst *mon;
1133.     struct obj *obj;
1134. {
1135.     struct obj *otmp;
1137.     if (obj->where != OBJ_FREE)
1138. 	panic("add_to_minv: obj not free");
1140.     /* merge if possible */
1141.     for (otmp = mon->minvent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
1142. 	if (merged(&otmp, &obj))
1143. 	    return;
1144.     /* else insert; don't bother forcing it to end of chain */
1145.     obj->where = OBJ_MINVENT;
1146.     obj->ocarry = mon;
1147.     obj->nobj = mon->minvent;
1148.     mon->minvent = obj;
1149. }
1151. void
1152. add_to_container(container, obj)
1153.     struct obj *container, *obj;
1154. {
1155.     if (obj->where != OBJ_FREE)
1156. 	panic("add_to_container: obj not free");
1158.     obj->where = OBJ_CONTAINED;
1159.     obj->ocontainer = container;
1160.     obj->nobj = container->cobj;
1161.     container->cobj = obj;
1162. }
1164. void
1165. add_to_migration(obj)
1166.     struct obj *obj;
1167. {
1168.     if (obj->where != OBJ_FREE)
1169. 	panic("add_to_migration: obj not free");
1171.     obj->where = OBJ_MIGRATING;
1172.     obj->nobj = migrating_objs;
1173.     migrating_objs = obj;
1174. }
1176. void
1177. add_to_buried(obj)
1178.     struct obj *obj;
1179. {
1180.     if (obj->where != OBJ_FREE)
1181. 	panic("add_to_buried: obj not free");
1183.     obj->where = OBJ_BURIED;
1184.     obj->nobj = level.buriedobjlist;
1185.     level.buriedobjlist = obj;
1186. }
1188. /* Recalculate the weight of this container and all of _its_ containers. */
1189. static void
1190. container_weight(container)
1191.     struct obj *container;
1192. {
1193.     container->owt = weight(container);
1194.     if (container->where == OBJ_CONTAINED)
1195. 	container_weight(container->ocontainer);
1196. /*
1197.     else if (container->where == OBJ_INVENT)
1198. 	recalculate load delay here ???
1199. */
1200. }
1202. /*
1203.  * Deallocate the object.  _All_ objects should be run through here for
1204.  * them to be deallocated.
1205.  */
1206. void
1207. dealloc_obj(obj)
1208.     struct obj *obj;
1209. {
1210.     if (obj->where != OBJ_FREE)
1211. 	panic("dealloc_obj: obj not free");
1213.     /* free up any timers attached to the object */
1214.     if (obj->timed)
1215. 	obj_stop_timers(obj);
1217.     /*
1218.      * Free up any light sources attached to the object.
1219.      *
1220.      * We may want to just call del_light_source() without any
1221.      * checks (requires a code change there).  Otherwise this
1222.      * list must track all objects that can have a light source
1223.      * attached to it (and also requires lamplit to be set).
1224.      */
1225.     if (obj_sheds_light(obj))
1226. 	del_light_source(LS_OBJECT, (genericptr_t) obj);
1228.     free((genericptr_t) obj);
1229. }
1231. #ifdef WIZARD
1232. /* Check all object lists for consistency. */
1233. void
1234. obj_sanity_check()
1235. {
1236.     int x, y;
1237.     struct obj *obj;
1238.     struct monst *mon;
1239.     const char *mesg;
1240.     char obj_address[20], mon_address[20];  /* room for formatted pointers */
1242.     mesg = "fobj sanity";
1243.     for (obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1244. 	if (obj->where != OBJ_FLOOR) {
1245. 	    pline("%s obj %s %s@(%d,%d): %s\n", mesg,
1246. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1247. 		where_name(obj->where),
1248. 		obj->ox, obj->oy, doname(obj));
1249. 	}
1250. 	check_contained(obj, mesg);
1251.     }
1253.     mesg = "location sanity";
1254.     for (x = 0; x < COLNO; x++)
1255. 	for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++)
1256. 	    for (obj = level.objects[x][y]; obj; obj = obj->nexthere)
1257. 		if (obj->where != OBJ_FLOOR) {
1258. 		    pline("%s obj %s %s@(%d,%d): %s\n", mesg,
1259. 			fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1260. 			where_name(obj->where),
1261. 			obj->ox, obj->oy, doname(obj));
1262. 		}
1264.     mesg = "invent sanity";
1265.     for (obj = invent; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1266. 	if (obj->where != OBJ_INVENT) {
1267. 	    pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg,
1268. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1269. 		where_name(obj->where), doname(obj));
1270. 	}
1271. 	check_contained(obj, mesg);
1272.     }
1274.     mesg = "migrating sanity";
1275.     for (obj = migrating_objs; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1276. 	if (obj->where != OBJ_MIGRATING) {
1277. 	    pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg,
1278. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1279. 		where_name(obj->where), doname(obj));
1280. 	}
1281. 	check_contained(obj, mesg);
1282.     }
1284.     mesg = "buried sanity";
1285.     for (obj = level.buriedobjlist; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1286. 	if (obj->where != OBJ_BURIED) {
1287. 	    pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg,
1288. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1289. 		where_name(obj->where), doname(obj));
1290. 	}
1291. 	check_contained(obj, mesg);
1292.     }
1294.     mesg = "bill sanity";
1295.     for (obj = billobjs; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1296. 	if (obj->where != OBJ_ONBILL) {
1297. 	    pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg,
1298. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1299. 		where_name(obj->where), doname(obj));
1300. 	}
1301. 	/* shouldn't be a full container on the bill */
1302. 	if (obj->cobj) {
1303. 	    pline("%s obj %s contains something! %s\n", mesg,
1304. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1305. 		doname(obj));
1306. 	}
1307.     }
1309.     mesg = "minvent sanity";
1310.     for (mon = fmon; mon; mon = mon->nmon)
1311. 	for (obj = mon->minvent; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1312. 	    if (obj->where != OBJ_MINVENT) {
1313. 		pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg,
1314. 			fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1315. 			where_name(obj->where), doname(obj));
1316. 	    }
1317. 	    if (obj->ocarry != mon) {
1318. 		pline("%s obj %s (%s) not held by mon %s (%s)\n", mesg,
1319. 			fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address),
1320. 			doname(obj),
1321. 			fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)mon, mon_address),
1322. 			mon_nam(mon));
1323. 	    }
1324. 	    check_contained(obj, mesg);
1325. 	}
1326. }
1328. /* This must stay consistent with the defines in obj.h. */
1329. static const char *obj_state_names[NOBJ_STATES] = {
1330. 	"free",		"floor",	"contained",	"invent",
1331. 	"minvent",	"migrating",	"buried",	"onbill"
1332. };
1334. static const char *
1335. where_name(where)
1336.     int where;
1337. {
1338.     return (where<0 || where>=NOBJ_STATES) ? "unknown" : obj_state_names[where];
1339. }
1341. /* obj sanity check: check objs contained by container */
1342. static void
1343. check_contained(container, mesg)
1344.     struct obj *container;
1345.     const char *mesg;
1346. {
1347.     struct obj *obj;
1348.     char obj1_address[20], obj2_address[20];
1350.     for (obj = container->cobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
1351. 	if (obj->where != OBJ_CONTAINED)
1352. 	    pline("contained %s obj %s: %s\n", mesg,
1353. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj1_address),
1354. 		where_name(obj->where));
1355. 	else if (obj->ocontainer != container)
1356. 	    pline("%s obj %s not in container %s\n", mesg,
1357. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj1_address),
1358. 		fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)container, obj2_address));
1359.     }
1360. }
1361. #endif /* WIZARD */
1363. #endif /* OVL1 */
1365. /*mkobj.c*/