The Illithid Staff

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)   The Illithid Staff   (No tile)
Base item double lightsaber
Damage vs. small 1d10 x2
Damage vs. large 1d10 x2
To-hit bonus −6 +1d5
Bonus versus non-mindless
Weapon skill quarterstaff
Size two-handed
When carried
When wielded
  • may cancel non-mindless monsters on hit
When invoked


Base price 9999 zm
Weight 30
Material platinum

The Illithid Staff is an artifact that appears in notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. It is intelligent, its default alignment is lawful and its base item is a double lightsaber.


The Illithid Staff cannot be randomly generated or wished for, and will revert to it base item if left in bones.

The Illithid Staff can only be obtained by an Illithanachronounbinder that has killed Ymir: the artifact can then be created by naming a double lightsaber, or given to the hero if they #chat to the Illithanachronounbinder quest leader Ulitharid.


The Illithid Staff has +1d5 to-hit and deals double damage against non-mindless monsters with an extra effect on hit: for the hero, it drains their intelligence, and for non-mindless monsters it has a chance of canceling them. While carried, The Illithid Staff grants enhanced energy regeneration and half spell damage. As a lightsaber weapon, The Illithid Staff can be fitted with a gem to use as a "focus" crystal by looting the artifact while it is outside the hero's inventory: only The Elder Cerebral Fluid is a compatible focus crystal for the artifact.


Invoking The Illithid Staff allows the hero to use one of five different effects:

  1. Detect Monsters: Reveals the locations of monsters on the level as a potion of monster detection of the same beatitude.
  2. Tentacle Flow: Summons 4-7 tame neothelids for 100 turns.
  3. Energy Boost: Restores energy up to half the hero's maximum.
  4. Psionic Cancellation: Attempts to cancel all hostile monsters on the level that are not mindless, which uses an attacking level of 45 and adds a luck-based modifier.
  5. Elder Memories: This effect is only available if The Elder Cerebral Fluid is being used as The Illithid Staff's crystal, and has one of two possible effects:
  • If an Illithanachronounbinder invokes The Illithid Staff with The Elder Cerebral Fluid affixed to it while standing atop the high altar to the Void on the Astral Plane, they gain access to the depths of the Void, where they must overcome a final gauntlet in order to reach their true goal and attain a full-scoring ascension.
  • Otherwise, the hero's inventory is fully identified.

Except for the energy-boosting effect, a cooldown timer of rnz(50) is shared between all invokes.

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