User talk:Umbire the Phantom/Scroll of amnesia

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Suggest changing "except holes (which become visible once in the character's line of sight)" hack to "except holes", because that's what forget_traps does. It has an exception for holes. The hero always remembers holes, even before they come into the character's line of sight again.

Furey (talk) 14:27, 5 June 2024 (UTC)

The Formulas

Not a fan. This is costing maintenance resources, although it's possible 3.6.7 will be the last version with forgetting non-current levels. I would rather cut it off at "there is a 1/3 chance of forgetting some of the levels you have previously visited". Ditto with object discoveries.

Furey (talk) 14:27, 5 June 2024 (UTC)

"costing maintenace resources"

...such as...? --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 20:27, 5 June 2024 (UTC)

your attention and my attention and the #nethackwiki channel noise. Furey (talk) 20:32, 5 June 2024 (UTC)
...which we can just redirect to other matters we consider important until such time as you or I feel we can devote enough to properly handling this. It's the entire reason I made a sideline draft in the first place, so changes to the actual page aren't held up while we try to figure some things out. If doing this was actually a "drain" on me, I wouldn't have bothered to begin with, and if I hit a wall then I'm more than fine with finding an acceptable stopping point and putting a pin on it for later. Like I said before, this is something I've done often, with matters much less complicated.
Also, literally no one spoke in that channel for months and no one minds the ongoing conversations in there now - none of this is "hurting" anyone or "costing" much of anything, else you'd hear about it. I can't believe I of all people am typing this, but you may be taking this just a smidge too seriously and putting undue pressure on yourself - nothing else is demanding that you devote all your time and resources to this immediately, and there's no punishment or whatever if you decide not to finish this right now. These things take time even in the best cases, just pace yourself. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 20:50, 5 June 2024 (UTC)
okay let's just leave it on your talk page for a month or two, since we can. Furey (talk) 20:55, 5 June 2024 (UTC)
We can also just come back to it every week or couple of days or so, doesn't have to even be a month - just whichever you feel is most convenient and affords you the most spoons. --Umbire the Phantom (talk) 20:58, 5 June 2024 (UTC)


A user on the talk page mentioned using a scroll of amnesia on the vibrating square level if the player messed up their exploration pattern. I think that is a valid use? Of course it's not as good as confused gold detection, but it's more useful than esoteric spell sorting strategy. Plus it's a little funny. "I hate this level, gonna do it over again!"

Furey (talk) 14:27, 5 June 2024 (UTC)