Source:NetHack 3.6.1/include/dlb.h

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Below is the full text to dlb.h from the source code of NetHack 3.6.1. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.1/include/dlb.h#line123]], for example.

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 /* NetHack 3.6	dlb.h	$NHDT-Date: 1432512780 2015/05/25 00:13:00 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.10 $ */
 /* Copyright (c) Kenneth Lorber, Bethesda, Maryland, 1993. */
 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
 #ifndef DLB_H
 #define DLB_H
 /* definitions for data library */
 #ifdef DLB
 /* implementations */
 #ifdef MAC
 #define DLBRSRC /* use Mac resources */
 #define DLBLIB /* use a set of external files */
 #ifdef DLBLIB
 /* directory structure in memory */
 typedef struct dlb_directory {
     char *fname;   /* file name as seen from calling code */
     long foffset;  /* offset in lib file to start of this file */
     long fsize;    /* file size */
     char handling; /* how to handle the file (compression, etc) */
 } libdir;
 /* information about each open library */
 typedef struct dlb_library {
     FILE *fdata;   /* opened data file */
     long fmark;    /* current file mark */
     libdir *dir;   /* directory of library file */
     char *sspace;  /* pointer to string space */
     long nentries; /* # of files in directory */
     long rev;      /* dlb file revision */
     long strsize;  /* dlb file string size */
 } library;
 /* library definitions */
 #ifndef DLBFILE
 #define DLBFILE "nhdat" /* name of library */
 #define FILENAME_CMP strcmp /* case sensitive */
 #endif /* DLBLIB */
 typedef struct dlb_handle {
     FILE *fp; /* pointer to an external file, use if non-null */
 #ifdef DLBLIB
     library *lib; /* pointer to library structure */
     long start;   /* offset of start of file */
     long size;    /* size of file */
     long mark;    /* current file marker */
 #ifdef DLBRSRC
     int fd; /* HandleFile file descriptor */
 } dlb;
 #if defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) && !defined(__STDC__)
 /* buggy old Ultrix compiler wants this for the (*dlb_fread_proc)
    and (*dlb_fgets_proc) prototypes in struct dlb_procs (dlb.c);
    we'll use it in all the declarations for consistency */
 #define DLB_P struct dlb_handle *
 #define DLB_P dlb *
 boolean NDECL(dlb_init);
 void NDECL(dlb_cleanup);
 dlb *FDECL(dlb_fopen, (const char *, const char *));
 int FDECL(dlb_fclose, (DLB_P));
 int FDECL(dlb_fread, (char *, int, int, DLB_P));
 int FDECL(dlb_fseek, (DLB_P, long, int));
 char *FDECL(dlb_fgets, (char *, int, DLB_P));
 int FDECL(dlb_fgetc, (DLB_P));
 long FDECL(dlb_ftell, (DLB_P));
 /* Resource DLB entry points */
 #ifdef DLBRSRC
 boolean rsrc_dlb_init(void);
 void rsrc_dlb_cleanup(void);
 boolean rsrc_dlb_fopen(dlb *dp, const char *name, const char *mode);
 int rsrc_dlb_fclose(dlb *dp);
 int rsrc_dlb_fread(char *buf, int size, int quan, dlb *dp);
 int rsrc_dlb_fseek(dlb *dp, long pos, int whence);
 char *rsrc_dlb_fgets(char *buf, int len, dlb *dp);
 int rsrc_dlb_fgetc(dlb *dp);
 long rsrc_dlb_ftell(dlb *dp);
 #else /* DLB */
 #define dlb FILE
 #define dlb_init()
 #define dlb_cleanup()
 #define dlb_fopen fopen
 #define dlb_fclose fclose
 #define dlb_fread fread
 #define dlb_fseek fseek
 #define dlb_fgets fgets
 #define dlb_fgetc fgetc
 #define dlb_ftell ftell
 #endif /* DLB */
 /* various other I/O stuff we don't want to replicate everywhere */
 #ifndef SEEK_SET
 #define SEEK_SET 0
 #ifndef SEEK_CUR
 #define SEEK_CUR 1
 #ifndef SEEK_END
 #define SEEK_END 2
 #define RDTMODE "r"
 #if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN32) || defined(TOS) || defined(OS2)) \
     && defined(DLB)
 #define WRTMODE "w+b"
 #define WRTMODE "w+"
 #if (defined(MICRO) && !defined(AMIGA)) || defined(THINK_C) \
     || defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(WIN32)
 #define RDBMODE "rb"
 #define WRBMODE "w+b"
 #define RDBMODE "r"
 #define WRBMODE "w+"
 #endif /* DLB_H */