Source:NetHack 3.2.0/spell.c

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Below is the full text to spell.c from the source code of NetHack 3.2.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.2.0/spell.c#line123]], for example.

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)spell.c	3.2	96/03/16	*/
2.    /*	Copyright (c) M. Stephenson 1988			  */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    static NEARDATA schar delay;		/* moves left for this spell */
8.    static NEARDATA struct obj *book;	/* last/current book being xscribed */
10.   #define spelluses(spell)	spl_book[spell].sp_uses
11.   #define decrnuses(spell)	spl_book[spell].sp_uses--
12.   #define spellev(spell)		spl_book[spell].sp_lev
13.   #define spellid(spell)		spl_book[spell].sp_id
14.   #define spellname(spell)	OBJ_NAME(objects[spellid(spell)])
15.   #define spellet(spell)	\
16.   	((char)((spell < 26) ? ('a' + spell) : ('A' + spell - 26)))
18.   static void FDECL(cursed_book, (int));
19.   static void FDECL(deadbook, (struct obj *));
20.   STATIC_PTR int NDECL(learn);
21.   static boolean FDECL(getspell, (int *));
22.   static boolean FDECL(dospellmenu, (int, int *));
23.   static int FDECL(percent_success, (int));
25.   /* The cl_sptmp table lists the class-specific values for tuning
26.    * percent_success().
27.    *
28.    * Reasoning:
29.    *   splcaster, special:
30.    *	A are aware of magic through historical research
31.    *	B abhor magic (Conan finds it "interferes with his animal instincts")
32.    *	C are ignorant to magic
33.    *	E are from a magical realm
34.    *	H are very aware of healing magic through medical research
35.    *	K are moderately aware of healing from Paladin training
36.    *	P are very aware of healing magic through theological research
37.    *	R are moderately aware of magic through trickery
38.    *	S have limited magical awareness, prefering meditation to conjuring
39.    *	T are aware of magic from all the great films they have seen
40.    *	V have limited magical awareness, prefering fighting
41.    *	W are trained mages
42.    *
43.    *	The arms penalty is lessened for trained fighters B, K, S, V -
44.    *	the penalty is its metal interference, not encumberance.
45.    *	The `specspel' is a single spell which is fundamentally easier
46.    *	 for that class to cast.
47.    *
48.    *  specspel, specbon:
49.    *	A map masters (SPE_MAGIC_MAPPING)
50.    *	B fugue/berserker (SPE_HASTE_SELF)
51.    *	C born to dig (SPE_DIG)
52.    *	E infra-like vision (SPE_DETECT_UNSEEN)
53.    *	H to heal (SPE_CURE_SICKNESS)
54.    *	K to turn back evil (SPE_TURN_UNDEAD)
55.    *	P to bless (SPE_REMOVE_CURSE)
56.    *	R to find loot (SPE_DETECT_TREASURE)
57.    *	S to be At One (SPE_CLAIRVOYANCE)
58.    *	T to smile (SPE_CHARM_MONSTER)
59.    *	V control the cold (SPE_CONE_OF_COLD)
60.    *	W all really, but SPE_MAGIC_MISSILE is their party trick
61.    *
62.    *	See percent_success() below for more comments.
63.    *
64.    *  uarmbon, uarmsbon, uarmhbon, uarmgbon, uarmfbon:
65.    *	Fighters find body armour & shield a little less limiting.
66.    *	Headgear, Gauntlets and Footwear are not class-specific (but
67.    *	still have an effect, except helm of brilliance, which is designed
68.    *	to permit magic-use).
69.    */
70.   static struct sptmp {
71.   	    char	class;		/* key */
72.   	    int		splcaster;	/* base spellcasting ability */
73.   	    int		special;	/* healing spell bonus */
74.   	    int		uarmsbon;	/* penalty for wearing a (small) shield */
75.   	    int		uarmbon;	/* penalty for wearing metal armour */
76.   	    int		statused;	/* which stat is used */
77.   	    int		specspel;	/* spell the class excels at */
78.   	    int		specbon;	/* bonus when casting specspel */
79.   } cl_sptmp[] = {
80.   	    { 'A',  5, 0, 2, 10, A_INT, SPE_MAGIC_MAPPING,   -4 },
81.   	    { 'B', 14, 0, 0,  8, A_INT, SPE_HASTE_SELF,      -4 },
82.   	    { 'C', 12, 0, 1,  8, A_INT, SPE_DIG,             -4 },
83.   	    { 'E',  5, 0, 1, 10, A_INT, SPE_DETECT_UNSEEN,   -4 },
84.   	    { 'H',  3,-3, 2, 10, A_WIS, SPE_CURE_SICKNESS,   -4 },
85.   	    { 'K',  8,-2, 0,  9, A_WIS, SPE_TURN_UNDEAD,     -4 },
86.   	    { 'P',  3,-2, 2, 10, A_WIS, SPE_REMOVE_CURSE,    -4 },
87.   	    { 'R',  8, 0, 1,  9, A_INT, SPE_DETECT_TREASURE, -4 },
88.   	    { 'S', 10, 0, 0,  8, A_INT, SPE_CLAIRVOYANCE,    -4 },
89.   #ifdef TOURIST
90.   	    { 'T',  5, 1, 2, 10, A_INT, SPE_CHARM_MONSTER,   -4 },
91.   #endif
92.   	    { 'V', 10,-2, 0,  9, A_WIS, SPE_CONE_OF_COLD,    -4 },
93.   	    { 'W',  1, 0, 3, 10, A_INT, SPE_MAGIC_MISSILE,   -4 },
94.   	    {   0, 10, 0, 0,  4, A_INT, 0, -3 }
95.   };
97.   #define uarmhbon 4 /* Metal helmets interfere with the mind */
98.   #define uarmgbon 6 /* Casting channels through the hands */
99.   #define uarmfbon 2 /* All metal interferes to some degree */
101.  /* since the spellbook itself doesn't blow up, don't say just "explodes" */
102.  static const char explodes[] = "radiates explosive energy";
104.  static void
105.  cursed_book(lev)
106.  	register int	lev;
107.  {
108.  	switch(rn2(lev)) {
109.  	case 0:
110.  		You_feel("a wrenching sensation.");
111.  		tele();		/* teleport him */
112.  		break;
113.  	case 1:
114.  		You_feel("threatened.");
115.  		aggravate();
116.  		break;
117.  	case 2:
118.  		make_blinded(Blinded + rn1(100,250),TRUE);
119.  		break;
120.  	case 3:
121.  		take_gold();
122.  		break;
123.  	case 4:
124.  		pline("These runes were just too much to comprehend.");
125.  		make_confused(HConfusion + rn1(7,16),FALSE);
126.  		break;
127.  	case 5:
128.  		pline_The("book was coated with contact poison!");
129.  		if (uarmg) {
130.  		    /* Note: at this writing, there are no corrodeable
131.  		     * gloves in the game.  If no one plans on adding
132.  		     * copper gauntlets, most of this could be removed. -3.
133.  		     */
134.  		    if (uarmg->oerodeproof || !is_corrodeable(uarmg)) {
135.  			Your("gloves seem unaffected.");
136.  		    } else if (uarmg->oeroded < MAX_ERODE) {
137.  			Your("gloves corrode%s!",
138.  			     uarmg->oeroded+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" :
139.  			     uarmg->oeroded ? " further" : "");
140.  			uarmg->oeroded++;
141.  		    } else
142.  			Your("gloves %s completely corroded.",
143.  			     Blind ? "feel" : "look");
144.  		    break;
145.  		}
146.  		losestr(Poison_resistance ? rn1(2,1) : rn1(4,3));
147.  		losehp(rnd(Poison_resistance ? 6 : 10),
148.  		       "contact-poisoned spellbook", KILLED_BY_AN);
149.  		break;
150.  	case 6:
151.  		if(Antimagic) {
152.  		    shieldeff(u.ux,;
153.  		    pline_The("book %s, but you are unharmed!", explodes);
154.  		} else {
155.  		    pline("As you read the book, it %s in your %s!",
156.  			  explodes, body_part(FACE));
157.  		    losehp (2*rnd(10)+5, "exploding rune", KILLED_BY_AN);
158.  		}
159.  		break;
160.  	default:
161.  		rndcurse();
162.  		break;
163.  	}
164.  	return;
165.  }
167.  /* special effects for The Book of the Dead */
168.  static void
169.  deadbook(book2)
170.  struct obj *book2;
171.  {
172.      You("turn the pages of the Book of the Dead...");
173.      makeknown(SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD);
174.      if(invocation_pos(u.ux, && !On_stairs(u.ux, {
175.  	register struct obj *otmp;
176.  	register boolean arti1_primed = FALSE, arti2_primed = FALSE,
177.  			 arti_cursed = FALSE;
179.  	if(book2->cursed) {
180.  	    pline_The("runes appear scrambled.  You can't read them!");
181.  	    return;
182.  	}
184.  	if(!u.uhave.bell || !u.uhave.menorah) {
185.  	    pline("A chill runs down your %s.", body_part(SPINE));
186.  	    if(!u.uhave.bell) You_hear("a faint chime...");
187.  	    if(!u.uhave.menorah) pline("Vlad's doppelganger is amused.");
188.  	    return;
189.  	}
191.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
192.  	    if(otmp->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION &&
193.  	       otmp->spe == 7 && otmp->lamplit) {
194.  		if(!otmp->cursed) arti1_primed = TRUE;
195.  		else arti_cursed = TRUE;
196.  	    }
197.  	    if(otmp->otyp == BELL_OF_OPENING &&
198.  	       (moves - otmp->age) < 5L) { /* you rang it recently */
199.  		if(!otmp->cursed) arti2_primed = TRUE;
200.  		else arti_cursed = TRUE;
201.  	    }
202.  	}
204.  	if(arti_cursed) {
205.  	    pline_The("invocation fails!");
206.  	    pline("At least one of your artifacts is cursed...");
207.  	} else if(arti1_primed && arti2_primed) {
208.  	    mkinvokearea();
209.  	    u.uevent.invoked = 1;
210.  	} else {	/* at least one artifact not prepared properly */
211.  	    You("have a feeling that %s is amiss...", something);
212.  	    goto raise_dead;
213.  	}
214.  	return;
215.      }
217.      /* when not an invocation situation */
218.      if(book2->cursed)
219.  raise_dead:
220.      {
221.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
222.  	coord mm;
224.  	You("raised the dead!");
225.  	mm.x = u.ux;
226.  	mm.y =;
227.  	mkundead(&mm);
228.  	if(!rn2(4))
229.  	    if ((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_MASTER_LICH],u.ux, != 0) {
230.  		mtmp->mpeaceful = 0;
231.  		set_malign(mtmp);
232.  	    }
233.      } else if(book2->blessed) {
234.  	register struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2;
236.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2) {
237.  	    mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon;		/* tamedog() changes chain */
238.  	    if(is_undead(mtmp->data) && cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) {
239.  		mtmp->mpeaceful = TRUE;
240.  		if(sgn(mtmp->data->maligntyp) == sgn(u.ualign.type)
241.  		   && distu(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < 4)
242.  		    if (mtmp->mtame)
243.  			mtmp->mtame++;
244.  		    else
245.  			(void) tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *)0);
246.  		else mtmp->mflee = TRUE;
247.  	    }
248.  	}
249.      } else {
250.  	switch(rn2(3)) {
251.  	case 0:
252.  	    Your("ancestors are annoyed with you!");
253.  	    break;
254.  	case 1:
255.  	    pline_The("headstones in the cemetery begin to move!");
256.  	    break;
257.  	default:
258.  	    pline("Oh my!  Your name appears in the book!");
259.  	}
260.      }
261.      return;
262.  }
264.  STATIC_PTR int
265.  learn()
266.  {
267.  	int i;
268.  	short booktype;
270.  	if (delay) {	/* not if (delay++), so at end delay == 0 */
271.  		delay++;
272.  		return(1); /* still busy */
273.  	}
274.  	exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);		/* you're studying. */
275.  	booktype = book->otyp;
276.  	if(booktype == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD) {
277.  	    deadbook(book);
278.  	    return(0);
279.  	}
281.  	for (i = 0; i < MAXSPELL; i++)  {
282.  		if (spellid(i) == booktype)  {
283.  			if (book->spestudied >= rnd(30 - spellev(i))) {
284.  			    pline("This spellbook is too faint to be read anymore.");
285.  			    book->otyp = booktype = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
286.  			    makeknown((int)booktype);
287.  			}
288.  			else if (spelluses(i) < 20 - spellev(i)) {
289.  			    Your("knowledge of that spell is keener.");
290.  			    spl_book[i].sp_uses += 10 - spellev(i);
291.  			    book->spestudied++;
292.  			    exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);	/* extra study */
293.  			} else
294.  			    You("know that spell quite well already.");
295.  			break;
296.  		} else if (spellid(i) == NO_SPELL)  {
297.  			spl_book[i].sp_id = booktype;
298.  			spl_book[i].sp_lev = objects[booktype].oc_level;
299.  			spl_book[i].sp_uses = 30 - spellev(i);
300.  			book->spestudied++;
301.  			You("add the spell to your repertoire.");
302.  			makeknown((int)booktype);
303.  			break;
304.  		}
305.  	}
306.  	if (i == MAXSPELL) impossible("Too many spells memorized!");
308.  	if (book->cursed) {	/* maybe a demon cursed it */
309.  		cursed_book(objects[booktype].oc_level);
310.  	}
311.  	check_unpaid(book);
312.  	book = 0;
313.  	return(0);
314.  }
316.  int
317.  study_book(spellbook)
318.  register struct obj *spellbook;
319.  {
320.  	register int	 booktype = spellbook->otyp;
321.  	register boolean confused = (Confusion != 0);
323.  	if (delay && spellbook == book)
324.  		You("continue your efforts to memorize the spell.");
325.  	else {
326.  		switch(booktype)  {
328.  	/* blank spellbook */
329.  		case SPE_BLANK_PAPER:
330.  			pline("This spellbook is all blank.");
331.  			makeknown(SPE_BLANK_PAPER);
332.  			return(1);
333.  	/* level 1 spells */
334.  		case SPE_HEALING:
336.  		case SPE_FORCE_BOLT:
337.  		case SPE_LIGHT:
338.  		case SPE_SLEEP:
339.  		case SPE_KNOCK:
340.  	/* level 2 spells */
341.  		case SPE_MAGIC_MISSILE:
343.  		case SPE_SLOW_MONSTER:
344.  		case SPE_CURE_BLINDNESS:
345.  		case SPE_CREATE_MONSTER:
346.  		case SPE_DETECT_FOOD:
347.  		case SPE_WIZARD_LOCK:
348.  			delay = -objects[booktype].oc_delay;
349.  			break;
350.  	/* level 3 spells */
351.  		case SPE_HASTE_SELF:
352.  		case SPE_CAUSE_FEAR:
353.  		case SPE_CURE_SICKNESS:
354.  		case SPE_DETECT_UNSEEN:
355.  		case SPE_EXTRA_HEALING:
356.  		case SPE_CHARM_MONSTER:
357.  		case SPE_CLAIRVOYANCE:
358.  	/* level 4 spells */
359.  		case SPE_LEVITATION:
361.  		case SPE_INVISIBILITY:
362.  		case SPE_FIREBALL:
364.  			delay = -(objects[booktype].oc_level - 1) * objects[booktype].oc_delay;
365.  			break;
366.  	/* level 5 spells */
367.  		case SPE_REMOVE_CURSE:
368.  		case SPE_MAGIC_MAPPING:
369.  		case SPE_CONE_OF_COLD:
370.  		case SPE_IDENTIFY:
371.  		case SPE_DIG:
372.  	/* level 6 spells */
373.  		case SPE_TURN_UNDEAD:
374.  		case SPE_POLYMORPH:
376.  		case SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY:
377.  			delay = -objects[booktype].oc_level * objects[booktype].oc_delay;
378.  			break;
379.  	/* level 7 spells */
380.  		case SPE_CANCELLATION:
381.  		case SPE_FINGER_OF_DEATH:
382.  		case SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD:
383.  			delay = -8 * objects[booktype].oc_delay;
384.  			break;
385.  	/* impossible */
386.  		default:
387.  			impossible("Unknown spellbook, %d;", booktype);
388.  		return(0);
389.  		}
391.  		/* Books are often wiser than their readers (Rus.) */
392.  		if(!spellbook->blessed &&
393.  			spellbook->otyp != SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD &&
394.  			(spellbook->cursed ||
395.  			    rn2(20) > (ACURR(A_INT) + 4 + u.ulevel/2
396.  					- 2*objects[booktype].oc_level))) {
397.  			cursed_book(objects[booktype].oc_level);
398.  			nomul(delay);			/* study time */
399.  			delay = 0;
400.  			if(!rn2(3)) {
401.  				useup(spellbook);
402.  				pline_The("spellbook crumbles to dust!");
403.  			}
404.  			return(1);
405.  		}
406.  		else if(confused) {
407.  			if(!rn2(3) &&
408.  			    spellbook->otyp != SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD) {
409.  				useup(spellbook);
410.  				pline("Being confused you have difficulties in controlling your actions.");
411.  				display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
412.  				You("accidentally tear the spellbook to pieces.");
413.  			}
414.  			else
415.  				You("find yourself reading the first line over and over again.");
416.  			nomul(delay);
417.  			delay = 0;
418.  			return(1);
419.  		}
421.  		You("begin to %s the runes.",
422.  		    spellbook->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD ? "recite" :
423.  		    "memorize");
424.  	}
426.  	book = spellbook;
427.  	set_occupation(learn, "studying", 0);
428.  	return(1);
429.  }
431.  /*
432.   * Return TRUE if a spell was picked, with the spell index in the return
433.   * parameter.  Otherwise return FALSE.
434.   */
435.  static boolean
436.  getspell(spell_no)
437.  	int *spell_no;
438.  {
439.  	int nspells, idx;
440.  	char ilet, lets[BUFSZ], qbuf[QBUFSZ];
442.  	if (spellid(0) == NO_SPELL)  {
443.  	    You("don't know any spells right now.");
444.  	    return FALSE;
445.  	}
446.  	if (flags.menu_style == MENU_TRADITIONAL) {
447.  	    /* we know there is at least 1 known spell */
448.  	    for (nspells = 1; nspells < MAXSPELL
449.  			    && spellid(nspells) != NO_SPELL; nspells++)
450.  		continue;
452.  	    if (nspells == 1)  Strcpy(lets, "a");
453.  	    else if (nspells < 27)  Sprintf(lets, "a-%c", 'a' + nspells - 1);
454.  	    else if (nspells == 27)  Sprintf(lets, "a-z A");
455.  	    else Sprintf(lets, "a-z A-%c", 'A' + nspells - 27);
457.  	    for(;;)  {
458.  		Sprintf(qbuf, "Cast which spell? [%s ?]", lets);
459.  		if ((ilet = yn_function(qbuf, (char *)0, '\0')) == '?')
460.  		    break;
462.  		if (index(quitchars, ilet))
463.  		    return FALSE;
465.  		if (letter(ilet) && ilet != '@') {
466.  		    /* in a-zA-Z, convert back to an index */
467.  		    if (lowc(ilet) == ilet)	/* lower case */
468.  			idx = ilet - 'a';
469.  		    else
470.  			idx = ilet - 'A' + 26;
472.  		    if (idx < nspells) {
473.  			*spell_no = idx;
474.  			return TRUE;
475.  		    }
476.  		}
477.  		You("don't know that spell.");
478.  	    }
479.  	}
480.  	return dospellmenu(PICK_ONE, spell_no);
481.  }
483.  int
484.  docast()
485.  {
486.  	int spell_no;
488.  	if (getspell(&spell_no))
489.  	    return spelleffects(spell_no, FALSE);
490.  	return 0;
491.  }
493.  int
494.  spelleffects(spell, atme)
495.  int spell;
496.  boolean atme;
497.  {
498.  	int energy, damage, chance;
499.  	boolean confused = (Confusion != 0);
500.  	struct obj *pseudo;
502.  	/* note that trying to cast it decrements the # of uses,    */
503.  	/* even if the mage does not have enough food/energy to use */
504.  	/* the spell */
505.  	switch (spelluses(spell)) {
506.  		case 0:
507.  		    pline ("Curdled magical energy twists through you...");
508.  		    pline (" have overloaded and burned out this spell.");
509.  		    make_confused((long)spellev(spell) * 3, FALSE);
510.  		    return(0);
511.  		case 1:
512.  		case 2:
513.  		case 3:
514.  		    Your("nerves tingle warningly.");
515.  		    break;
516.  		case 4:
517.  		case 5:
518.  		case 6:
519.  		    pline ("This spell is starting to be over-used.");
520.  		    break;
521.  		default:
522.  		    break;
523.  	}
524.  	decrnuses(spell);
525.  	energy = (spellev(spell) * 5);    /* 5 <= energy <= 35 */
527.  	if (u.uhunger <= 10 && spellid(spell) != SPE_DETECT_FOOD) {
528.  		You("are too hungry to cast that spell.");
529.  		return(0);
530.  	} else if (ACURR(A_STR) < 4)  {
531.  		You("lack the strength to cast spells.");
532.  		return(0);
533.  	} else if(check_capacity(
534.  		"Your concentration falters while carrying so much stuff.")) {
535.  	    return (1);
536.  	} else if (!freehand()) {
537.  		Your("arms are not free to cast!");
538.  		return (0);
539.  	}
542.  	if (u.uhave.amulet) {
543.  		You_feel("the amulet draining your energy away.");
544.  		energy += rnd(2*energy);
545.  	}
546.  	if(energy > u.uen)  {
547.  		You("don't have enough energy to cast that spell.");
548.  		return(0);
549.  	} else {
550.  		if (spellid(spell) != SPE_DETECT_FOOD) {
551.  			int hungr = energy * 2;
553.  			/* don't put player (quite) into fainting from
554.  			 * casting a spell, particularly since they might
555.  			 * not even be hungry at the beginning; however,
556.  			 * this is low enough that they must eat before
557.  			 * casting anything else except detect food
558.  			 */
559.  			if (hungr > u.uhunger-3)
560.  				hungr = u.uhunger-3;
561.  			morehungry(hungr);
562.  		}
563.  	}
565.  	/* u.uen _will_ reduce once here reached */
567.  	flags.botl = 1;
569.  	chance = percent_success(spell);
571.  	if (confused || (rnd(100) > chance)) {
572.  		You("fail to cast the spell correctly.");
573.  		u.uen -= energy / 2;
574.  		return(1);
575.  	}
577.  	u.uen -= energy;
578.  	exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
579.  /*	pseudo is a temporary "false" object containing the spell stats. */
580.  	pseudo = mksobj(spellid(spell), FALSE, FALSE);
581.  	pseudo->blessed = pseudo->cursed = 0;
582.  	pseudo->quan = 20L;			/* do not let useup get it */
583.  	switch(pseudo->otyp)  {
585.  /* These spells are all duplicates of wand effects */
586.  	case SPE_FORCE_BOLT:
587.  	case SPE_SLEEP:
588.  	case SPE_MAGIC_MISSILE:
589.  	case SPE_KNOCK:
590.  	case SPE_SLOW_MONSTER:
591.  	case SPE_WIZARD_LOCK:
592.  	case SPE_FIREBALL:
593.  	case SPE_CONE_OF_COLD:
594.  	case SPE_DIG:
595.  	case SPE_TURN_UNDEAD:
596.  	case SPE_POLYMORPH:
597.  	case SPE_TELEPORT_AWAY:
599.  	case SPE_FINGER_OF_DEATH:
600.  	case SPE_LIGHT:
601.  	case SPE_DETECT_UNSEEN:
602.  	case SPE_HEALING:
603.  	case SPE_EXTRA_HEALING:
604.  		if (!(objects[pseudo->otyp].oc_dir == NODIR)) {
605.  			if (atme) u.dx = u.dy = = 0;
606.  			else (void) getdir((char *)0);
607.  			if(!u.dx && !u.dy && ! {
608.  			    if ((damage = zapyourself(pseudo, TRUE)) != 0)
609.  				losehp(damage,
610.  				     self_pronoun("zapped %sself with a spell",
611.  						  "him"),
612.  				     NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
613.  			} else weffects(pseudo);
614.  		} else weffects(pseudo);
615.  		break;
616.  /* These are all duplicates of scroll effects */
618.  	case SPE_DETECT_FOOD:
619.  	case SPE_CAUSE_FEAR:
620.  	case SPE_CHARM_MONSTER:
621.  	case SPE_REMOVE_CURSE:
622.  	case SPE_MAGIC_MAPPING:
624.  	case SPE_IDENTIFY:
625.  		(void) seffects(pseudo);
626.  		break;
627.  	case SPE_HASTE_SELF:
630.  	case SPE_LEVITATION:
633.  		(void) peffects(pseudo);
634.  		break;
636.  		healup(0, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
637.  		break;
638.  	case SPE_CURE_SICKNESS:
639.  		if (Sick) You("are no longer ill.");
640.  		healup(0, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
641.  		break;
643.  		make_familiar((struct obj *)0, u.ux,;
644.  		break;
646.  		if (!(HClairvoyant & I_BLOCKED))
647.  		    do_vicinity_map();
648.  		/* at present, only one thing blocks clairvoyance */
649.  		else if (uarmh && uarmh->otyp == CORNUTHAUM)
650.  		    You("sense a pointy hat on top of your %s.",
651.  			body_part(HEAD));
652.  		break;
653.  	default:
654.  		impossible("Unknown spell %d attempted.", spell);
655.  		obfree(pseudo, (struct obj *)0);
656.  		return(0);
657.  	}
658.  	obfree(pseudo, (struct obj *)0);	/* now, get rid of it */
659.  	return(1);
660.  }
662.  void
663.  losespells()
664.  {
665.  	boolean confused = (Confusion != 0);
666.  	int  n, nzap, i;
668.  	book = 0;
669.  	for (n = 0; n < MAXSPELL && spellid(n) != NO_SPELL; n++)
670.  		continue;
671.  	if (n) {
672.  		nzap = rnd(n) + confused ? 1 : 0;
673.  		if (nzap > n) nzap = n;
674.  		for (i = n - nzap; i < n; i++) {
675.  		    spellid(i) = NO_SPELL;
676.  		    exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);	/* ouch! */
677.  		}
678.  	}
679.  }
681.  int
682.  dovspell()
683.  {
684.  	int dummy;
686.  	if (spellid(0) == NO_SPELL)
687.  	    You("don't know any spells right now.");
688.  	else
689.  	    (void) dospellmenu(PICK_NONE, &dummy);
690.  	return 0;
691.  }
693.  static boolean
694.  dospellmenu(how, spell_no)
695.  	int how;
696.  	int *spell_no;
697.  {
698.  	winid tmpwin;
699.  	int i, n;
700.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
701.  	menu_item *selected;
702.  	anything any;
704.  	tmpwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
705.  	start_menu(tmpwin);
706.  	any.a_void = 0;		/* zero out all bits */
708.  	/*
709.  	 * The correct spacing of the columns depends on the
710.  	 * following that (1) the font is monospaced and (2)
711.  	 * that selection letters are pre-pended to the given
712.  	 * string and are of the form "a - ".
713.  	 *
714.  	 * To do it right would require that we implement columns
715.  	 * in the window-ports (say via a tab character).
716.  	 */
717.  	Sprintf(buf, "%-20s     Level Fail", "Name");
718.  	add_menu(tmpwin, NO_GLYPH, &any, 0, 0, buf, MENU_UNSELECTED);
719.  	for (i = 0; i < MAXSPELL && spellid(i) != NO_SPELL; i++) {
720.  		Sprintf(buf, "%-20s  %2d%s  %3d%%",
721.  			spellname(i), spellev(i),
722.  			spelluses(i) ? " " : "*", 100 - percent_success(i));
724.  		any.a_int = i+1;	/* must be non-zero */
725.  		add_menu(tmpwin, NO_GLYPH, &any,
726.  			 spellet(i), 0,buf, MENU_UNSELECTED);
727.  	      }
728.  	end_menu(tmpwin, how == PICK_ONE ? "Choose a spell" :
729.  					   "Currently known spells");
731.  	n = select_menu(tmpwin, how, &selected);
732.  	destroy_nhwindow(tmpwin);
733.  	if (n > 0) {
734.  		*spell_no = selected[0].item.a_int - 1;
735.  		free((genericptr_t)selected);
736.  		return TRUE;
737.  	}
738.  	return FALSE;
739.  }
741.  static int
742.  percent_success(spell)
743.  int spell;
744.  {
745.  	/* Intrinsic and learned ability are combined to calculate
746.  	 * the probability of player's success at cast a given spell.
747.  	 */
749.  	int i, chance, splcaster, special, statused;
750.  	int difficulty;
752.  	/* Calculate intrinsic ability (splcaster) */
754.  	for (i = 0; cl_sptmp[i].class; i++)
755.  		if (cl_sptmp[i].class == pl_character[0]) break;
757.  	splcaster = cl_sptmp[i].splcaster;
758.  	special = cl_sptmp[i].special;
760.  	if (uarm && is_metallic(uarm)) splcaster += cl_sptmp[i].uarmbon;
761.  	if (uarms) splcaster += cl_sptmp[i].uarmsbon;
763.  	if (uarmh && is_metallic(uarmh) && uarmh->otyp != HELM_OF_BRILLIANCE)
764.  		splcaster += uarmhbon;
765.  	if (uarmg && is_metallic(uarmg)) splcaster += uarmgbon;
766.  	if (uarmf && is_metallic(uarmf)) splcaster += uarmfbon;
768.  	if (spellid(spell) == cl_sptmp[i].specspel)
769.  		splcaster += cl_sptmp[i].specbon;
771.  	statused = ACURR(cl_sptmp[i].statused);
773.  	/* `healing spell' bonus */
774.  	if (spellid(spell) == SPE_HEALING ||
775.  	    spellid(spell) == SPE_EXTRA_HEALING ||
776.  	    spellid(spell) == SPE_CURE_BLINDNESS ||
777.  	    spellid(spell) == SPE_CURE_SICKNESS ||
778.  	    spellid(spell) == SPE_RESTORE_ABILITY ||
779.  	    spellid(spell) == SPE_REMOVE_CURSE) splcaster += special;
781.  	if (splcaster > 20) splcaster = 20;
783.  	/* Calculate learned ability */
785.  	/* Players basic likelihood of being able to cast any spell
786.  	 * is based of their `magic' statistic. (Int or Wis)
787.  	 */
788.  	chance = 11 * statused / 2;
790.  	/* High level spells are harder.  Easier for higher level casters */
791.  	difficulty = (spellev(spell) - 1) * 4 - (u.ulevel - 1);
793.  	if (difficulty > 0) {
794.  		/* Player is too low level.  Exponential chance reduction */
795.  		chance -= 7 * difficulty * difficulty;
796.  	} else {
797.  		/* Player is above level.  Learning continues, but the
798.  		 * law of diminishing returns sets in quickly for
799.  		 * low-level spells.  That is, a player quickly gains
800.  		 * no advantage for raising level.
801.  		 */
802.  		int learning = 15 * -difficulty / spellev(spell);
803.  		chance += learning > 20 ? 20 : learning;
804.  	}
806.  	/* Clamp the chance: >18 stat and advanced learning only help
807.  	 * to a limit, while chances below "hopeless" only raise the
808.  	 * specter of overflowing 16-bit ints (and permit wearing a
809.  	 * shield to raise the chances :-).
810.  	 */
811.  	if (chance < 0) chance = 0;
812.  	if (chance > 120) chance = 120;
814.  	/* Wearing anything but a light shield makes it very awkward
815.  	 * to cast a spell.  The penalty is not quite so bad for the
816.  	 * player's class-specific spell.
817.  	 */
818.  	if (uarms && weight(uarms) > (int) objects[SMALL_SHIELD].oc_weight) {
819.  		if (spellid(spell) == cl_sptmp[i].specspel) {
820.  			chance /= 2;
821.  		} else {
822.  			chance /= 4;
823.  		}
824.  	}
826.  	/* Finally, chance (based on player intell/wisdom and level) is
827.  	 * combined with ability (based on player intrinsics and
828.  	 * encumberances).  No matter how intelligent/wise and advanced
829.  	 * a player is, intrinsics and encumberance can prevent casting;
830.  	 * and no matter how able, learning is always required.
831.  	 */
832.  	chance = chance * (20-splcaster) / 15 - splcaster;
834.  	/* Clamp to percentile */
835.  	if (chance > 100) chance = 100;
836.  	if (chance < 0) chance = 0;
838.  	return chance;
839.  }
841.  /*spell.c*/